Автор: Cagatay Civici
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PrimeFaces Cookbook. Here are over 100 recipes for PrimeFaces, the ultimate JSF framework. It's a great practical introduction to leading-edge Java web development, taking you from the basics right through to writing custom components

Mert Caliskan, MERT ??ALI??KAN, Oleg Varaksin, Cagatay Civici

PrimeFaces is the de facto standard in the Java web development. PrimeFaces is a lightweight library with one jar, zero-configuration, and no required dependencies. You just need to download PrimeFaces, add the primefaces-{version}.jar to your classpath and import the namespace to get started. This cookbook provides a head start by covering all the knowledge needed for working with PrimeFaces components in the real world. PrimeFaces Cookbook covers over 100 effective recipes for PrimeFaces 3.x which is a leading component suite to boost JSF applications. The book's range is wide‚Äí from AJAX basics, theming, and input components to advanced usage of datatable, menus, drag & drop, and charts. It also includes creating custom components and PrimeFaces Extensions.You will start with the basic concepts such as installing PrimeFaces, configuring it, and writing a first simple page. You will learn PrimeFaces' theming concept and common inputs and selects components. After that more advanced components and use cases will be discussed. The topics covered are grouping content with panels, data iteration components, endless menu variations, working with files and images, using drag & drop, creating charts, and maps. The last chapters describe solutions for frequent, advanced scenarios and give answers on how to write custom components based on PrimeFaces and also show the community-driven open source project PrimeFaces Extension in action.