
Before destiny teaches us to hurt. Tom 1. Część 2

Karolina Szafrańska

Before destiny teaches us to lie. Tom 1. Część 1

Karolina Szafrańska

Before Machine Learning Volume 1 - Linear Algebra for A.I. The Fundamental Mathematics for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Jorge Brasil

Before Machine Learning Volume 2 - Calculus for A.I. The Fundamental Mathematics for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Jorge Brasil

Before Machine Learning Volume 3 - Probability and Statistics for A.I . Master Probability, Statistics, and Their Role in AI's Future Evolution

Jorge Brasil

Beginning API Development with Node.js. Build highly scalable, developer-friendly APIs for the modern web with JavaScript and Node.js

Anthony Nandaa

Beginning C# 7 Hands-On - Advanced Language Features. Learn the advanced-level features of C# 7 using Visual Studio 2017

Tom Owsiak

Beginning C# 7 Hands-On - The Core Language. Learn the C# language by coding it element by element

Tom Owsiak