Autor: Robert E. Howard

Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) całe życie spędził w Teksasie. Jako słabowity mól książkowy, gnębiony przez rówieśników, rozpoczął ostry trening i wstąpił do klubu bokserskiego. Pod silnym wpływem matki wybrał karierę pisarską, pierwsze opowiadanie zamieścił w "Adventure Magazine" już jako piętnastolatek. Dochody z pisarstwa nie starczały z początku na utrzymanie, stąd też dorabiał jako zbieracz bawełny, znakowacz bydła, sprzedawca w sklepie, pomoc biurowa czy pisząc "wieści z pól naftowych". Od 1925 roku współpracował z czasopismem "Weird Tales", publikując teksty uważane do dziś za najważniejsze w jego dorobku. Tworzył opowieści wszelkiego rodzaju: horrory, opowiadania sportowe i historyczne czy westerny, ale największą sławę przyniosła mu literatura fantasy. Uważany jest za jednego z autorów, którzy zmienili jej oblicze. Wykreował wielu barwnych bohaterów: purytanina Solomona Kane'a, Pikta Brana Mak Morna i Kulla z Atlantydy, jednak poczesną sławę zapewnił mu Conan z Cimmerii, który stał się archetypem dla wszystkich twórców spod znaku magii i miecza oraz fantasy bohaterskiej.

Karierę Howarda ucięła nagle samobójcza śmierć na wieść o tym, że dla jego chorej, leżącej w szpitalu matki nie ma już żadnej nadziei. Matka zmarła następnego dnia rano - pochowani zostali razem.


Shadows in Zamboula

Robert E. Howard

Shadows in Zamboula is one of the original stories by Robert E. Howard about Conan the Cimmerian, first published in Weird Tales in November, 1935. Its original title was The Man-Eaters of Zamboula. The story takes place over the course of a night in the desert city of Zamboula, with political intrigue amidst streets filled with roaming cannibals. It features the character Baal-pteor, one of the few humans in the Conan stories to be a physical challenge for the main Cimmerian character himself.



Robert E. Howard

The horror first took concrete form amid that most unconcrete of all thingsa hashish dream. I was off on a timeless, spaceless journey through the strange lands that belong to this state of being, a million miles away from earth and all things earthly; yet I became cognizant that something was reaching across the unknown voidssomething that tore ruthlessly at the separating curtains of my illusions and intruded itself into my visions.


Son of the White Wolf

Robert E. Howard

Francis Xavier Gordon was a living legend in the Middle and Far East. The boars called him El Borac, Swift, the title earned by his awkward abilities with a gun, a knife and a sword. Now, the mighty El Borak must stretch its forces to prevent the Turkish uprising, protect the hermits from murders and stop the dangerous amir without allowing him to seize control over India.


Steve Costigan. Fighting Sailor

Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard best known for his contributions to the extremely popular sword and sorcery genre of fiction. Howards writings became more successful posthumously and he created legendary characters such as Conan the Barbarian and Solomon Kane. Though much better known for his fantasies, Howard wrote more about the humorous escapades of Sailor Steve Costigan and his bulldog Mike than any of his other characters. In a unique Texas voice, the unreliable narrator Costigan recounts his adventures with the crew of the tramp steamer Sea Girl. He roamed the 1930s Asiatic sea, looking for boxing contests and other trouble. Like Howards other turbulent heroes, from Conan to Black Turlogh, Sailor Steve is always ready to wade into a fight, whether to uphold the honor of the fleet or to win a kiss from a beautiful woman. This collection includes the following: The Pit of the Serpent, Breed of Battle, Sailors Grudge, and many more.


Steve Harrison. Detective of the Occult

Robert E. Howard

Steve Harrison is a police detective. His cases are not always easy but for sure very, very weird. Robert E. Howard delivers an impressive tour de force of weird fiction awesomeness with Steve Harrison, Detective of the Occult! . Three short masterful stories in the Steve Harrison series from one of the greatest fantasy writers of the 20th century, the uncontained, uncontainable, Mr. Robert E. Howard: Fangs of Gold Names in the Black Book Graveyard Rats. Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He is well known for his character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.


Swords of Shahrazar

Robert E. Howard

Kirby ODonnell is a Howard hero less familiar to most readers. Howard only wrote three stories about ODonnells exploits, of which only two actually saw print during his lifetime -- The Treasures of Tartary and Swords of Shahrazar -- neither in Weird Tales.


Swords of the Red Brotherhood

Robert E. Howard

One moment the glade lay empty; the next a man poised tensely at the edge of the bushes. No sound warned the red squirrels of his coming, but the birds that flitted about in the sunlight took sudden fright at the apparition and rose in a clamoring swarm. The man scowled and glanced quickly back the way he had come, fearing the bird-flight might have betrayed his presence. Then he started across the glade, placing his feet with caution. Tall and muscular of frame, he moved with the supple ease of a panther.


Tales of Bran Mak Morn

Robert E. Howard

From Robert E. Howards fertile imagination sprang some of fictions greatest heroes, including Conan the Cimmerian, King Kull, and Solomon Kane. But of all Howards characters, none embodied his creators brooding temperament more than Bran Mak Morn. The last king of the Picts, Bran Mak Morn exists in a brutal, savage world set in the same universe as H.P. Lovecrafts Cthulhu Mythos. Unlike most of his race, Morn eschewed violence and actively sought peace among the other tribes of Ancient England. The Picts are savage, bestial, un-united; and Bran Mak Morn desires to bring his nation out of savagery, to bring it back to the civilization of their fathers. The Bran Mak Morn tales are littered with supernatural nasties and plenty of action. Highly recommended for fans of fantasy, historical fiction, and Robert E. Howard.


