Autor: Henry James

The Aspern Papers

Henry James

The Aspern Papers is one of the masterpieces of the writers small prose, the plots of which are based on the collision of European and American cultural consciousness, the point of view of an individual and social stereotypes, the book perception of the world and individual experience. The tragicomic search by the hapless biographer of the lost letters of the great poet is the conflict of this story.


The Author of Beltraffio

Henry James

In this story, a mother allows her only child, a seven-year-old boy, to die of diphtheria only so that he will never be subjected to the corrupting influence of the books written by his father, which she deeply condemns. Anyone who imagines motherly love and at least once saw the torment of a child restlessly darting in his crib, fighting for every breath, would never have invented such a monstrous story. The French call it litterature. By this word they denote works created on the basis of a cheap literary effect, devoid of any likelihood.


The Awkward Age

Henry James

The Aawkward age nonetheless analyzes the English character with great subtlety. The Awkward Age, which is highly praised for its natural dialogue and the subtlety of the sensation that it conveys, illustrates Conrads remark that James never dwells in deep darkness or in strong sunlight. But he feels deep and bright every gentle shade.


The Beast in the Jungle

Henry James

At the reception in the rich manor there are not the first youth mister and also not a young lady anymore. Both belong to the same circle of birth, but the financial affairs of a man are in somewhat better condition. It all seems to him that he is meant for something great and terrible that will destroy his own life and the lives of loved ones like a sudden fit of madness or, yes, how many anything can be options. It is like seeing yourself as a thicket in which the beast is hiding for the time being.


The Bostonians. A Novel

Henry James

The action revolves around three characters: a young and beautiful maiden who travels around America with fiery speeches about the importance of women; her mentor, a lonely and cold lady who despises the whole male race. Different ideals are presented by the rivalry of Olive Chancellor and her cousin Basel Ransom for influencing the young girl Vera Tarrant, who has a strong oratorical gift. The social plan of this novel is concluded in the struggle of the conservative views of the southerner Ransom with the irreconcilable supporter and active participant in the movement for womens emancipation. Olive found in her young protege a strong instrument of influencing public opinion through her oratorical abilities.


The Europeans

Henry James

In the hope of a successful marriage, Eugene, Baroness Münster, and her younger brother, the artist Felix, descendants of Wentworth, come to Boston. Having settled in the neighborhood, they become close friends with the young Wentworths Gertrude, Charlotte and Clifford. Witness and sophistication of Eugene, along with the cheerfulness of Felix create a difficult combination with Puritan morality, frugality and the intrinsic dignity of Americans.


The Finer Grain

Henry James

The Finer Grain a collection of small stories. The A Round of Visits is a thoughtful tragedy that triggered the opening of Watch and Trusteeship. The Bench of Desolation, located in an English seaside town, is a touching story of reconciliation after some very offensive and bitter misunderstandings.


The Golden Bowl

Henry James

This is the biography of Henry Morgan, the pirate admiral. In his youth, he spent several years in slavery, later became famous as a skilled warlord and vice-governor of Jamaica. The central theme of the novel ingenious assault, lightning capture and ruthless looting of the Golden Cup so called Panama, which was the richest city in the West Indies.


The Portrait of a Lady

Henry James

Isabel, the main character of the story, knows the charm of marriage with a worthless person. Her fate the confluence of fatal circumstances. Being a dowry and finding herself in Europe, she refuses to quite worthy applicants for a hand, and having received a fortune, she links life with the rogue Osmond, who married her only to provide a bastard daughter, Pansy, born of a courtesan, a decent existence. Illusions are crumbling, there is no hope for happiness, but Isabelle, with stoic courage, endures all the misfortunes that have fallen to her lot.


The Real Thing and Other Tales

Henry James

The main character, an aspiring artist, hires a faded noble couple, Monarchs, as models after they have lost most of their money and need to find some kind of work. They are real in the sense that they are beautifully of the aristocratic type, but they turn out to be inappropriate for the artists work. The artist must finally get rid of the monarchs, especially after his friend and colleague, artist Jack Hawley, criticized the work in which monarchs are represented.


The Reverberator

Henry James

The Reverberator is a short novel from Henry James. Comedy traces the complications. which leads when unpleasant, but true stories about Paris family fall into the American scandal sheet of the name of the novel. George Flack is a Paris correspondent for the American sheet scandal called reverberator.


The Sacred Fount

Henry James

The book is about history, but not the one that is written in dry letters in the textbook, but the one into which the time machine takes you and lets you live the days, months in the body of another person, a contemporary of the time you are reading about. It is about religion, but not about what they preach in churches, without the right to question, but about its origins, causes, development, problems, transformation over time, our perception of it in the modern world, as well as about coexistence, disagreements and struggle religions with each other. Three archaeologists, three friends American Cullinan, Arab Tabari and Israeli Eliav decided to conquer the world by large-scale excavations.


The Spoils of Poynton

Henry James

Mrs. Gareth has been collecting works of art in her Pointon manor all her life, and now, after her husbands death, she must, according to English customs, hand over the manor to her son Owen. The trouble is that the limp Owen is under the influence of his bride, Mona Brixton, who dreams of taking up Poyntons hands and closing access for Mrs Goret forever. And Mrs. Gareth decides to fight for her treasures.


The Tragic Muse

Henry James

The Tragic Muse is dedicated to the conflict between the artist and society. Painter Nick Dormer suffers because he does not find recognition, actress Miriam Ruth, in the name of success, makes compromises with his conscience, understanding what the rich audience expects of her. However, the greatest success of this work was the image of Gabriel Nash.


The Turn of the Screw

Henry James

The book opens with an unnamed narrators description of a party held one Christmas Eve in England at which some friends have gathered to share ghost stories. One of the partygoers, Douglas, says that he knows a particularly sinister ghost story about a governesss time spent taking care of a wealthy Londoners niece and nephew at a country estate haunted by two ghosts.The story is that a governess goes to an English country house to take charge of two orphaned children, Miles and Flora. The governess is told she must manage everything herself and not disturb the childrens uncle, who is their guardian. Soon the governess is alarmed when she sees an unknown man and woman around the estate, and the housekeeper informs her that the couple used to work there, but both died. The governess suspects that the children know more about these ghosts than they will admit to her, and fears for their safety.


The Wings of the Dove

Henry James

The novel is complicated, its true. Long, ornate sentences, philosophical speculations of the characters, complex in their structure and further awareness of the phrase.. but.. this and not only the novel represents the uniqueness and sophistication. Restrained and at the same time shocking, harmonious and scary real. Did you know that among the higher aristocracy there are wolves in sheeps clothing?