Author: Greg Deckler

DAX Cookbook. Over 120 recipes to enhance your business with analytics, reporting, and business intelligence

Greg Deckler

DAX provides an extra edge by extracting key information from the data that is already present in your model. Filled with examples of practical, real-world calculations geared toward business metrics and key performance indicators, this cookbook features solutions that you can apply for your own business analysis needs.You'll learn to write various DAX expressions and functions to understand how DAX queries work. The book also covers sections on dates, time, and duration to help you deal with working days, time zones, and shifts. You'll then discover how to manipulate text and numbers to create dynamic titles and ranks, and deal with measure totals. Later, you'll explore common business metrics for finance, customers, employees, and projects. The book will also show you how to implement common industry metrics such as days of supply, mean time between failure, order cycle time and overall equipment effectiveness. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn to apply statistical formulas for covariance, kurtosis, and skewness. Finally, you'll explore advanced DAX patterns for interpolation, inverse aggregators, inverse slicers, and even forecasting with a deseasonalized correlation coefficient.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to use DAX's functionality and flexibility in business intelligence and data analytics.


Learn Power BI. A beginner's guide to developing interactive business intelligence solutions using Microsoft Power BI

Greg Deckler

To succeed in today's transforming business world, organizations need business intelligence capabilities to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. This Power BI book is an entry-level guide that will get you up and running with data modeling, visualization, and analytical techniques from scratch.You'll find this book handy if you want to get well-versed with the extensive Power BI ecosystem. You'll start by covering the basics of business intelligence and installing Power BI. You'll then learn the wide range of Power BI features to unlock business insights. As you progress, the book will take you through how to use Power Query to ingest, cleanse, and shape your data, and use Power BI DAX to create simple to complex calculations. You'll also be able to add a variety of interactive visualizations to your reports to bring your data to life. Finally, you'll gain hands-on experience in creating visually stunning reports that speak to business decision makers, and see how you can securely share these reports and collaborate with others.By the end of this book, you'll be ready to create simple, yet effective, BI reports and dashboards using the latest features of Power BI.


Learn Power BI. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide for beginners to learn real-world business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler

To succeed in today's transforming business world, organizations need business intelligence capabilities to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. This updated second edition of Learn Power BI takes you on a journey of data exploration and discovery, using Microsoft Power BI to ingest, cleanse, and organize data in order to unlock key business insights that can then be shared with others.This newly revised and expanded edition of Learn Power BI covers all of the latest features and interface changes and takes you through the fundamentals of business intelligence projects, how to deploy, adopt, and govern Power BI within your organization, and how to leverage your knowledge in the marketplace and broader ecosystem that is Power BI. As you progress, you will learn how to ingest, cleanse, and transform your data into stunning visualizations, reports, and dashboards that speak to business decision-makers.By the end of this Power BI book, you will be fully prepared to be the data analysis hero of your organization – or even start a new career as a business intelligence professional.


Learn Power BI. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide for beginners to learn real-world business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler

To succeed in today's transforming business world, organizations need business intelligence capabilities to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. This updated second edition of Learn Power BI takes you on a journey of data exploration and discovery, using Microsoft Power BI to ingest, cleanse, and organize data in order to unlock key business insights that can then be shared with others.This newly revised and expanded edition of Learn Power BI covers all of the latest features and interface changes and takes you through the fundamentals of business intelligence projects, how to deploy, adopt, and govern Power BI within your organization, and how to leverage your knowledge in the marketplace and broader ecosystem that is Power BI. As you progress, you will learn how to ingest, cleanse, and transform your data into stunning visualizations, reports, and dashboards that speak to business decision-makers.By the end of this Power BI book, you will be fully prepared to be the data analysis hero of your organization – or even start a new career as a business intelligence professional.


Mastering Microsoft Power BI. Expert techniques to create interactive insights for effective data analytics and business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell, Leon Gordon

Mastering Microsoft Power BI, Second Edition, provides an advanced understanding of Power BI to get the most out of your data and maximize business intelligence. This updated edition walks through each essential phase and component of Power BI, and explores the latest, most impactful Power BI features.Using best practices and working code examples, you will connect to data sources, shape and enhance source data, and develop analytical data models. You will also learn how to apply custom visuals, implement new DAX commands and paginated SSRS-style reports, manage application workspaces and metadata, and understand how content can be staged and securely distributed via Power BI apps. Furthermore, you will explore top report and interactive dashboard design practices using features such as bookmarks and the Power KPI visual, alongside the latest capabilities of Power BI mobile applications and self-service BI techniques. Additionally, important management and administration topics are covered, including application lifecycle management via Power BI pipelines, the on-premises data gateway, and Power BI Premium capacity.By the end of this Power BI book, you will be confident in creating sustainable and impactful charts, tables, reports, and dashboards with any kind of data using Microsoft Power BI.


