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Być może najbardziej aktualna powieść Josepha Conrada! Jeśli zamach za pomocą bomby ma wywrzeć wpływ na opinię publiczną, musi być czymś efektowniejszym niż akt zemsty lub terroryzmu. Musi dążyć tylko do zniszczenia. Zniszczenie i nic innego, każdy inny cel musi być wykluczony. Wy, anarchiści, powinniście dowieść czarno na białym, że jesteście bezwzględnie zdecydowani zmieść z oblicza ziemi cały ustrój społeczny. Ale jak wbić ten przerażający absurd w głowy klasy średniej, tak aby go jasno pojęła? Oto jest pytanie! Odpowiedź brzmi: trzeba skierować zamach niszczycielski przeciw czemuś, co jest poza obrębem zwykłych ludzkich namiętności. Londyn na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Vladimir, diaboliczny sekretarz ambasady wrogiego mocarstwa, nakłania Verloca, pospolitego prowokatora, leniwego anarchistę i policyjnego donosiciela, do zorganizowania zamachu terrorystycznego, który zatrzęsie potęgą Imperium Brytyjskiego. Akcja ma być na tyle krwawa i absurdalna, żeby zszokowała opinię publiczną i przyćmiła rozpoczynającą się właśnie międzynarodową konferencję na temat „powstrzymania przestępczości politycznej”. Celem zamachu będzie więc wysadzenie symbolu brytyjskiej dominacji w świecie nauki i międzynarodowego systemu pomiaru czasu – Królewskiego Obserwatorium w londyńskim Greenwich.
Tajny agent (The Secret Agent) autorstwa Josepha Conrada to fascynująca powieść szpiegowska, której akcja toczy się w Londynie pod koniec XIX wieku. Wydana w 1907 roku i dostępna w edycji dwujęzycznej polsko-angielskiej, książka przedstawia mroczny świat anarchizmu, terroryzmu i manipulacji. Głównym bohaterem jest Adolf Verloc, szpieg działający na zlecenie nieokreślonego państwa, prawdopodobnie Rosji. W swojej codzienności prowadzi podwójne życie: z jednej strony jest niepozornym właścicielem sklepu, z drugiej - uwikłanym w sieć politycznych intryg. Powieść ukazuje nie tylko jego skomplikowane relacje z tajemniczymi mocodawcami, ale również dramatyczną więź z rodziną, w szczególności z niepełnosprawnym intelektualnie szwagrem Steviem, którego losy splatają się z niebezpiecznymi wydarzeniami. Tajny agent to nie tylko trzymająca w napięciu historia szpiegowska, ale także głęboka analiza moralnych dylematów i społecznych niepokojów epoki. Conrad, odchodząc od morskich opowieści, zagłębia się tutaj w psychologię swoich bohaterów, kreśląc przy tym ponury obraz Londynu, który przywołuje na myśl "Bleak House" Charlesa Dickensa. Dzięki swojej uniwersalnej tematyce, powieść zyskała status literackiego klasyka, wielokrotnie adaptowanego na potrzeby teatru, filmu, radia i telewizji. Temat terroryzmu sprawił, że po atakach z 11 września 2001 roku, Tajny agent stał się jedną z najczęściej cytowanych książek w amerykańskich mediach. To dzieło, które nie tylko wciąga, ale i zmusza do refleksji nad naturą władzy, lojalności i ludzkiej kondycji.
This collection of four stories. One of the stories is Prince Roman. It tells about the Polish people and their hero. The conversation was about aristocracy. How did this discredited item come about? However, neither the great Florentine artist, who did not close his eyes at death while thinking about his city, nor Saint Francis, who blessed the city of Assisi with his last breath, were barbarians.
This collection of short works. Despite the fact that these are short stories, the author never ceases to amaze with his approach to his characters. The scene from Brittany Idiots is perhaps his most significant work. Here, Conrad describes a family cursed by a mental illness in a French village, and how the embryo difficulties affect parents.
The Arrow of Gold. A Story Between Two Notes
Events unfolding in Marseille. George secretly gets the forbidden goods, and this makes money. He falls in love with Rita da Lastiola, a young woman with a certain wealth and mystery that supports the work of Karlist and inherited the fortune from a rich man who took her for a mistress. She is of peasant origin, and her motives and feelings are the subject of endless debate.
Since this is not a very famous story, and most of the pleasure that it provides depends on the surprise that the highlight in the story will present to the reader. Winston Bunter, who registered as First Mate on Sapphire, a ship bound for Calcutta. His commander, Captain Jones, is described as an extremely unpleasant person, incredulous and capricious, who believes that sailors over forty are no longer suitable, and he always talks about ghosts and ways to contact them. Despite all this strange humor that lives within the framework of this story, you can, of course, feel that the narrator is very skeptical of Johns opinion that senior sailors are no longer suitable, as he makes a sharp remark that gray-haired tars are desperate in search of a berth in the English ports.
