

Building Industrial Digital Twins. Design, develop, and deploy digital twin solutions for real-world industries using Azure Digital Twins

Shyam Varan Nath, Pieter van Schalkwyk, Dan Isaacs

Digital twin technology enables organizations to create digital representations of physical entities such as assets, systems, and processes throughout their life cycle. It improves asset performance, utilization, and safe operations and reduces manufacturing, operational, and maintenance costs.The audiobook begins by introducing you to the concept of digital twins and sets you on a path to develop a digital twin strategy to positively influence business outcomes in your organization. You'll understand how digital twins relate to physical assets, processes, and technology and learn about the prerequisite conditions for the right platform, scale, and use case of your digital twins. You'll then get hands-on with Microsoft's Azure Digital Twins platform for your digital twin development and deployment. The audiobook equips you with the knowledge to evaluate enterprise and specialty platforms, including the cloud and industrial IoT required to set up your digital twin prototype. Once you've built your prototype, you'll be able to test and validate it relative to the intended purpose of the twin through pilot deployment, full deployment, and value tracking techniques.By the end of this audiobook, you'll have developed the skills to build and deploy your digital twin prototype, or minimum viable twin, to demonstrate, assess, and monitor your asset at specific stages in the asset life cycle.


Clean Code in PHP. Expert tips and best practices to write beautiful, human-friendly, and maintainable PHP

Carsten Windler, Alexandre Daubois

PHP is a beginner-friendly language, but also one that is rife with complaints of bad code, yet no clean code books are specific to PHP. Enter Clean Code in PHP. This audiobook is a one-stop guide to learning the theory and best practices of clean code specific to real-world PHP app development environments.This PHP audiobook is cleanly split to help you navigate through coding practices and theories to understand and adopt the nuances of the clean code paradigm. In addition to covering best practices, tooling for code quality, and PHP design patterns, this audiobook also presents tips and techniques for working on large-scale PHP apps with a team and writing effective documentation for your PHP projects.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll be able to write human-friendly PHP code, which will fuel your PHP career growth and set you apart from the competition.


Cloud Auditing Best Practices. Perform Security and IT Audits across AWS, Azure, and GCP by building effective cloud auditing plans

Shinesa Cambric, Michael Ratemo

As more and more companies are moving to cloud and multi-cloud environments, being able to assess the compliance of these environments properly is becoming more important. But in this fast-moving domain, getting the most up-to-date information is a challenge—so where do you turn?Cloud Auditing Best Practices has all the information you’ll need. With an explanation of the fundamental concepts and hands-on walk-throughs of the three big cloud players, this audiobook will get you up to speed with cloud auditing before you know it.After a quick introduction to cloud architecture and an understanding of the importance of performing cloud control assessments, you’ll quickly get to grips with navigating AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud environments. As you explore the vital role an IT auditor plays in any company’s network, you'll learn how to successfully build cloud IT auditing programs, including using standard tools such as Terraform, Azure Automation, AWS Policy Sentry, and many more.You’ll also get plenty of tips and tricks for preparing an effective and advanced audit and understanding how to monitor and assess cloud environments using standard tools.By the end of this audiobook, you will be able to confidently apply and assess security controls for AWS, Azure, and GCP, allowing you to independently and effectively confirm compliance in the cloud.


Cloud Identity Patterns and Strategies. Design enterprise cloud identity models with OAuth 2.0 and Azure Active Directory

Giuseppe Di Federico, Fabrizio Barcaroli

Identity is paramount for every architecture design, making it crucial for enterprise and solutions architects to understand the benefits and pitfalls of implementing identity patterns. However, information on cloud identity patterns is generally scattered across different sources and rarely approached from an architect’s perspective, and this is what Cloud Identity Patterns and Strategies aims to solve, empowering solutions architects to take an active part in implementing identity solutions.Throughout this audiobook, you’ll cover various theoretical topics along with practical examples that follow the implementation of a standard de facto identity provider (IdP) in an enterprise, such as Azure Active Directory. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the different factors that contribute to an enterprise's current status quo around identities and harness modern authentication approaches to meet specific requirements of an enterprise. You’ll also be able to make sense of how modern application designs are impacted by the company’s choices and move on to recognize how a healthy organization tackles identity and critical tasks that the development teams pivot on.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll be able to breeze through creating portable, robust, and reliable applications that can interact with each other.


CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 Certification Guide. Develop CASP+ skills and learn all the key topics needed to prepare for the certification exam

Mark Birch

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) ensures that security practitioners stay on top of the ever-changing security landscape. The CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 Certification Guide offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the CompTIA CAS-004 exam so you can take it with confidence, fully equipped to pass on the first attempt.Written in a clear, succinct way with self-assessment questions, exam tips, and mock exams with detailed explanations, this audiobook covers security architecture, security operations, security engineering, cryptography, governance, risk, and compliance. You'll begin by developing the skills to architect, engineer, integrate, and implement secure solutions across complex environments to support a resilient enterprise. Moving on, you'll discover how to monitor and detect security incidents, implement incident response, and use automation to proactively support ongoing security operations. The audiobook also shows you how to apply security practices in the cloud, on-premises, to endpoints, and to mobile infrastructure. Finally, you'll understand the impact of governance, risk, and compliance requirements throughout the enterprise.By the end of this CASP study guide, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 certification exam and have a handy reference guide.


