

Stanisława Przybyszewska

Asynchroniczność i wielowątkowość w języku C#

Grzegorz Lang

Asynchronous Android. As an Android developer you know you're in a competitive marketplace. This book can give you the edge by guiding you through the concurrency constructs and proper use of AsyncTask to create smooth user interfaces

Steve Liles

Asynchronous Android Programming. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Helder Vasconcelos, Steve Liles

Asynchronous Programming in Rust. Learn asynchronous programming by building working examples of futures, green threads, and runtimes

Carl Fredrik Samson

Asynchronous Programming with C++. Build blazing-fast software with multithreading and asynchronous programming for ultimate efficiency

Javier Reguera-Salgado, Juan Antonio Rufes


S.K. Tremayne


Karolina Jaskóła