This is the story of a sea captain named Wally, who suffered a financial catastrophe at the end of an outstanding career. All he wants is to leave his only daughter some money to help her cope with her unsuccessful marriage, so he is investing his last 500 pounds in an old steamer owned by his chief engineer, a man named Massy. Massy a desperate man who won the money to buy his ship in the lottery.
The Inheritors. An Extravagant Story
Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Hueffer
The Inheritors is a little-known book of two main British writers. The plot is based on a political scheme to undermine the British Empire, based on a Congo-like colonial enterprise and manipulated by journalists. The main character claims that she is from the Fourth Dimension and works to replace the human race.
Joseph Conrads Mirror of the Sea was a compelling read. From love to death, Conrad explains all this, using his life in the sea to match the human condition. The Mirror of the Sea is mainly about the adventures of Joseph Conrad when he was at sea. In the adventures described above, the author discusses the risks, struggles and dangers of sailing for sailors. While he and the crew sailed, they often encounter a great terrible storm. Sailors always run the risk of a storm, and their ship is sinking. The good thing about this book is that it has a lot of personification.
The Nigger of the Narcissus. A Tale of the Sea
The Nigger of the Narcissus was written in 1896 and is loosely based on Conrads own experiences as a sailor; in 1884, Conrad made a voyage on the real Narcissus from Bombay to Dunkirk as a Second Mate, and some of the events described in his novella may be based on adversities Conrad and his fellow-sailers had to contend with. And yet, Conrads third novel is much more than just an accout of adventures at sea partly based on fact and experience. In The Nigger of the Narcissus, Conrad powerfully expresses his emotional leanings towards a seafaring life but he also unfolds a rather pessimistic worldview, maybe an even more pessimistic one than in many of his later works. An absolutely engrossing tale that takes place on board of the Narcissus, a ship bound for England. It explores the microcosm on board of this ship and examines human nature and power relations as more and more strain is put on the crew.
This is both mystery and romance; the latter creates one of the recurring difficulties in Conrad: it preserves the Victorian histrionic element, which sometimes may seem a little attractive. But overall, it is well read and much less burdensome than some of his novels.
The Point of Honor. A Military Tale
Conrad stresses that the narrative clearly shows that the duel really benefited two. Combat competitions made every job and strive a little harder, forced the will to survive and win in a personal fight as seriously as the desire to survive the bloody years of the Napoleonic war. Both are officers in Napoleons army, and both are to the core.
The Rescue. A Romance of the Shallows
Rescue is not just muscular descriptions of a boiling sea or some kind of intrigue or action. Konrad decisively decides things like lengthy / nuanced conversations. But, as in all his books, Rescue is darkly intense, much more happening under the surface than even the characters think. This is not an easy book to concentrate on. Tension, uncertainty about what will happen next, a gloomy atmosphere all this is alive and overwhelming.
This is both mystery and romance; the latter creates one of the recurring difficulties in Conrad: it preserves the Victorian histrionic element, which sometimes may seem a little attractive. But overall, it is well read and much less burdensome than some of his novels. The Rover was Conrads last book and probably one of his most accessible stories.
The Secret Agent. A Simple Tale
Mr Verloc, the secret agent, keeps a shop in Londons Soho where he lives with his wife Winnie, her infirm mother, and her idiot brother, Stevie. Verloc is part of a group of anarchists who believe in overthrowing the government and who also function as somewhat ineffective terrorists. The group mainly produces anarchist pamphlets called F.P. (The Future of the Proletariat) and hold private meetings among themselves. The agent is secretly employed by a foreign embassy, probably Russia, to blow up the Greenwich Observatory. The Secret Agent is a a story set earlier (1886) telling an allegory of terrorists and anarchists based in Edwardian England. The complicated plot is masterful, the prose sophisticated, and the characterizations full and engrossing. The death of an innocent is heartrending. Joseph Conrad is often considered the best writer of the 19th century.
This book is about a young captain who is hastily given his first command of a ghost ship. Its about a first mate who will lose his mind to madness as the malaria sickness spreads without medicine. This book is about a calm sea with not a sigh of a wind to move the ship. The Shadow Line by Joseph Conrad describes that demarcation line in the journey of life that divides the happy, bright, fantastic and irresponsible youth with the darker ages of manhood. Conrad goes on to delineate this vision as being beyond the charm and innocence of illusions. It isnt an elaborate story, but one that explores that moment, that shadow-line between youth and adulthood. It is a story about maturity, wisdom, experience. And, even though Conrad himself tells us this story is not about the supernatural, a curse and the first captain who died before Conrad took command, tells us otherwise.