Автор: Edgar Wallace
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The Gaunt Stranger

Edgar Wallace

Inspector Wemburys day turns from bad to worse when a legendary assassin who was supposed dead in Australia returns to England seeking vengeance for the murder of his sister. The detective teams up with Lomond, a police doctor, to try to find The Ringer who is a mysterious, revenge-driven serial killer and master of disguise. When a lawyer receives a bouquet with a note informing him that hell be dead in forty-eight hours, Wembury and his men embark on a frantic quest to uncover the killers identity... An exiting book full of intrigue and mystery, The Gaunt Stranger is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Edgar Wallace provides a thrill of another sort!

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The Ghost of Down Hill & The Queen of Shebas Belt

Edgar Wallace

Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. The Ghost of Down Hill is an entertaining mystery novella, based on the idea that a ghost of a monk haunts a house built on top of former holy ground. This novella has upbeat tone and surprising outcome. The Queen of Shebas Belt features the disappearance of a priceless belt supposedly worn by the Queen of Sheba. Seemingly the theft is not through want of money but an act to set up a rival in love. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces mysteries there is a good place to start.

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The Golden Hades

Edgar Wallace

This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1929. "The Golden Hades" is a tale of murder and a symbol on bank notes leading to a sinister organization. This mystery novel features Wilbur Smith of the Treasury Department for Counterfeit in his investigations. Each time a crime happens be it a robbery or a murder, there is a sinister sign of Pluto (Hades) gold there... a statue of the Greek god of the underworld and the sign of dangerous gang of forgers. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives.

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The Governor of Chi-Foo

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was an English novelist, journalist and playwright, who was an enormously popular writer of detective, suspense stories, and practically invented the modern thriller. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. The Governor of Chi-Foo is a rare short story collection, long out of print which contains 16 thrilling stories: The Witney Road, Mother o Mine, The Kings Brahm, The Greek Poropolous, The Treasure of the Kalahari and others. An exiting book full of intrigue and mystery, this book is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Edgar Wallace provides a thrill of another sort!

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The Great Reward

Edgar Wallace

The Great Reward is thirteen quirky short stories from the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Fast-paced, with good classic twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme and a little romance. Edgar Wallace was a British novelist, playwright, and journalist who produced popular detective and suspense stories and was in his time the king of the modern thriller. Wallaces literary output 175 books, 24 plays, and countless articles and review sketches have undermined his reputation as a fresh and original writer. Moreover, the author was a wholehearted supporter of Victorian and early Edwardian values and mores, which are now considered in some respects politically incorrect. In England, in the 1920s, Wallace was said to be the second biggest seller after the Bible.

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The Green Archer

Edgar Wallace

Another rip-roaring tale from Edgar Wallace, The Green Archer features a beautiful girl looking for the mother from whom she was stolen as a baby, her kindly foster-father, a redheaded journalist, a very secret policeman who is also a master of disguise, an Anglo-Indian petty criminal and his wife, assorted villains and, at the center of it all, Abel Bellamy, a very ugly, very rich man whos bought a Garres Castle in Scotland. Running through it all is the mysterious Green Archer, the castles ghost, who appears to be walking once more. At the opening of the story, The Green Archer is again active. There is a mysterious murder where the victim is left with a green arrow through the heart. A thrilling, hair-raising mystery story.

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The Green Pack

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

The Green Pack is a novel adapted from a successful play by the playwright Robert Curtis. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1916, he was discharged from the service after contracting malaria. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task of copying out Wallaces dictations, this task he accomplished at such a speed that he was known as the fastest secretary in England. He accompanied Wallace on his travels, and was rarely from the side. After Wallaces death, he completed some of Wallaces unfinished manuscripts and turned several plays and film scripts into novels in the style of Wallace as well as writing several original novels.

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The Green Ribbon

Edgar Wallace

In The Green Ribbon an insurance investigator researches the accidental death of a jockey. His inquiry leads to an illegal gambling organization, as well as the knowledge that the jockeys death was not accidental. He also saves the life of another jockey who has been the victim of a couple of accidents. One of Edgar Wallaces occasional horse racing novels which centers of a betting syndicate involving the jovial Mr. Trigger, the sinister Dr. Blanter, the strange Mr. Goodie, and the slippery disbarred lawyer Rustem. How does the Green Ribbon tipping agency keep on picking winners? Looks like theres dirty work going on at the race track...

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The Green Rust

Edgar Wallace

This is an enjoyable short story by Edgar Wallace, set in England during the 1920s. The Green Rust, his twelfth crime novel, is one of three books he published in 1919. It begins at the English home of the severely ill American millionaire, John Millinborn. With him are his best friend, Kitson, and a local doctor, the Dutch van Heerden. He is murdered, stabbed to death in his sick bed in the first chapter, having just left his fortune to his niece, Oliva, whom he has never met. Before he dies, he asks Kitson to find and watch over Oliva. But then theres the young detective, a young woman, a fortune, secret laboratories, poison, some gun play, hostages, and the list goes on... The mysteries multiply and deepen as the story proceeds.

