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Securing an IT environment can be challenging, however, effective penetration testing and threat identification can make all the difference. This book will help you learn how to use the Metasploit Framework optimally for comprehensive penetration testing.Complete with hands-on tutorials and case studies, this updated second edition will teach you the basics of the Metasploit Framework along with its functionalities. You’ll learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. Next, you’ll get hands-on with the essential tools. As you progress, you’ll learn how to find weaknesses in the target system and hunt for vulnerabilities using Metasploit and its supporting tools and components. Later, you'll get to grips with web app security scanning, bypassing anti-virus, and post-compromise methods for clearing traces on the target system. The concluding chapters will take you through real-world case studies and scenarios that will help you apply the knowledge you’ve gained to ethically hack into target systems. You’ll also discover the latest security techniques that can be directly applied to scan, test, ethically hack, and secure networks and systems with Metasploit.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to use the Metasploit 5.0 Framework to exploit real-world vulnerabilities.
Metasploit for Beginners. Create a threat-free environment with the best-in-class tool
This book will begin by introducing you to Metasploit and its functionality. Next, you will learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. You will also get your hands on various tools and components used by Metasploit. Further on in the book, you will learn how to find weaknesses in the target system and hunt for vulnerabilities using Metasploit and its supporting tools. Next, you'll get hands-on experience carrying out client-side attacks. Moving on, you'll learn about web application security scanning and bypassing anti-virus and clearing traces on the target system post compromise. This book will also keep you updated with the latest security techniques and methods that can be directly applied to scan, test, hack, and secure networks and systems with Metasploit. By the end of this book, you'll get the hang of bypassing different defenses, after which you'll learn how hackers use the network to gain access into different systems.
Metasploit Revealed: Secrets of the Expert Pentester. Build your defense against complex attacks
Metasploit is a popular penetration testing framework that has one of the largest exploit databases around. This book will show you exactly how to prepare yourself against the attacks you will face every day by simulating real-world possibilities.This learning path will begin by introducing you to Metasploit and its functionalities. You will learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. You will also get your hands on various tools and components and get hands-on experience with carrying out client-side attacks. In the next part of this learning path, you’ll develop the ability to perform testing on various services such as SCADA, databases, IoT, mobile, tablets, and many more services. After this training, we jump into real-world sophisticated scenarios where performing penetration tests are a challenge. With real-life case studies, we take you on a journey through client-side attacks using Metasploit and various scripts built on the Metasploit framework. The final instalment of your learning journey will be covered through a bootcamp approach. You will be able to bring together the learning together and speed up and integrate Metasploit with leading industry tools for penetration testing. You’ll finish by working on challenges based on user’s preparation and work towards solving the challenge. The course provides you with highly practical content explaining Metasploit from the following Packt books:1. Metasploit for Beginners 2. Mastering Metasploit, Second Edition3. Metasploit Bootcamp
Network Vulnerability Assessment. Identify security loopholes in your network’s infrastructure
The tech world has been taken over by digitization to a very large extent, and so it’s become extremely important for an organization to actively design security mechanisms for their network infrastructures. Analyzing vulnerabilities can be one of the best ways to secure your network infrastructure.Network Vulnerability Assessment starts with network security assessment concepts, workflows, and architectures. Then, you will use open source tools to perform both active and passive network scanning. As you make your way through the chapters, you will use these scanning results to analyze and design a threat model for network security. In the concluding chapters, you will dig deeper into concepts such as IP network analysis, Microsoft Services, and mail services. You will also get to grips with various security best practices, which will help you build your network security mechanism.By the end of this book, you will be in a position to build a security framework fit for an organization.
Securing Network Infrastructure. Discover practical network security with Nmap and Nessus 7
Digitization drives technology today, which is why it’s so important for organizations to design security mechanisms for their network infrastructures. Analyzing vulnerabilities is one of the best ways to secure your network infrastructure.This Learning Path begins by introducing you to the various concepts of network security assessment, workflows, and architectures. You will learn to employ open source tools to perform both active and passive network scanning and use these results to analyze and design a threat model for network security. With a firm understanding of the basics, you will then explore how to use Nessus and Nmap to scan your network for vulnerabilities and open ports and gain back door entry into a network. As you progress through the chapters, you will gain insights into how to carry out various key scanning tasks, including firewall detection, OS detection, and access management to detect vulnerabilities in your network.By the end of this Learning Path, you will be familiar with the tools you need for network scanning and techniques for vulnerability scanning and network protection.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt books:•Network Scanning Cookbook by Sairam Jetty•Network Vulnerability Assessment by Sagar Rahalkar
The Complete Metasploit Guide. Explore effective penetration testing techniques with Metasploit
Most businesses today are driven by their IT infrastructure, and the tiniest crack in this IT network can bring down the entire business. Metasploit is a pentesting network that can validate your system by performing elaborate penetration tests using the Metasploit Framework to secure your infrastructure.This Learning Path introduces you to the basic functionalities and applications of Metasploit. Throughout this book, you’ll learn different techniques for programming Metasploit modules to validate services such as databases, fingerprinting, and scanning. You’ll get to grips with post exploitation and write quick scripts to gather information from exploited systems. As you progress, you’ll delve into real-world scenarios where performing penetration tests are a challenge. With the help of these case studies, you’ll explore client-side attacks using Metasploit and a variety of scripts built on the Metasploit Framework.By the end of this Learning Path, you’ll have the skills required to identify system vulnerabilities by using thorough testing.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:Metasploit for Beginners by Sagar RahalkarMastering Metasploit - Third Edition by Nipun Jaswal