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Shakespeare showed us the plays in the play. In the introduction, we see that the Lord decided to play a cruel joke on a drunken brazier. They brought him to the lords house, dressed him beautifully, and assured him that past life was only a dream. And at this moment there is a troupe of actors who show the main part of the play. Unfortunately, the author did not finish the whole thing.
One of Shakespeares later plays. The plot focuses on the confrontation between the Duke of Milan, the Wizard of Prospero, and his brother Antonio. The latter, with the help of the Neapolitan king, takes power from his brother. Prospero, with his little daughter Miranda, was expelled from Milan. On a dilapidated ship they were sent to the open sea.
The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth
Nowhere else has Shakespeare demonstrated his gift to turn the chronicle into a drama so vividly and visibly as in the third part of Henry VI. In the previous two plays, battle scenes are also reproduced: in the first part, the battle in France is displayed especially vividly and vividly, but only in the last play of the trilogy the playwright managed to show almost the entire course of the Rose War in two hours of presentation: from the consequences of the first battle in St. Albans in 1455 before the defeat of Queen Margarita at Tewkesbury, which happened sixteen years later.
The Tragedie of Anthony and Cleopatra
With a strong spirit and body, people who are ready to endure all sorts of hardships and difficulties for the sake of the cause of their whole life, their blood, their feats inscribing their names in the history of mankind, also end up being tested, which turn out to be stronger than them. And for the sake of this, a person is able to erase his entire former life overnight. This happens with Anthony, an honorary Roman who fell in love with the proud queen of Egypt. For his sake he forgot Rome and the family, and Caesar.
The focus of the great tragedy of William Shakespeare Macbeth is unreasonable ambition that turns a brave warrior and a recognized hero into an ominous killer who seized power in his hands at the cost of bloody atrocity. The play Macbeth is worth reading if only to enjoy the beautiful poetic language of the great playwright here evil, intrigue, deceit and the most base vices of humanity are served under the sauce of beautiful poetry.
The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice
It is amazing, beautiful, and the lines flow like a song. Very characteristic images, living, breathing. You empathize with all the heroes and fiercely despise Iago. This is certainly the highest skill, so clearly convey the characters in the play, without going into the descriptions, but only with randomly dropped phrases. Othello turned out to be an extremely tragic character.
The Tragedy of Coriolan the tragedy of Shakespeare, based on the ancient biographies of the semi-legendary Roman leader of the times of the Republic of Gnay Marcia Coriolanus. Heroes are alive and you can not even read who said what: everyones speech is easily distinguished. The images of the tragedy are complex and multifaceted, the problems raised in the play are deep and serious. Reading and re-reading Shakespeare you always find something new that you missed during the previous reading.
Is it about the fact that people are a flock of sheep? No, rather, how difficult it is to make the right choice without having enough information. And this topic is relevant in the current policy after two thousand years. She raises a lot of questions: Is Caesars murder a deliverance from a tyrant or a betrayal?
Finally, I met with one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare. In this work, important and interesting topics are touched: the hypocrisy of people in pursuit of wealth and power, blinding deceitful speeches and disregard for the true virtues of the soul, cruelty and hot temper, deceived hopes and disappointment in loved ones. As for the king himself, Lear appears to be a rather absurd, selfish and domineering old man, who is too used to universal worship and has lost touch with reality.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
A love story that everyone knows from infancy. We encounter two children at the beginning of the play, who do not yet represent what love, passion, desire are, but as soon as they get to know each other and understand that they cannot live without each other, they both change, become adults, independent. They are ready to act for their love, boldly step over obstacles and strive for each other. But so much divides them throughout the play that only death can reunite.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo i Julia - publikacja w języku angielskim i polskim
Proponujemy Państwu publikację dwujęzyczną – angielską i polską. Pozwala ona czytać tekst oryginalny, wydany w języku angielskim w roku 1623, a także zapoznać się z jednym z najlepszych jego tłumaczeń na język polski - tłumaczeniem Józefa Paszkowskiego. Czytanie dzieł w oryginale to jedna z najlepszych metod nauki języka obcego, a także ogromna przyjemność. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet to jeden z najbardziej znanych utworów Shakespeare'a. Jest to czysta, młodzieńcza tragedia opowiedziana wierszem jednocześnie lekkim, jak i pobudzającym uwagę i napięcie. Jak pisze badacz literatury angielskiej George Sampson, scena angielska nie słyszała muzyki słów równie ujmującej. Dlatego też ogromną wartość ma czytanie dzieła w oryginale. Takie postaci, jak Romeo, Julia, Mercutio i Niania należą obecnie do światowej mitologii.
The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus
The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus an early and very harsh play of Shakespeare. There is no subtle treatment of the characters in it, but it is saturated with bloody events. Based on the traditions of the ancient theater, it represents fictional characters, driven by an inexhaustible thirst for revenge. But, most importantly: the time is now different, and the passions and vices are the same.
This play is not just a fairy tale by its name, everything in it is amazing and unbelievable, and it would be ridiculous to look for likelihood here! But, as you know, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, because among the wonderful fairy-tale accidents of the play we learn about what actually happens. That there are jealous husbands, rejected wives, abandoned children, as well as good nurses, loyal servants, honest counselors. That evil can take possession of the human soul, as it possessed Leont, who broke his own happiness and the happiness of those he loved. And that only time can put everything in its place.
Tragedia autorstwa Williama Szekspira, która powstała tuż po napisaniu słynnego Hamleta. Akcja rozgrywa się podczas siedmioletniej wojny trojańskiej i skupia się na dwóch wątkach. Jeden z nich to historia księcia trojańskiego Troilusa, który uwodzi Kresydę, jednak ta zostaje oddana Grekom podczas wymiany jeńców. Drugi wątek rozgrywa się między Prometeuszem i Nestorem, którzy próbują namówić Achillesa, aby kontynuował walkę.
Sztuka jest osadzona w realiach wojny trojańskiej i ma dwa główne wątki. Pierwszy z nich opowiada historię Kresydy i Troilusa - księcia trojańskiego. Troilus uwiódł Kresydę, po czym wyznał jej miłość. Jednak podczas wymiany jeńców wojennych Kresyda została oddana do Grekom w niewolę. Troilus idzie za nią do obozu Greków, jednak widząc ją z Diomedesem uznaje za niegodną zainteresowania. W drugim wątku Odyseusz i Nestor próbują nakłonić Achillesa do powrotu do walki... (Za Wikipedią).
Twelfth Night, or, What You Will
This is one of the most funny Shakespeare comedies, full of jokes and life-affirming optimism, elegant, brilliantly refined, built on aphorisms, wordplay and mind games. In her family, a meeting with which seems unthinkable, are unexpectedly. And the happiness awaits the heroes right around the bend, and it doesnt matter that not where they are looking for him.