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The Gunner

Edgar Wallace

The name, Edgar Wallace, threads through early twentieth century crime fiction like a stream that turns out to be a lot deeper and wider than you thought. For many, Haynes, known as Gunner, is not an outlaw but a gentleman of unorthodox methods. For Scotland Yard, he is one of the most skilled thieves in the world. The Gunner and Luke Maddison belong to completely different worlds; Luke is a respectable banker with a charming girlfriend. But Luke has done a favor for the Gunner that hell never forget, so that when the banker gets in trouble, the Gunner intervenes to get him out of his nightmare. In Gunmans bluff youll find wharf rats and millionaires, gangland and Mayfair, the love of a banker and the love of a crook and a ruthless battle between upper world and underworld.

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The Guvnor and Other Short Stories

Edgar Wallace

Fifth book in the J.G. Reeder series. When Larry ORyan decides to become a burglar he attends night school to study ballistics, then secures a job at a safe-makers. After three successful robberies Larry is caught by Mr. J. G. Reeder. An unlikely friendship develops and on Saturdays they can be seen together at the British Museum or the Tower. One day Larry rescues Miss Lane Leonard, daughter of a millionaire. The disappearance of one and a half million pounds in gold bullion and a series of bank frauds baffles Scotland Yard. But not Mr. J. G. Reeder. The Guvnor and Other Short Stories is a short story compilation by the British crime writer Edgar Wallace. These are the final stories about Mr. J. G. Reeder, a police officer with the mind of a criminal.

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The Hand of Power

Edgar Wallace

The name, Edgar Wallace, threads through early twentieth century crime fiction like a stream that turns out to be a lot deeper and wider than you thought. During the 1920s and 30s, it was said that one of every four books read in England was written by Wallace, who ultimately produced 173 books and 17 plays. The Hand of Power is a tale about the sale of a desk designed by a butler who murdered his wife. This book has all the aspects of good mysteries from around 1930 a beautiful woman, a young man infatuated with her, a secret society, an evil man, lots of twists of plot, and a surprise ending. It takes place in London and elsewhere in England and on an ocean liner. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.

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The India-Rubber Men

Edgar Wallace

The India-Rubber Men is a gripping thriller of Londons River Police, whose swift launches patrol the Thames and guard the ships that lie in port. Inspector John Wade is given the toughest job of his life when he is assigned the task of running to earth a gang of gunmen in rubber gas-masks, rubber gloves and crepe rubber shoes, who rob banks and jewelers, and even commit murder under the very eyes of the police, and get away with it. Through it all runs the Thames, and there is even time for a little excursion out of London to its upper reaches in Oxfordshire. A classic Wallace, stitching together his favorite themes with enough humor and vigor to keep the reader intrigued till the very end.

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The Iron Grip

Edgar Wallace

1929 short story collection by Edgar Wallace revolving around the demobbed soldier (WWI) Jack Wireless Bryce and his engagement by the law firm Hemmer & Hemmer. Operating on the fringes of lawlessness, Bryce uses his brains and brawn to protect a range of the firms more vulnerable and downright gullible clients. His new career as a detective creates a compelling tale of adventure. Most of his adventures involve rescuing various damsels in distress from the clutches of men who are far from gentle. The tales are told with real zip, with a dash of grit and humor. Eventually, however, he is overpowered caught in the tender grip of love from which he has no desire to escape.

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The Joker

Edgar Wallace

Mr. Stratford Harlow, the colossus of British Finance, was a gentleman with no particular call to hurry. By every standard he was a member of the leisured classes, and to his opportunities for lingering, he added the desire of one who was pertinently curious. The most commonplace phenomena interested Mr. Harlow. He had all the requisite qualities of an observer; his enjoyment was without the handicap of sentimentality, a weakness which is fatal to accurate judgement. Between Stratford Harlow and James Carlton, whom Harlow described as Scotland Yards most unscrupulous man, there was never open warfare until the murder of Mrs. Gibbons...

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The Just Men of Cordova

Edgar Wallace

There are crimes for which no punishment is adequate, offences that the written law cannot redress. The three friends, Pioccart, Manfred and Gonsalez, may be enjoying the exotic, Spanish city of Cordova with its heat and Moorish influences, but they are still committed to employing their intellect and cunning to dispense justice. In The Just Men of Cordova, written in 1917, the just men move into the treacherous, aristocratic world of gambling, horse-racing and high finance. It seems that police services, even governments, have no power to control this world, where blackmail, poison and murder are commonplace. The just men, working outside the law, take it upon themselves to clean things up in their own way.