
Xamarin Blueprints. Click here to enter text

Michael Williams

Xamarin: Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development. Master the skills required to develop cross-platform applications from drawing board to app store(s) using Xamarin

George Taskos, Jonathan Peppers, Can Bilgin

Xamarin Mobile Application Development for Android. Develop, test, and deliver fully-featured Android applications using Xamarin

Nilanchala Panigrahy, Mark Reynolds

Xamarin Mobile Development for Android Cookbook. Over 80 hands-on recipes to unleash full potential for Xamarin in development and monetization of feature-packed, real-world Android apps

Matthew Leibowitz

Xamarin. Tworzenie aplikacji cross-platform. Receptury

George Taskos

Xamarin. Tworzenie interfejsów użytkownika

Steven F. Daniel

Xamarin.Forms Projects. Build multiplatform mobile apps and a game from scratch using C# and Visual Studio 2019 - Second Edition

Daniel Hindrikes, Johan Karlsson, David Ortinau

Xamarin.Forms Projects. Build seven real-world cross-platform mobile apps with C# and Xamarin.Forms

Johan Karlsson, Daniel Hindrikes