Autor: Lucy Maud Montgomery

Further Chronicles of Avonlea

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Further Chronicles of Avonlea is another wonderful collection of charming Avonlea short stories by Lucy Maud Montgomery, ranging from the humorous to melodramatic, and every bit as enticing and delightful as the first book, Chronicles of Avonlea. Published in 1920, it includes fifteen short and entertaining, funny, and romantic stories relating to the inhabitants of the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea and its region, located on Prince Edward Island. The author brings back old characters such as Anne, Rachel Lynde, and Matthew Cuthbert, although most of the stories are focused around new characters living in Avonlea. Filled with warmth, humor, and mystery, these unforgettable stories re-create the enchanting world of Avonlea.


Hill O the Winds

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Clorinda is for everyone except her husband and a few old people. She was so sweet and dignified. However, she was born Cooper. She was a plump woman who, at sixty, still retained the girls questioning look. She was fond of wearing light dresses, which she calmly recognized were too young for her. Now she wore one, a muslin with pink flowers and a lampshade of hats. Despite her age, she was very energetic. This instructive story is a must-read.



Lucy Maud Montgomery

“Historynka” to powieść autorstwa kanadyjskiej pisarki Lucy Maud Montgomery, autorki słynnego na całym świecie cyklu powieści o Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza.   Jest to powieść dla dziewcząt której bohaterowie, Ed i Feliks King, mieszkali w Toronto, ale przenoszą się do małego miasteczka Carlisle, na starą farmę Kingów. Tam poznają kuzynów i nowych znajomych. Razem przeżywają wiele przygód, przeplatanych przez niezwykłe opowieści Historynki.  



Lucy Maud Montgomery

Wybitna powieść Lucy Maud Montgomery, autorki niezapomnianej Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza.  Pogodna, pełna ciepła i humoru opowieść o urokach dzieciństwa, przyjaźni i życia na farmie. Historia Sary Stanley, tytułowej Historynki, obdarzonej niezwykłą wyobraźnią i talentem do snucia barwnych opowieści o życiu na farmie, dorastaniu i zabawach. Sara wraz z grupką przyjaciół mieszka w Carlise, małej miejscowości położonej na Wyspie Księcia Edwarda, do której przybywają Ed i Feliks, aby spędzić tam lato - magiczny czas w krainie wyobraźni i zaskakujących przygód, a ich największym marzeniem jest odkrycie tajemnicy niebieskiego kufra.  


Historynka. The Story Girl

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Historynka (również Wakacje na starej farmie) (ang. The Story Girl, 1911) − powieść dla dziewcząt autorstwa kanadyjskiej pisarki Lucy Maud Montgomery. Beverley (Bev) (w polskiej wersji: Ed) i Feliks King mieszkali w Toronto, ale przenoszą się do małego miasteczka Carlisle, na starą farmę Kingów. Tam poznają kuzynów: Dana, Felicity (w polskiej wersji: Fela), Cecylię (w polskiej wersji: Celinka) Kingów, Sarę Stanley (Historynkę) i nowych znajomych: Piotrka Craiga i Sarę Ray. Razem przeżywają wiele przygód, przeplatanych przez niezwykłe opowieści Historynki. W roku 1913 powstał sequel książki, zatytułowany Złocista droga. Obie książki były inspiracją serialu Droga do Avonlea. (Za Wikipedią). Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition.


Jane of Lantern Hill

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Jane Stewart lives with her unhappy mother and stern grandmother in a dreary old mansion in Toronto. It is a world of rules and unhappiness. Her mother is weak and unable to stand up to Janes grandmother and Jane stoically suffers daily from her grandmothers verbal bullying. One day she discovers that the father she had long believed dead is alive and wants her to visit him. What follows is a blissful summer on Prince Edward Island where a dream of bringing her parents together begins to take shape. And there begins her journey of maturity and delight in a relationship with a father who sympathizes and loves the daughter he has been kept from for years.


Kilmeny of the Orchard

Lucy Maud Montgomery

A sweet and moving romance from the author of the beloved Anne of Green Gables series! Eric Marshall is all that a well brought-up young man should be. Handsome, steadfast, and full of ambition, he is expected to expand the Marshall&Company empire and to marry a woman suitable to replace his mother in Nova Scotias finest circles. Eric has a bright future in the family business and has taken the two-month teaching post on Prince Edward Island only as a favor to a sick friend. Then fate, which has been more than generous to Eric, throws in his path a beautiful, mysterious girl named Kilmeny Gordon. Mute since birth, she lives sequestered at home with her aunt and uncle who the town considers odd. Soon after that first meeting, a friendship between the two begins to bloom towards love.


