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Ostatni Mohikanin. Wydanie dwujęzyczne angielsko-polskie
Ostatni Mohikanin to druga powieść z cyklu Pięcioksiąg przygód Sokolego Oka. Porywająca, pełna przygód książka oczaruje każdego czytelnika. Osadzona w osiemnastowiecznej brytyjskiej kolonii akcja skupia się wokół konfliktu Indian i amerykańskich osadników. Nie sposób podejść obojętnie do losów bohaterów, których Cooper nakreślił jako barwne i ciekawe postaci. Historia córek angielskiego dowódcy i Indian, którzy usiłują je ocalić, to ponadczasowa opowieść o miłości i poświęceniu. Ta edycja zawiera dostęp do gratisów. Wydawnictwo Wymownia przygotowało prezenty dla swoich Czytelników. Treść książki zdradzi sposób, w jaki można pobrać niespodzianki – darmowe ebooki naszego wydawnictwa. Przygotowaliśmy także wiele innych publikacji dwujęzycznych w zdecydowanie atrakcyjnych cenach. Znajdą się wśród nich książki dla dorosłych i dla dzieci. Bardzo atrakcyjne cenowo i tematycznie pakiety ebooków dostępne są bezpośrednio u wydawcy na kursyonline.wymownia. Sprawdź ofertę i wybierz te książki, które najbardziej Ci odpowiadają. Czytanie dzieł w oryginale to skuteczna i bardzo przyjemna metoda nauki języka obcego. Polskie tłumaczenie zapewnia natomiast całkowite zrozumienie treści także przez osoby, których znajomość języka obcego nie jest zaawansowana. Dzieła można czytać w dowolnej wersji językowej.
Precaution was written in the spirit of sentimental English novels on the theme of marriage. The author clearly holds the idea that the choice of a groom for her daughter is the moral duty of her parents. Initially, the novel was read aloud to several friends of the family, without revealing the authorship; the listeners decided that the author was a woman. Cooper was satisfied with this result, he turned to the publisher.
Satanstoe, or, the Littlepage Manuscripts. A Tale of the Colony
This novel combines nostalgic autobiographical memories and social philosophy. The author gives a comprehensive view of colonial life and society in the state of New York in the mid-eighteenth century, blending all these elements with storytelling skill.
Sokole Oko, to jedna z powieści przygodowo-historycznych amerykańskiego pisarza Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera. Ich akcja rozgrywa się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku w Ameryce Północnej, wśród pionierów i Indian. Ich głównym bohaterem jest traper i myśliwy zwany Sokolim Okiem, biały człowiek wychowany przez Indian. Utwory te to romantyczny i idealistyczny obraz osiemnastowiecznych kresów Ameryki Północnej i zamieszkujących je Indian i osadników. Cechują je barwne opisy przyrody, wartka i pełna napięcia akcja, mocno zarysowane sylwetki głównych bohaterów. Książki te wysoko oceniane przez współczesnych i wciąż popularne, stanowią one żywy do dziś wzór przygodowej powieści indiańskiej. Powieści te od blisko dwustu lat są publikowane na całym świecie. Kilka z nich zostało sfilmowanych. Najpopularniejszym tomem cyklu jest wielokrotnie filmowana powieść Ostatni Mohikanin. (za Wikipedia).
Tales for Fifteen. Or, Imagination and Heart
This book is meant to be read by young women at that tender age, when the feelings of their nature begin to act most insidiously on them, and when their minds are least prepared by reason and experience to fight their passions. This is a powerful, beautiful, heartbreaking story. Charlotte is one of the women who can really lead by example.
A Venetian story about deceptions and secrets, love and selflessness, cruelty and injustice that took place around the 18th century. This is a story about the adventures of the rich and the misadventures of the poor. Venice, this mysterious city, unlike any other, hides its true face under the mask, everything is here.
The Chainbearer. Or, The Littlepage Manuscripts
This is a historical saga about the fate of three generations of the Littlepage family living in the New World. The novel tells about the people who heroically and bravely mastered the lands of the Wild West, as well as the tragic fate of the indigenous people of America the Indians. Under the onslaught of aliens and the advancing civilization, they had to give up their lands.
