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Azure DevOps Explained. Get started with Azure DevOps and develop your DevOps practices
Sjoukje Zaal, Stefano Demiliani, Amit Malik
Developing applications for the cloud involves changing development methodologies and procedures. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes are a must today, but are often difficult to implement and adopt. Azure DevOps is a Microsoft Azure cloud service that enhances your application development life cycle and enables DevOps capabilities.Starting with a comprehensive product overview, this book helps you to understand Azure DevOps and apply DevOps techniques to your development projects. You'll find out how to adopt DevOps techniques for your development processes by using built-in Azure DevOps tools. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also discover how to manage a project with the help of project management techniques such as Agile and Scrum, and then progress toward development aspects such as source code management, build pipelines, code testing and artifacts, release pipelines, and GitHub integration. As you learn how to implement DevOps practices, this book will also provide you with real-world examples and scenarios of DevOps adoption.By the end of this DevOps book, you will have learned how to adopt and implement Azure DevOps features in your real-world development processes.
Building ERP Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Solve business scenarios using NAV
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the real world often requires you to integrate the ERP with external applications or solve complex architectural tasks in order to have a final successful project. This book will show you how to extend a Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation to the enterprise world in a practical way.The book starts with an introduction to Microsoft Dynamics NAV architecture and then moves on to advanced topics related to implementing real-world solutions based on NAV and external applications. You will learn how an enterprise distributed architecture with NAV at the core can be implemented. Through a series of real-world cases on every topic and every industry (sales, retail, manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, and so on), you’ll see step by step how to efficiently solve a technical problem. These common problems encountered in a NAV implementation will be solved using the entire technology stack that Microsoft offers.By the end of the book, you will have the knowledge to efficiently solve certain scenarios, you will know which is the best solution architecture to propose to a customer and how to implement it.
Stefano Demiliani, Duilio Tacconi
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the new SaaS ERP proposition from Microsoft. This latest version has many exciting features guaranteed to make your life easier. This book is an ideal guide to Dynamics 365 Business Central and will help you get started with implementing and designing solutions for real-world scenarios.This book will take you through the fundamental topics for implementing solutions based on Dynamics 365 Business Central (on-premise and SaaS). We'll see the core topics of the new development model (based on extensions) and we'll see how to create applications with the new Microsoft ERP proposition.The book begins by explaining the basics of Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Microsoft ERP proposition. We will then cover topics such as extensions, the new modern development model of Visual studio code, sandboxes, Docker, and many others. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to debug and compile extensions and to deploy them to the cloud and on-premise.You will also have learned how to create serverless business processes for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Oliver Michalski, Stefano Demiliani
A well designed cloud infrastructure covers factors such as consistency, maintenance, simplified administration and development, and reusability. Hence it is important to choose the right architectural pattern as it has a huge impact on the quality of cloud-hosted services. This book covers all Azure design patterns and functionalities to help you build your cloud infrastructure so it fits your system requirements.This book initially covers design patterns that are focused on factors such as availability and data management/monitoring. Then the focus shifts to complex design patterns such as multitasking, improving scalability, valet keys, and so on, with practical use cases. The book also supplies best practices to improve the security and performance of your cloud. By the end of this book, you will thoroughly be familiar with the different design and architectural patterns available with Windows Azure and capable of choosing the best pattern for your system.
Stefano Demiliani, Duilio Tacconi
Dynamics 365 Business Central is an all-in-one business management solution, which is easy to adopt and helps you make smarter business decisions. This book is a comprehensive guide to developing solutions with Microsoft ERP (in the cloud and also on-premises). It covers all aspects of developing extensions, right from preparing a sandbox environment to deploying a complete solution.The book starts by introducing you to the Dynamics 365 Business Central platform and the new Modern Development Environment. You'll then explore the sandbox concept, and see how to create sandboxes for development. As you advance, you’ll be able to build a complete advanced solution for Dynamics 365 Business Central with AL language and Visual Studio Code. You'll then learn how to debug and deploy the extension and write automatic testing. The book will also take you through advanced topics like integration (with Azure Functions, web services, and APIs), DevOps and CI/CD techniques, and machine learning. You'll discover how Dynamics 365 Business Central can be used with Office 365 apps. Finally, you'll analyze different ways to move existing solutions to the new development model based on extensions.By the end of this book, you'll be able to develop highly customized solutions that meet the requirements of modern businesses using Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Stefano Demiliani, Duilio Tacconi
This book dives straight into guiding you through the process of building real-world solutions with the AL language and Visual Studio Code. It emphasizes best practices and extensibility patterns to ensure your extensions are well-structured, maintainable, and meet the needs of modern businesses. You'll learn advanced AL techniques, report creation methods, debugging strategies, and how to leverage telemetries for monitoring. Additionally, it covers performance optimization practices and API integration to help you create efficient and interconnected solutions.With a focus on extension development, this new edition allows you to jump right into coding without spending time on setup processes. This book introduces new chapters covering essential tasks that Business Central developers frequently encounter, such as file handling and printing management. Finally, the book expands its scope by including chapters on various integration aspects, including VS Code extensions, GitHub DevOps, Azure services, and Power Platform integrations. We’ll wrap up by covering Copilot capabilities in Business Central and how you can create your own generative AI copilots. By mastering these concepts and techniques, you'll be well-equipped to create powerful and customized solutions that extend the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Sjoukje Zaal, Amit Malik, Sander Rossel, Jason Marston, ...
Whether you are trying to re-architect a legacy app or build a cloud-ready app from scratch, using the Azure ecosystem with .NET and Java technologies helps you to strategize and plan your app modernization process effectively. With this book, you’ll learn how to modernize your applications by using Azure for containerization, DevOps, microservices, and serverless solutions to reduce development time and costs, while also making your applications robust, secure, and scalable.You will delve into improving application efficiency by using container services such as Azure Container Service, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and more. Next, you will learn to modernize your application by implementing DevOps throughout your application development life cycle. You will then focus on increasing the scalability and performance of your overall application with microservices, before learning how to add extra functionality to your application with Azure serverless solutions. Finally, you’ll get up to speed with monitoring and troubleshooting techniques.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to use the Azure ecosystem to refactor, re-architect, and rebuild your web, mobile, and desktop applications.