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Biznes i ekonomia
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Sport, fitness, diety
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Kursy video
Bazy danych
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Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
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Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
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Web development
Ryan Mangan, Neil McLoughlin, Marcel Meurer, Christiaan Brinkhoff
Acquire in-depth knowledge for designing, building, and supporting Azure Virtual Desktop environments with the updated second edition of Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop. With content aligned with exam objectives, this book will help you ace the Microsoft AZ-140 exam.This book starts with an introduction to Azure Virtual Desktop before delving into the intricacies of planning and architecting its infrastructure. As you progress, you’ll learn about the implementation process, with an emphasis on best practices and effective strategies. You’ll explore key areas such as managing and controlling access, advanced monitoring with the new Azure Monitoring Agent, and advanced application deployment. You’ll also gain hands-on experience with essential features like the MSIX app attach, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. Beyond advancing your skills, this book is a crucial resource for those preparing for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification.By the end of this book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of the Azure Virtual Desktop environment, from design to implementation.
Christiaan Brinkhoff, Per Larsen, Ken Pan, Scott Manchester
Microsoft Modern Workplace solutions can simplify the management layer of your environment remarkably if you take the time to understand and implement them. With this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make the shift to Modern Workplace, running Windows 10, Windows 11, or Windows 365.Mastering Microsoft Endpoint Manager explains various concepts in detail to give you the clarity to plan how to use Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) and eliminate potential migration challenges beforehand. You'll get to grips with using new services such as Windows 365 Cloud PC, Windows Autopilot, profile management, monitoring and analytics, and Universal Print. The book will take you through the latest features and new Microsoft cloud services to help you to get to grips with the fundamentals of MEM and understand which services you can manage. Whether you are talking about physical or cloud endpoints—it’s all covered.By the end of the book, you'll be able to set up MEM and use it to run Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows 365 efficiently.
Christiaan Brinkhoff, Per Larsen, Steve Dispensa, Scott Manchester
Microsoft Intune is the leading management solution to manage your Windows environment from every angle. While it offers powerful capabilities to simplify management and migration processes, many organizations struggle with implementation and adoption. This book will provide you with all the information you need to successfully transition to Microsoft Intune.Written by Microsoft experts Christiaan Brinkhoff and Per Larsen, Mastering Microsoft Intune, Second Edition delivers in-depth insights into using Microsoft Intune efficiently. You'll learn how management and AI come together with the latest Intune Suite capabilities to secure your endpoints and maximize security for both physical and Cloud PCs.This book will help you deploying Windows 11 and Windows 365, implementing Windows Autopilot, managing applications, configuring advanced policies, and leveraging new innovations like Windows Copilot and Security Copilot. With their decades of field experience, you'll master everything from identity and security management to monitoring and analytics, including Universal Print via the Cloud.By the end of this book, you'll be able to set up Intune and use it to run Windows 11 and Windows 365 efficiently with the latest innovations such as Intune Suite and AI (Copilot) from Microsoft included!
Christiaan Brinkhoff, Sandeep Patnaik, Morten Pedholt, Scott Manchester, ...
Windows 365 Cloud PC continues to evolve, integrating AI-driven management, enhanced security, and expanded capabilities to provide a seamless cloud-based Windows experience. This second edition builds on the foundation of the first, incorporating new content on Intune Suite, Copilot+ AI PCs, Windows App, and advanced security with Security Copilot to help IT professionals deploy, manage, and optimize Windows 365 Cloud PCs effectively.This edition expands beyond the basics, covering Intune Suite’s role in optimizing and securing deployments, new methods for application management and delivery, and insights into Windows 365 Link for hybrid cloud environments. You’ll also explore AI-powered administration with Security Copilot, providing intelligent security management and automation.Written by experts from the Windows 365 product team and a Microsoft MVP, this book provides practical guidance, best practices, and real-world insights to help you master modern Windows cloud management. Whether you’re working with Windows 365, Intune Suite, or AI-powered administration, this guide equips you with the latest tools and strategies to stay ahead in cloud computing.
Christiaan Brinkhoff, Sandeep Patnaik, Morten Pedholt, Panos Panay, ...
Written by experts from the Windows 365 product group and a seasoned Microsoft MVP, this book offers a unique perspective on the features, functionality, and best practices of Windows 365. Drawing from their extensive professional experience and insight, the authors provide invaluable knowledge for those eager to learn about the next generation of cloud computing. Get ready to gain deep insights into this cutting-edge technology from industry insiders.Mastering Windows 365 starts by covering the fundamentals of Windows 365, helping you gain a deep understanding of deployment, management, access, security, analysis, and extensions with partner solutions. As you progress, you’ll explore the different connectivity layers and options to optimize your network connectivity from the endpoint to your Cloud PC. You’ll also learn how to manage a Cloud PC via the Microsoft Intune admin center successfully and experience how Windows and Windows 365 come together to provide new integrated experiences with Windows 11. In addition, this book will help you prepare for the new MD-102 Endpoint Administrator Exam, enhancing your career prospects.By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully plan, set up, and deploy Windows 365 Cloud PCs.
Dominiek Verham, Johan Vanneuville, Christiaan Brinkhoff, Scott Manchester
Do you want to effectively implement and maintain secure virtualized systems? This book will give you a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft virtual endpoints, from the fundamentals of Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop to advanced security measures, enabling you to secure, manage, and optimize virtualized environments in line with contemporary cybersecurity challenges.You’ll start with an introduction to Microsoft technologies, gaining a foundational understanding of their capabilities. Next, you’ll delve into the importance of endpoint security, addressing the challenges faced by companies in safeguarding their digital perimeters. This book serves as a practical guide to securing virtual endpoints, covering topics such as network access, data leakage prevention, update management, threat detection, and access control configuration. As you progress, the book offers insights into the nuanced security measures required for Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, and the broader Microsoft Azure infrastructure. The book concludes with real-world use cases, providing practical scenarios for deploying Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with practical skills for implementing and evaluating robust endpoint security strategies.