Tales of Breckinridge Elkins

Robert E. Howard

Breck Elkins is a hillbilly from Bear Creek, a fictional location in the Humboldt Mountains of Nevada. He is mighty of stature and small of brain"a physically huge and imposing figure, and his reputation as a short-tempered and ferocious fighter often precedes him throughout the Southwest. He is usually found in the company of Capn Kidd, his equally fierce and cantankerous horse.


Tales of Cthulhu

Robert E. Howard

Nameless Cults: The Cthulhu Mythos Fiction of Robert E. Howard is a collection of Cthulhu Mythos short stories by Robert E. Howard. It was first published in the US in 2001 by Chaosium Press. All of these stories had been published previously, between 1929 and 1985, in Weird Tales, From Beyond the Dark Gateway, Strange Tales, Weirdbook, Fantasy Crosswinds, Coven, Fantasy Book, Dark Things, and The Fantasy Magazine. The collection includes an introduction by Robert M. Price called Raven, Son of Morn. Prices introduction gives a short sketch of Howards overall writing and a more detailed overview of his Cthulhu Mythos work and its relation to that of other mythos writers.


Tales of El Borak

Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard is famous for creating such immortal heroes as Conan the Cimmerian, Solomon Kane, and Bran Mak Morn. Less well-known but equally extraordinary are his non-fantasy adventure stories set in the Middle East and featuring such hero as Francis Xavier Gordon. Texas gunfighter F. X. Gordon traveled the world before settling in 1920s Afghanistan. The Afghans dubbed him El Borak for his quick thinking and skill with a sword and gun. The respected Gordon frequently mitigated tribal wars and conflict through guile or, barring that, violence. Contrary to Howards reputation, these were straight adventure stories with no supernatural elements. Every fan of Robert E. Howard and aficionados of great adventure writing will want to own this collection of the best of Howards desert tales.


Tales of the Weird Southwest

Robert E. Howard

If you like your horror with a western twist then these tales are for you. Awesome occult western adventure, from the master of strange fiction, Robert E. Howard! This collection includes the following stories: THE HORROR FROM THE MOUND, THE MAN ON THE GROUND, OLD GARFIELDS HEART, BLACK CANAAN, THE DEAD REMEMBER, PIGEONS FROM HELL and others. Kind of like Dreams at the Witch House by Lovecraft but mixed with Howards own legends. Tales of the Weird Southwest is a combination of western with horror, occult, and fantasy stories. Truly one of the greatest contributions to the development of the Weird Fiction genre, Robert E. Howards Tales of the Weird Southwest is a treasure for any collection!


Tales of the West

Robert E. Howard

Five incredible stories of the wild west, from the supremely creative mind of Robert E. Howard: "Golden Hope Christmas, Riders of the Sunset, Boot-Hill Payoff, Vultures Sanctuary, The Vultures of Wahpeton. The serious, hardcore western stories in this collection fit the writing style of Howard like a glove. Like his horror stories, historical fiction, straight adventure like El Borak does. The stories collected here show a West stripped down to essentials, where internalized codes of personal honor, loyalty, and courage matter more than laws, progress, or civilization. These stories also follow Howards trend towards writing more western and historical stories and fewer sword and sorcery stories as time went on. Highly recommended for long-time fans and first-time readers alike!


The Adventures of Kirby ODonnell

Robert E. Howard

One of Robert E. Howards lesser known fictional characters, Kirby ODonnell is an American treasure hunter in early-twentieth century Afghanistan disguised as a Kurdish merchant, Ali el Ghazi. Ali el Ghazi is a master of edged weapons, fiercely intelligent, tigerishly quick, and a merciless killer when threatened. Kirby ODonnell is similar to another of Howards characters, El Borak, in many ways. However, ODonnell seeks hidden treasures in all of his stories (Swords of Shahrazar, The Treasures of Tartary, The Curse of the Crimson God) while El Borak is more concerned with his own form of justice and stability in Afghanistan. There are betrayals, vicious swordfights, hot pursuits through brutally harsh Himalayan terrain, a hidden treasure and enough spilled entrails to satisfy the most discerning Howard fan.


The Adventures of Solomon Kane

Robert E. Howard

Before Robert E. Howard wrote of Conan the Cimmerian, he wrote of the swashbuckler Solomon Kane. The Adventures of Solomon Kane takes you through Howards horrific and fantastic world of swords and sorcery, the world of ancient secrets and the monsters that live in the jungles of Africa where Kane vanquishes evil. Here are shudder-inducing tales of vengeful ghosts and bloodthirsty demons, of dark sorceries wielded by evil men and women, all opposed by a grim avenger armed with a fanatics faith and a warriors savage heart. Whether it be a witch-cursed monstrosity, hell-spawned vampire, mutant throw-back, or just a wicked wretch of humankind, Solomon Kane will fight with equal determination and enthusiasm to see good triumph. Collected in this volume are all of the stories and poems that make up the thrilling saga of the dour and deadly Puritan, Solomon Kane.


The Black Stranger

Robert E. Howard

The Black Stranger"is one of the stories byRobert E. HowardaboutConan the Cimmerian. It was written in the 1930s but not published in his lifetime. When the original Conan version of the story failed to find a publisher, Howard rewrote The Black Stranger into a piraticalTerence Vulmeastory entitled Swords of the Red Brotherhood.