IT business

Online books from the category IT Business will help you tackle such technical issues as data analysis, blockchain, or programming. You will also find here amazing publications about internet advertisement and all kinds of information on how to run business online. Besides, they teach how to analyse marketing data and how to build good relationships with clients.

30 Dni do Zmian. Dokonaj życiowej metamorfozy w kilka tygodni

Edyta Zając

30 Dni do Zmian. Dokonaj życiowej metamorfozy w kilka tygodni. Wydanie II

Edyta Zając

#AgileKtóryDziała. Pracuj zwinnie i skutecznie

Michał Dusiński, Tomasz Borowiec

AI-Powered Commerce. Building the products and services of the future with Commerce.AI

Andy Pandharikar, Frederik Bussler

ASAP. Jak nauczyć się języka obcego tak szybko, jak to możliwe

Bartosz Oczko

Biblia copywritingu. Wydanie II poszerzone

Dariusz Puzyrkiewicz

Building Analytics Teams. Harnessing analytics and artificial intelligence for business improvement

John K. Thompson, Douglas B. Laney

CompTIA Data+: DAO-001 Certification Guide. Complete coverage of the new CompTIA Data+ (DAO-001) exam to help you pass on the first attempt

Cameron Dodd