Автор: Anna Wyrozumska
Eлектронна книга

Transnational Judicial Dialogue on International Law in Central and Eastern Europe

Anna Wyrozumska

This book is a result of a research undertaken under the direction of Professor Anna Wyrozumska by an international team of scholars from selected Central and Eastern European {CEE) States within the framework of the EUROCORES project 10-ECRP-028 International Law through the National Prism: the lmpact of Judicial Dialogue. The authors examine the approach that Polish as well as Czech, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Russian and Ukrainian courts take towards international law in the light of respective regulations governing its position in domestic legal systems. The investigation focuses on judicial dialogue emerging in this context. As the key concept of the book, the judicial dialogue is defined broadly, as a practice of using any kind of cross-references to reasoning and interpretation of law made by judges beyond a given legal system. The authors seek to understand whether, and, if so, under which circumstances and for which purposes the CEE courts enter into a dialogue with international or foreign domestic courts when international law comes into question. The ultimate objective of this study is to assess how judicial dialogue may contribute to the development of international law and, consequently, the strengthening of the rule of law. The volume contributes significantly to the mainstream academic discourse on interpretation and application of international law putting in the spotlight the CEE states’ experience.

Eлектронна книга

Transnational Judicial Dialogue on International Law in Central and Eastern Europe. Annex - National Reports

Anna Wyrozumska

The purpose of the EUROCORES research project 10-ECRP-028 “International Law through the National Prism: the lmpact of Judicial Dialogue” under the direction of Professor Anna Wyrozumska was to explore the contribution national courts of Central and Eastern European States have made to the development of international law. The focus was placed on the broadly understood judicial dialogue as a means used by the courts in this respect. This volume presents the results of the first, empirical, stage of research and the information resulting from the survey conducted on the basis of the questionnaire addressed to country rapporteurs from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. This “raw data” was the basis for the research conducted within the whole project and the analysis presented in the monograph Transnational Judicial Dialogue on International Law in Central and Eastern Europe.