Magic for Marigold

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery is perhaps best known as the author of the Anne of Green Gables series. Anne, an 11 year old girl, the hero of a girls novel has become a worldwide bestseller, from Canada to Japan, for children to adults. In this story the author beautifully weaves four short stories together into an amazing plot. None of the eccentric Lesleys can agree on what to call Lorraines baby. Lorraine secretly likes the name Marigold... but who among the assorted aunts, uncles, grandmothers, and cousins would ever agree to such a fanciful and outlandish name as that? But when the baby becomes ill and is saved by a kindly doctor, the family wants to name her after him. And his name is... Marigold! A child with such an unusual name is destined for adventure. It all begins the day Marigold meets a girl in a beautiful green dress who claims to be a real-life princess...


Mistress Pat

Lucy Maud Montgomery

This book describes the life of Patricia Gardiner in her twenties and early thirties, when she remained alone and took care of her beloved home, Silver Bush. Pat hated change more than ever, and took refuge in the Silver Bush where she was protected from them, but the change did happen. Over the course of eleven years, new servants came and went, new neighbors and new lovers, all her brothers and sisters got married, and life in the Silver Bush was not as pleasant as before, but Pat was desperately clinging to her love for her. Only in the face of terrible disasters, Pat discovered where her heart belongs for the rest of her life.


Mistress Pat. A Novel of Silver Bush

Lucy Maud Montgomery

This book has a sequel, Mistress Pat, which describes Patricia Gardiners life in her twenties and early thirties, during which she remained single and took care of her beloved home, Silver Bush. All she could ever ask of life was bound in the magic of the lovely old house on Prince Edward Island. And now there was more than ever to do, what with planning for the Christmas family reunion, entertaining a countess, playing matchmaker, and preparing for the arrival of the new hired man. Yet as those she loved so dearly started to move away, Pat began to question the wisdom of her choice of Silver Bush over romance. Was it possible to be lonely at Silver Bush? Eventually, though, Pat will have to choose: the house shes loved her entire life or falling in love and starting a home of her own.


Pat of Silver Bush

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bus (1933) portrays a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who hates changes of any kind and loves her home, Silver Bush, more than anything else in the world. The book begins when Pat is 7 years old and ends when she is 18. She is very devoted to her family: her father and mother, her brothers Joe and Sid, and her sisters Winnie and Rachel. If it were up to her, nothing there would ever change. But of course if nothing changed, shed never get a new baby sister, see her Aunt Hazels wedding, or meet the only boy who truly understands her. Yes, there is change coming for Pat some of it joyous and some of it heartbreaking. But no matter what, he favorite house in the world will always be waiting for her...


Rainbow Valley

Lucy Maud Montgomery

If youve read and loved Anne of Green Gables, youd definitely like to add Rainbow Valley by Lucy Maud Montgomery to your collection. Published in 1919, it is the seventh book in the chronology of the Anne of Green Gables series and follows the further life and adventures of Anne Shirley. At Ingleside, Anne is now happily married to her childhood friend the devoted Gilbert Blythe and have now been together blissfully for fifteen years and they have six children. But the book focuses more on her new neighbor, the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, as well as the interactions between Annes and John Merediths children. This is indeed a delightful glimpse into the continuing saga of this bestselling series of books that have provided so much entertainment to generations of children.


Rilla of Ingleside

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Rilla of Ingleside is a coming-of-age novel written in 1921 by L.M. Montgomery that focuses on the youngest daughter of the beloved Anne Shirley, now Mrs. Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series. In this final book in the Anne of Green Gables series, young Rilla Blythe dreams only of her first dance and getting her first kiss from the dashing Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the irrepressible Rilla when the world of Ingleside becomes endangered by a far-off war. Subsequently, Rillas brother Jem and his friend Jerry enlist and go to a training camp before leaving to join the front in France, and Rilla finds herself caring for an orphaned newborn. A story caught up in the shadow of war, the novel is an emotional journey of growth, loss, and sacrifice, but nevertheless a timeless piece of literature.


Rilla ze Złotego Brzegu

Lucy Maud Montgomery

“Rilla ze Złotego Brzegu” to powieść autorstwa kanadyjskiej pisarki Lucy Maud Montgomery, autorki słynnego na całym świecie cyklu powieści o Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza.   Książka ta jest ósmym tomem serii przygód Ani Shirley z Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza. Akcja powieści obejmuje lata 1914-1918, czyli okres I wojny światowej.  


Short Stories. 18961922

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery, called Maud by family and friends and publicly known as L.M. Montgomery, was a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908. Anne of Green Gables was an immediate success. Montgomery published some 20 novels as well as 500 short stories and poems before her death in 1942. Because many of the novels were set on Prince Edward Island, Canada and the Canadian province became literary landmarks. She was awarded Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1935. This book contains Lucy Maud Montgomerys short stories from the year 1896 to 1922. This great collection is full of her usual assortment of quirky, down-home, loyal, and loveable characters with honest and heart-warming stories.


The Bitterness in the Cup

Lucy Maud Montgomery

The elderly Mrs. Barry had one son, Mark, whom she passionately hoped to marry Lois Wilbur, his childhood friend. Nevertheless, Mark went to the city of Queens, where he fell in love and became engaged to actress Beatrice, much to Mrs. Barrys dismay. Great story, easy and laid back.