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Biznes i ekonomia
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Przewodniki i podróże
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
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Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
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Microsoft Office
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Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Peter Rising, Nate Chamberlain
Do you want to build and test your proficiency in the deployment, management, and monitoring of Microsoft Teams features within the Microsoft 365 platform? Managing Microsoft Teams: MS-700 Exam Guide will help you to effectively plan and implement Microsoft Teams using the Microsoft 365 Teams admin center and Windows PowerShell. You’ll also discover best practices for rolling out and managing MS services for Teams users within your Microsoft 365 tenant. The chapters are divided into three easy-to-follow parts: planning and design, feature policies and administration, and team management, while aligning with the official MS-700 exam objectives to help you prepare effectively for the exam.The book starts by taking you through planning and design, where you’ll learn how to plan migrations, make assessments for network readiness, and plan and implement governance tasks such as configuring guest access and monitoring usage. Later, you’ll understand feature administration, focusing on collaboration, meetings, live events, phone numbers, and the phone system, along with applicable policy configurations. Finally, the book shows you how to manage Teams and membership settings and create app policies.By the end of this book, you'll have learned everything you need to pass the MS-700 certification exam and have a handy reference guide for MS Teams.
The Microsoft 365 Security Administration (MS-500) exam is designed to measure your ability to perform technical tasks such as managing, implementing, and monitoring security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 environments.This book starts by showing you how to configure and administer identity and access within Microsoft 365. You will learn about hybrid identity, authentication methods, and conditional access policies with Microsoft Intune. Next, the book shows you how RBAC and Azure AD Identity Protection can be used to help you detect risks and secure information in your organization. You will also explore concepts, such as Advanced Threat Protection, Windows Defender ATP, and Threat Intelligence. As you progress, you will learn about additional tools and techniques to configure and manage Microsoft 365, including Azure Information Protection, Data Loss Prevention, and Cloud App Discovery and Security. The book also ensures you are well prepared to take the exam by giving you the opportunity to work through a mock paper, topic summaries, illustrations that briefly review key points, and real-world scenarios.By the end of this Microsoft 365 book, you will be able to apply your skills in the real world, while also being well prepared to achieve Microsoft certification.
The Microsoft 365 Security, Compliance, and Identity Administration is designed to help you manage, implement, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 environments.With this book, you’ll first configure, administer identity and access within Microsoft 365. You’ll learn about hybrid identity, authentication methods, and conditional access policies with Microsoft Intune. Next, you’ll discover how RBAC and Azure AD Identity Protection can be used to detect risks and secure information in your organization. You’ll also explore concepts such as Microsoft Defender for endpoint and identity, along with threat intelligence. As you progress, you’ll uncover additional tools and techniques to configure and manage Microsoft 365, including Azure Information Protection, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to manage and implement security measures within your Microsoft 365 suite successfully.
Nate Chamberlain, Peter Rising
MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam Guide, Third Edition provides a thorough exploration of Microsoft Teams administration, charting a clear pathway to mastering deployment, management, and optimization within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Devoted to empowering users to harness the full potential of Microsoft 365 tools, Nate Chamberlain draws from his extensive experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Project Management Professional, to infuse this guide with educational insights into Microsoft Teams administration.This edition equips you with the latest features and essential knowledge to navigate the Teams admin center and use PowerShell for comprehensive management. This guide instills confidence for the MS-700 certification exam while serving as a handy reference for daily administration. Through concise chapters, you'll uncover Teams policies, essential settings, and configuration nuances crucial for any Teams administrator. Complex concepts are distilled into actionable strategies and best practices, preparing you for real-world challenges in deploying and managing Teams. It also includes web-based exam prep resources like mock exams, interactive flashcards, and valuable exam tips.By the end of this book, you’ll be primed to excel in the exam and advance in your role as a skilled Microsoft Teams administrator.
Peter Rising, Nate Chamberlain
Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams tests your knowledge and competence in the deployment, management, and monitoring of Microsoft Teams features within the Microsoft 365 platform.This book will teach you how to effectively plan and implement the required services using both the Teams admin centre within Microsoft 365 and Windows PowerShell. Throughout the chapters, you'll learn about all the policies relating to messaging, teams, meetings, and more; get to grips with the settings; and explore configuration options that a Teams administrator would encounter in their day-to-day responsibilities. You'll also discover best practices for rolling out and managing Teams services for users within your Microsoft 365 tenant as you explore each objective in detail.By the end of this Microsoft Teams book, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the MS-700 certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.