Автор: Veselina Jecheva
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E-mentoring: theory and practice

Milen Baltov, Zane Beitere-Selegovska, Ewa Glińska, Veselina Jecheva, ...

The monograph "E-MENTORING THEORY AND PRACTICE" seeks to explore the dynamic landscape of mentoring within the context of technological transformations. E-mentoring, as a subset of online learning and communication, harnesses the power of digital platforms and tools to facilitate mentor-mentee relationships. This approach has already been analyzed in the literature of the subject from various disciplines in the social sciences. This monograph is a review of the literature on the subject in the field of e-mentoring. It was developed within the project: eMentEdu. E-mentoring: a new qualification for continuing education and training financed by Erasmus+ Programme.