Microsoft Power BI Cookbook. Convert raw data into business insights with updated techniques, use cases, and best practices - Third Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell

Since its first edition the Power BI Cookbook has been a best-selling resource for BI developers and data analysts to produce impactful, quality BI solutions. This new and updated edition retains the rigorous details and concepts readers of prior editions have enjoyed while also demonstrating powerful new capabilities and updated guidance aligned to the current state of the platform.In this book, with step-by-step instructions, you will learn to navigate the complexities of data integration and visualization in Power BI. From creating robust data models to implementing sophisticated reporting techniques, this Power BI book empowers you to make informed decisions based on actionable insights. It also introduces you to new capabilities such as Hybrid tables and scorecards, enhancing your ability to communicate and analyze business performance. It also expands and improvises on the core of the previous edition like parameterizing Power BI solutions, authoring reports, data intelligence, and integrating advanced analytics.This edition not only updates you on the latest features but also prepares you for future innovations with a preview of upcoming AI enhancements in Power BI. Whether you're refining your skills or aspiring to become an expert, this book is an invaluable resource for leveraging Power BI to its fullest potential


Microsoft Power BI Cookbook. Gain expertise in Power BI with over 90 hands-on recipes, tips, and use cases - Second Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell

The complete everyday reference guide to Power BI, written by an internationally recognized Power BI expert duo, is back with a new and updated edition.Packed with revised practical recipes, Microsoft Power BI Cookbook, Second Edition, helps you navigate Power BI tools and advanced features. It also demonstrates the use of end-to-end solutions that integrate those features to get the most out of Power BI. With the help of the recipes in this book, you’ll gain advanced design and development insight, practical tips, and guidance on enhancing existing Power BI projects.The updated recipes will equip you with everything you need to know to implement evergreen frameworks that will stay relevant as Power BI updates. You’ll familiarize yourself with Power BI development tools and services by going deep into the data connectivity, transformation, modeling, visualization, and analytical capabilities of Power BI. By the end of this book, you’ll make the most of Power BI’s functional programming languages of DAX and M and deliver powerful solutions to common business intelligence challenges.


Microsoft Power BI dla zaawansowanych. Eksperckie techniki tworzenia interaktywnych analiz w świecie biznesu. Wydanie II

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell

Profesjonalna analiza danych przekłada się na sukces rynkowy i zyski. Liderem w dziedzinie analityki biznesowej jest Microsoft Power BI, pakiet obejmujący usługi w chmurze, aplikacje mobilne, aplikacje do modelowania danych i tworzenia raportów, a także inne narzędzia, takie jak lokalne bramy danych. Zdobycie zaawansowanych umiejętności korzystania z Power BI umożliwi tworzenie interaktywnych i pełnych treści analiz, które ułatwią podejmowanie trafnych decyzji. To drugie, w pełni zaktualizowane wydanie podręcznika dla profesjonalistów. Zarówno osoby zawodowo zajmujące się tworzeniem rozwiązań w Power BI, jak i zarządzający czy administrujący wdrożeniami takich rozwiązań znajdą tu coś dla siebie. Książka zawiera rozbudowaną analizę narzędzi i funkcji Power BI, dzięki którym nauczysz się kształtować i rozbudowywać dane źródłowe, jak również tworzyć modele analityczne. Dowiesz się, jak stosować niestandardowe wizualizacje, implementować nowe polecenia DAX, zarządzać obszarami roboczymi i metadanymi. Poznasz najlepsze praktyki projektowania raportów i interaktywnych pulpitów nawigacyjnych. Dowiesz się, jakie są nowe możliwości aplikacji mobilnych Power BI i techniki samoobsługowej analizy danych. Zapoznasz się z technikami zarządzania systemem, w tym z zarządzaniem cyklem życia aplikacji z użyciem potoków Power BI. Najciekawsze zagadnienia: język Power Query M i przepływy danych skalowalne modele danych w trybach DirectQuery proste i zaawansowane miary DAX korzystanie z map ArcGIS skalowanie rozwiązań za pomocą Power BI Premium Power BI: Twój sposób na ekspercką analizę dla biznesu!


Pierwsze kroki w Power BI. Kompletny przewodnik po praktycznej analityce biznesowej. Wydanie II

Greg Deckler

Dzisiejszy, dynamiczny świat biznesu wysoko ceni wartość informacji płynących z danych. Rozwiązania z obszaru analityki biznesowej ułatwiają kierownictwu przedsiębiorstwa podejmowanie najlepszych decyzji, a to z kolei przekłada się na sukces rynkowy i zyski. Analitycy danych, którzy potrafią przełożyć strumień danych na przydatne informacje, zaprezentowane za pomocą czytelnych raportów, są dziś wysoko cenieni w każdej organizacji dążącej do rozwoju. To drugie, w pełni zaktualizowane wydanie przewodnika dla początkujących, dzięki któremu szybko zdobędziesz praktyczne umiejętności korzystania z rozbudowanej platformy Power BI. Najpierw zapoznasz się z podstawami analityki biznesowej i sposobami realizowania projektów w tym obszarze. Nauczysz się krok po kroku pobierać, oczyszczać i przekształcać dane, a potem generować ich atrakcyjne wizualizacje. Szybko wprawisz się w tworzeniu eleganckich raportów zrozumiałych dla osób podejmujących decyzje biznesowe. Dowiesz się również, jak zainstalować platformę Power BI, zarządzać nią i wdrożyć ją w organizacji. Ponadto przekonasz się, jak ciekawe są ścieżki kariery dostępne dla specjalistów w tej dziedzinie, a także otrzymasz garść porad na temat dalszej nauki. Dzięki książce: płynnie rozpoczniesz pracę z platformą Power BI zrozumiesz zasady analityki biznesowej nauczysz się przekształcać dane za pomocą edytora Power Query zaczniesz tworzyć zoptymalizowane modele danych zastosujesz język DAX do obliczeń na potrzeby analizy danych dowiesz się, jak korzystać z pulpitów nawigacyjnych, aplikacji, metryk i kart wyników Z Power BI nauczysz się profesjonalnej analizy biznesowej!