The Crater, or, Vulcans Peak. A Tale of the Pacific
Two surviving American sailors, Mark and Bob, found themselves on a bare volcanic rock in the middle of the ocean. Gradually, they manage to form a soil layer using silt, guano and algae. As a result of a storm, Bob is carried away on a boat to the ocean, but he manages to get to America, from where, after stories about adventures, a party of their 9 relatives and friends of sailors arrives.
The Deerslayer - a novel by James Fenimore Cooper, an American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances depicting frontier and Native American life created a unique form of American literature. This novel introduces Natty Bumppo as "Deerslayer": a young frontiersman in early 18th-century New York, who objects to the practice of taking scalps, on the grounds that every living thing should follow "the gifts" of its nature, which would keep European Americans from taking scalps. Two characters who actually seek to take scalps are Deerslayer's foil Henry March and the former pirate 'Floating Tom' Hutter, to whom Deerslayer is introduced en route to a rendezvous with the latter's lifelong friend Chingachgook. Shortly before the rendezvous, Hutter's residence is besieged by the indigenous Hurons, and Hutter and March sneak into the camp of the besiegers to kill and scalp as many as they can.
The Deerslayer. or The First War-path
The Deerslayer is an exciting story about the adventures of the woodsman known as Deerslayer and his Delaware Indian friend, Chingachgook. The novel presents the violence and unpredictability of life in a place where only a few white hunters and hunting parties of Indians have ever set foot. The interface between the wilderness and civilization, the pristine life of nature and the impact being made on it by human beings, makes this a fascinating story about a clash of values, a conflict which continued to shape the North American continent for the remainder of the century and beyond.
The Headsman. The Abbaye des Vignerons
The events of the novel take place not on the American continent, but in the very heart of Europe. Almost all the characters in the novel are forced in extreme circumstances to reveal themselves in a new light: some, with all their desire, cannot disguise their meanness, greed, inner readiness for betrayal, others show the highest nobility and purity of human qualities.
The Last of the Mohicans - a novel by James Fenimore Cooper, an American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances depicting frontier and Native American life created a unique form of American literature. The novel is set primarily in the area of Lake George, New York, detailing the transport of the two daughters of Colonel Munro, Alice and Cora, to a safe destination at Fort William Henry. Among the caravan guarding the women are the frontiersman Natty Bumppo, Major Duncan Heyward, and the Indians Chingachgook and Uncas, the latter two being the novel's title characters. These characters are sometimes seen as a microcosm of the budding American society, particularly with regard to their racial composition.
The Last of the Mohicans. A Narrative of 1757
Fenimore Cooper is known for everyone who were interested in Indians and their life in childhood. Almost everyone knows the name of Coopers favorite hero, wandering from novel to novel Natanael, Bampo. The hero of The Last of the Mohicans is Hawkeye. The last members of a dying Native American tribe, the Mohicans Uncas, his father Chingachgook, and his adopted half-white brother Hawkeye live in peace alongside British colonists. But when the daughters of a British colonel are kidnapped by a traitorous scout, Hawkeye and Uncas must rescue them in the crossfire of a gruesome military conflict of which they wanted no part: the French and Indian War.
Monikins is a serious and caustic satire on the social mores of England and America at that time. Cooper ridicules both the aristocratic monarchy and the bourgeois republic with equal vigor. The first part of Monikins depicts the early years of John Goldencalf. John Goldencalf, by coincidence, is one of the wealthiest people in Europe of the nineteenth century.
The Oak Openings. Or, The Bee-Hunter
In this book you will find a description of the life and way of life of the indigenous inhabitants of the country Indians and white settlers; numerous hunting scenes. The novel will not leave indifferent either those who appreciate the sharp, constantly in suspense plot, or those who are interested in the conditions under which the development of the American continent was carried out at the beginning of the last century.
The Pathfinder. or The Inland Sea
In the third installment of the Leatherstocking Tales, Cooper takes his main character, here called the Pathfinder (Natty Bumppo) and examines his role as an explorer for British/Colonial forces in the forests and islands around the Great Lakes. The story is a classic historical adventure/romance and Bumppo falls in love, for the first and only time in the five novels, only to see his choice fall in love with another man a younger man and good friend of Nattys. The Pathfinder remains a classic and entertaining account of the American wilderness and of aspects of human experience in the New World. Probably the best of the five Leatherstocking novels.