Autor: E. Phillips Oppenheim

Anna the Adventuress

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Annabelle Pelissier, for his own reasons, allows Sir John Ferringhall to believe that she is his sister Hannah. Anna continues to cheat and bear the burden of her sisters reputation, which in any case in Paris is a coquette. Infinite complications occur when both sisters return to London. This is one of the most intriguing stories of E. Philips Oppenheim.


As a Man Lives

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Positively every one, with two unimportant exceptions, had called upon us. The Countess had driven over from Sysington Hall, twelve miles away, with two anamic-looking daughters, who had gushed over our late roses and the cedar trees which shaded the lawn. The Holgates of Holgate Brand and Lady Naselton of Naselton had presented themselves on the same afternoon. Many others had come in their train, for what these very great people did the neighborhood was bound to endorse. There was a little veiled anxiety, a few elaborately careless questions as to the spelling of our name; but when my father had mentioned the second f, and made a casual allusion to the Warwickshire Ffolliotswith whom we were not indeed on speaking terms, but who were certainly our cousinsa distinct breath of relief was followed by a gush of mild cordiality.


Ask Miss Mott

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Miss Mott quickly rose from the sound of knocking at her office door. She was engaged in the typical task of writing her advice to a young woman whose relationship with the acquisition had been pulled in, and she forgot the flight time. Her typist left, her ambassador was a boy and a shy but very nice young clerk who helped her in various activities. In other words, Miss Mott was alone on the top floor of the building, not far from Adelphi, and she did not wait for the subscriber during an hour that had passed during the working hours.



E. Phillips Oppenheim

Matravers is an Apostle of Aestheticism with fixed views of life, down to even its most trifling details. A poet, philosopher, and man of fashion who has no intimate friends. He writes for the London papers and reviews. One evening he is taken to the theater by a friend to see a Norwegian play by Istein, which he savages in his review. However the actress who plays the lead, Berenice, is brilliant, and is the same woman with whom he has been exchanging coy glances in the Park for six months. Slowly Matravers and Berenice grow closer. He writes a play for her which is a huge success. On the cusp of their romance....her past comes to light...


Chronicles of Melhampton

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In the sleepy little Devonshire town of Melhampton, the lives of the village stalwarts are revealed in this charming collection of tales by Oppenheim. Mr Tidd, the manager of the local bank branch, has invested his life and savings in the education of his daughter, but has dipped into the banks funds to maintain appearances. On the eve of quarterly bank examiners visit, he is confronted with guilt and exposure. In another tale, the town veterinarian is conflicted about his desire to marry the serving girl at the local Melhampton Arms. Each of these stories presents a social or financial quandary typical of England at the time.


Crooks in the Sunshine

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another great collection of short stories by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. He was the self-styled prince of storytellers., generally regarded as the earliest writer of spy fiction as we know it today, and invented the Rogue Male school of adventure thrillers. This volume is a collection of 10 mystery and investigation short stories of Commodore Jensen, a beloved Oppenheim character.


Curate and Fiend

E. Phillips Oppenheim

It was a brilliant good Saturday morning before the harvest, and the large market and curves of the streets in Norwich proceed with a continuous crowd of farmers, livestock, dealers, county ladies with opinions that are adhering to shopping. Frantsinin on the London Street is filled up quickly: a very nice sight for worshiping a small owner who is standing in the upper corner of the room, managing his midridons operations, rubbing his hands and smiling, kindly begging each beginner. Without a doubt, he is keen to see this market day come up a little more than once a week, and that every Saturday was as wonderful as today.


Curious Happenings to the Rooke Legatees

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Five people were seated around a table in the private office of a well-known solicitor in Lincolns Inn. Their expressions and general attitude were sufficiently disturbed to suggest that their gathering was of no ordinary moment. A grey-haired, untidy looking woman in seedy black was tapping the mahogany table in front of her with long, ill-cared for nails, and breathing quickly. A fat, red-cheeked man, with a waistcoat the lower buttons of which failed to connect, with blue watery eyes and a loose, but good-humoured, mouth, was whistling softly to himself.


Enoch Strone

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Upward in long sinuous bends the road wound its way into the heart of the hills. The man, steadily climbing to the summit, changed hands upon the bicycle he was pushing, and wiped the sweat from his grimy forehead. It had been a gray morning when he had left, with no promise of this burst of streaming sunshine. Yet the steep hill troubled him but little--he stepped blithely forward with little sign of fatigue.


Envoy Extraordinary

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Ronald, Count Matsertser, was a world traveler and amateur. After several years of travel, he returns to his Norfolian estates, which deals with hunting, research and espionage in Africa and Asia. His treasures are huge, but his heart is empty. One night, a mysterious mercenary attacks him directly behind the gate of his estate.


Exit a Dictator

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In this novel tells about Alexander, the head of a huge movement aimed at returning to Russia a more conservative government. And also about his beautiful spy love, Anna, who works against the gang of butchers for the Soviet chief.



E. Phillips Oppenheim

A solitary cabin stood far away in the backwoods of Canada, outside all tracks of civilization, in a region which only the native Indians and a few daring trappers cared to penetrate. Rudely built of pine logs, it was ill-calculated to withstand the piercing cold and frost which, for nine months out of the twelve, holds this region in an iron grip. Around it, a small clearing had been effected, but the ground was many feet thick in snow, which, save where in front of the door it had been cut away, surrounded the frail little building, and reached up to the rude window.


False Evidence

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The story of a gallant soldier who is dismissed his regiment, and disowned by his father, because he has been found guilty, on false evidence, of cowardice in the field. He changes his name, and later his son falls in love with the daughter of the man whose false evidence led to his ruin.


For the Queen

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A novel written in 1912. These are good Victorian or Edward tales about representatives of the English upper class who are engaged in uncovering crimes, espionage, good deeds and shrouded by secrets. Some of these stories Oppenheim continued to develop in full novels. Others are short master classes with sketches, character and description. Unlike many of his stories, the ending for a couple of them is more acute or sad than usual.


Gabriel Samara, Peacemaker

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Miss Sadie Loyes, the manageress of the Hotel Weltmore Typewriting and Secretarial Bureau, set down the receiver of the telephone which had its place upon her desk and looked thoughtfully around at the eleven young ladies who comprised her present staff. She stood there, an angular, untidy-looking person, tapping a pencil against her teeth, unconscious arbitress, not only of the fate of two very interesting people, but also of the fate of a great nation. Portentous events depended upon her decision. A mans life in this teeming city of New York was a small enough matter of itself.


Gangsters Glory

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Detective Inspector John Dickins seated himself in silence. It was not the first of such conferences to which he had been summoned, but this time everyone knew that the situation was critical. He remained silent, waiting for his Chief to continue.