CompTIA Data+: DAO-001 Certification Guide. Complete coverage of the new CompTIA Data+ (DAO-001) exam to help you pass on the first attempt

Cameron Dodd

The CompTIA Data+ certification exam not only helps validate a skill set required to enter one of the fastest-growing fields in the world, but also is starting to standardize the language and concepts within the field. However, there’s a lot of conflicting information and a lack of existing resources about the topics covered in this exam, and even professionals working in data analytics may need a study guide to help them pass on their first attempt.The CompTIA Data + (DAO-001) Certification Guide will give you a solid understanding of how to prepare, analyze, and report data for better insights.You’ll get an introduction to Data+ certification exam format to begin with, and then quickly dive into preparing data. You'll learn about collecting, cleaning, and processing data along with data wrangling and manipulation. As you progress, you’ll cover data analysis topics such as types of analysis, common techniques, hypothesis techniques, and statistical analysis, before tackling data reporting, common visualizations, and data governance. All the knowledge you've gained throughout the audiobook will be tested with the mock tests that appear in the final chapters.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll be ready to pass the Data+ exam with confidence and take the next step in your career.


Content marketing. Od strategii do efektów

Justyna Bakalarska-Stankiewicz

Złów złotą rybkę w oceanie internetu! Wiek XXI to epoka informacji. A może raczej: nadmiaru informacji. Internet w coraz mniejszym stopniu jest źródłem cennej wiedzy, przypomina raczej śmietnik przepełniony fake newsami i milionami bodźców oddziałujących na odbiorców w każdej sekundzie. Do tego stanu rzeczy przyczyniają się także marketerzy, którzy w obliczu ślepoty bannerowej czy też programów do blokowania reklam szukają coraz skuteczniejszych metod przykucia uwagi odbiorcy. Nie jest to łatwe. Według niektórych źródeł średni czas koncentracji internautów w ostatnich latach spadł do 8 sekund - to podobno tyle, ile trwa utrzymanie uwagi przez złotą rybkę. Dlatego sposobem na zwiększenie zainteresowania internetowych "złotych rybek" miał być content marketing, czyli marketing treści. Jednak ten modny trend, realizowany w niewłaściwy sposób, wcale nie prowadzi do osiągnięcia zadowalających efektów. Zamiast tego powoduje jeszcze większy chaos komunikacyjny. Jak temu zaradzić? Tu z pomocą przychodzi Justyna Bakalarska-Stankiewicz, autorka książki, z której dowiesz się między innymi: Czego content manager może się nauczyć z oper mydlanych? Dlaczego o swoim odbiorcy powinieneś myśleć jak o przyjacielu? Czy content marketing sprzedaje? Czemu panda, pingwin i koliber powinny mieć wpływ na Twoją strategię? Jak być SMART przy określaniu celów w marketingu treści? W czym marketer powinien upodobnić się do Jezusa? Czy Twoja firma to Mędrzec czy Błazen? Jak pisać do odbiorców, którzy nie czytają? A także wielu innych rzeczy, dzięki którym stworzysz naprawdę skuteczną strategię contentmarketingową dla swojej firmy i marki osobistej.


Copywriting sprzedażowy. Język korzyści w praktyce

Justyna Bakalarska-Stankiewicz

Przewodnik i zeszyt ćwiczeń Podobno obraz jest wart więcej niż tysiąc słów. A ile mogą być dla Ciebie warte odpowiednio dobrane słowa? Zdarzyło Ci się kiedyś zabłądzić? Zagubić się w labiryncie uliczek, przemierzać kilka razy tę samą trasę, bezskutecznie próbować dojść do celu? Tracić przy tym nie tylko czas, ale i nerwy, a czasem także pieniądze? Taka sytuacja może się przydarzyć nie tylko w nieznanym mieście, ale również w biznesie. By przykuć uwagę odbiorcy, zainteresować go swoim produktem, wreszcie ― doprowadzić do transakcji, często stąpa się po niepewnym gruncie. Tymczasem tak jak w życiu wystarczy zapytać kogoś o drogę, poznać wydeptane przez miejscowych ścieżki, nauczyć się rozpoznawać określone punkty na mapie ― tak samo w biznesie warto poznać zasady i schematy, jakimi rządzą się skuteczne treści. Ta książka jest przewodnikiem po świecie tych schematów. Autorka przeprowadzi Cię przez kręte uliczki copywritingu sprzedażowego, licząc, że dzięki jej wskazówkom wkrótce będziesz je przemierzać samodzielnie, niemal z zamkniętymi oczami! W czym Ci pomoże ta książka? w zdefiniowaniu potrzeb i motywacji odbiorców w skutecznym odpowiadaniu na te potrzeby poprzez angażujące treści w szybszym i prostszym tworzeniu tekstów dzięki znajomości formuł copywriterskich w przełamaniu klątwy wiedzy, by pisać zrozumiale dla każdego odbiorcy w stosowaniu języka korzyści, który naprawdę sprzedaje