Автор: Fred M. White
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Found Dead

Fred M. White

Found Dead is the story of Sir John Mortmain, who was a bum. He was a rich man, owning one of the best estates in North Devon. He was also one of the best novlist in his early years and almost made a name for himself. In a sense, he was quite popular, and yet there was a strange sensation of the abyss between him and the locals.

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Gipsy Tales

Fred M. White

Frederick Merrick White wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name Fred M. White including the seven Gipsy Tale. The story of how the small town began to go crazy. The dining room was closed until sunset on Saturday, and thus eight thousand people scattered in huts along a beautiful valley were thrown at their own expense. They played cricket with some energy, they bathed in mountain ponds, hiking and long training walks were held. Rabbits, too, were getting scarce, and Sir Myles Llangaren protested against the slaying of pheasants in August.

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Hard Pressed

Fred M. White

Fielden and May happy married couple. One fine day, Fielden gets an autocatastrophe and disappears. May pretends that nothing has happened and everything is in order. She continues to move on. However, is everything so good? Has Fielden disappeared forever?

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In Trust

Fred M. White

Friday is a busy night in Westbury, because this evening several thousand people get their weekly salary. There are spinning mills and iron foundries in Westbury, not to mention the growing shipping trade. Roland Thornycroft had the air of a dissipated man who carefully conceals his vices, and, truth to say, appearances were not far wide of the mark.On the one hand a burgeoning city, on the other a city where people work, unaware of time.

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My Lady Bountiful

Fred M. White

Fred M. White wrote a story about a real feminine and beautiful lady. For example, his story begins so: when a tall figure in black velvet and diamonds and lace appeared at the head of the staircase. Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram was tall and dark, and, although she was almost seventy years old, there was no gray hair on her smooth head. Her features were beautiful and arrogant, as befits Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram of Caradoc; her eyes were restless and changeable. She pledged her income to the last penny. My Lady Bountiful, as she was generally called.

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Naboths Vineyard

Fred M. White

The story of Naboth, who owned a vineyard in Jezreel.Ahab, claims to be a Naboth vineyard. He says: I want to use the land for a vegetable garden. I will give you the best vineyard. Naboth. replies that he inherited this vineyard and is not going to dress him.

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Fred M. White

Netta Sherlock was a great singer. It was always important for the singer to have a healthy and sonorous voice. And their fear was to lose it. So it happened to Netta. She lost her ringing voice. A difficult path she has to go.

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On the Night Express

Fred M. White

Rupert Bascoe and Wakefield are the main characters of the story. They rode in the night express. They were familiar, even more, they had an affair. However, Miss Wakefield did not trust her partner. Let us dive into the past of our heroes and find out that Miss Wakefield had a tough action. Therefore, she constantly carries a weapon with her, like a wristwatch. But is it correct that she took it on a trip?

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Paul Quentin

Fred M. White

All people feel fear, even the bravest. So our hero, John Dugdale, was a very brave man. Suddenly, he is called to the police, accusing him of being a swindler. John is afraid that no one will believe his words. He becomes very nervous, which may affect future events.

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Powers of Darkness

Fred M. White

Frederick White, mostly known for mysteries. Martin Faber has long been dead. However, Alice seems that he is back from the dead. This thought does not give her peace of mind. Is it all an illusion or the truth?

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Queen of Hearts

Fred M. White

Loving woman possesses charms. And not every man can resist them. So our hero, Tom Gilchrist, was fascinated by the beauty of the girl. His uncle, Sir Walter Vanguard warns that this is a bad idea. Perhaps he is right.

Eлектронна книга

Real Dramas. Being Some Leaves from the Notebook of a Late Theatrical Agent

Fred M. White

Frederick Merrick White (18591935) wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name Fred M. White including the six Doom of London science-fiction stories, in which various catastrophes beset London. These include The Four Days Night, in which London is beset by a massive killer smog; The Dust of Death, in which diphtheria infects the city, spreading from refuse tips and sewers; and The Four White Days, in which a sudden and deep winter paralyses the city under snow and ice. Fred M. White is mostly known for mysteries and is considered also as one of the pioneers of the spy story. Real Drama (1909) is a series of stories published under the subtitle Being Some Leaves From The Notebook Of A Late Theatrical Agent. It includes: His Second Self, An Extra Turn, Not In The Bill, The Plagiarist, The Man In Possession, A Pair Of Handcuffs.

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Secret of the River

Fred M. White

Vern is an excellent example of medieval architecture with soft pink brick and curved chimneys. Neville Ashdown crossed the park on a winter day to call the house where he was born. However, so much time has passed. New home owners. New story. But this place is full of secrets.

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The Blue Daffodil

Fred M. White

The story begins in the London home of John Garnstone, an elderly bachelor and antiques dealer. Garnstone is an enthusiastic gardener and grows a plant of incalculable value, a blue daffodil, on the roof of his house. One of the nights his body is a secretary. A lot of weird events happen after that.

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The Cardinal Moth. Or The Accused Orchid

Fred M. White

Sir Clement Frobisher collects rare orchids. He has conflicts in the service, which have further consequences. There are plenty of twists and turns, along with a very mysterious murder weapon. It will most definitely keep you guessing!

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The Case for the Crown

Fred M. White

Fred M. White is famous for mystical, sometimes difficult to understand little stories. One of these stories is "A Case For the Crown". Almost from the very beginning, the author gives us such an intriguing description of events: From the mouth of a tortured person came a strange, terrible whistling cry, a mans cry on the verge of epilepsy. His eyes were full of nameless horror, sweat running down his face. Many questions appear in our story first.