
Big Data Analytics with SAS. Get actionable insights from your Big Data using the power of SAS

David Pope

Big Data Architect's Handbook. A guide to building proficiency in tools and systems used by leading big data experts

Syed Muhammad Fahad Akhtar

Big Data Forensics - Learning Hadoop Investigations. Perform forensic investigations on Hadoop clusters with cutting-edge tools and techniques

Joseph Sremack, Joe Sremack

Big Data. Krótkie Wprowadzenie 30

Dawn E. Holmes

Big Data. Najlepsze praktyki budowy skalowalnych systemów obsługi danych w czasie rzeczywistym

Nathan Marz, James Warren

Big data, nauka o danych i AI bez tajemnic. Podejmuj lepsze decyzje i rozwijaj swój biznes!

David Stephenson

Big Data on Kubernetes. A practical guide to building efficient and scalable data solutions

Neylson Crepalde

Big Data Using Hadoop and Hive. Master Big Data Solutions with Hadoop and Hive

Mercury Learning and Information, Nitin Kumar