Autor: E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Million Pound Deposit

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This 1929 novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim neatly describes some of the frothy financial dealings of the late stage of the roaring 20s in England and centered around a commercial chemical formula. The formula for the process is carefully guarded from its own employees, but is stolen one night by a band of five adventurers who plan to ransom it for 1 million pounds. Two men are killed during the robbery. Plans to ransom the process are put on hold, and the documents are deposited in a London Safe Deposit company. Meanwhile, the managing director of Boothroyds, Sir Matthew Parkinson, has been forced to sell some of his shares to cover debts. His lovely daughter Grace is the only person who seems concerned about the welfare of the company and its workers.


The Mischief Maker

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This story takes place before WWI and follows the adventures of a disgraced English politician who hasnt given up on his country in her hour of need. His nemesis is a suave but evil German prince who is plotting the downfall of he British empire. The only thing that stands in his way is our hero... and two beautiful women. The Mischief-Maker presents a fascinating picture of the political mindset of the day to go along with the twists and turns of the story. And so on, and with the material of conspiracies, politics, love and adventure the story is woven around the atmosphere of the early 20th century in London and Paris with that peculiar polish in dialogue and fascinating coloring characteristic of the popular author.


The Missioner

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Lady Wilhemina Thorpe-Hatton lives a life of extraordinary wealth and privilege. She is visiting her extensive estate in England, which includes the town of Thorpe, and all its inhabitants. When Victor Macheson, a young man chock full of ideals and theories about how to make the world a better place, petitions her for the use of a barn where he can speak on these subjects, she refuses. He is dismissed and harried out of town by the son of the estate manager Stephan Hurd. But he proves to be a stubborn sort. The estate manager is murdered by a mysterious stranger, and Lady Thorpe finds herself in the throws of a disturbing emotion... love. But why is Wilhelmina so incomprehensible, so affectionate and then so distant? And will Machesons ideals and high thinking stand the test of such treatment by her?


The Modern Prometheus

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Sir Francis Kernham has returned from 10 years in the colonies where he has made a fortune. He is looking for Marcia, the struggling young actress who shared his misery in a Chelsea boardinghouse. He searches everywhere for her, fearful of what she may have become, only to discover by chance that she has also elevated herself and is now the Princess Hohenmahn, married to an elderly debauched member of royalty. Will they now find love and happiness together, or has time and truth forged bonds of a different sort? The fate of these characters is strictly Victorian. The novella gives an interesting picture of late Victorian society, the role of wealth and art, and the state of society in London just prior to the arrival of the automobile, and struggle for womens rights.


The Moving Finger

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Uncommon Oppenheim novel tells a strong story of the complicated love affairs, thrilling and mystifying revelations in the life of a young occult. Mr. Henry Rochester is an honest and honorable landowner in rural England. One evening he is walking his estate when he happens across the boy who is meditating on a hillside, and after a conversation, takes it into his head to give the boy money and see what hell make of himself. Unfortunately, he also tells the boy that if he fails, hed be better off killing himself. Seven years later the boys has become Mr. Bertrand Saton, a mystical adventurer, adopted son of the Comtesse Rachael, and ravisher of female London. The two become enemies, with several women at stake in the contest. Henrys wife, Lady Mary; his ward Lois, and his great love Pauline.


The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown is an 1896 novel by the British writer E. Phillips Oppenheim. Following the apparent murder of a man, a novelist comes under suspicion. Very enjoyable period piece with lovely descriptions and intense love between hero and heroine. He has to clear his name, as main suspect in a murder and he had sworn revenge and had taken an assumed name. Flashbacks to Italy. Full of rich and influential people with touch of Dickens with Benjamin Levy, the private sleuth who is obsessed with money. The author has acquired an admirable technique of the sort demanded by this novel of intrigue and mystery. Readers of Mr. Oppenheims novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship.


The Mystery Road

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Mystery Road an antique book written by E Phillips Oppenheim follows the heroine on her journey to true love and independence from family pressures. An orphan French girl, Myrtile, who is living with her stepfather horrifies at the prospect to marry to a local barkeep and runs away from the farm. Struck by Myrtiles desperation and beauty, two Englishmen rescue her and bring her to Monaco with them, buy her new clothes, and try to find her a respectable position. One of them Christopher falls in love with her. The emergence of her true nature, and the evolution of their relationships forms the basis of the plot. Its all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


The New Tenant

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Turmoil over Thurlow House. The new tenant of the garden house has barely moved in when a grisly murder happens. Is Mister Brown, the new tenant guilty? Who is he, anyway? His past is shrouded in mystery and nobody seems to know anything about him other than that he is wealthy? Strange things continue to happen... The New Tenant is a devious mystery from the the prince of storytellers Phillips Oppenheim who wrote nearly 150 novels during his career. Very much in the genre of The Woman in White and other late Victorian mysteries, this book evolves slowly, with lengthy descriptions of setting, scenery, and society. If you like British style mysteries, this ones for you!


The Oppenheim Omnibus. Clowns and Criminals

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Another great collection of stories from the British author E. Phillips Oppenheim who achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning international espionage and intrigue. A best-selling author of novels, short stories, magazine articles, translations, and plays, Oppenheim published over 150 books. He is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. The Oppenheim Omnibus: Clowns and Criminals (1931) is one of Oppenheims most intriguing works. Here we have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


The Ostrekoff Jewels

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another great novel by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. He composed some one hundred and fifty novels, mainly of the suspense and international intrigue nature, but including romances, comedies, and parables of everyday life. The Ostrekoff Jewels is the story of a Russian prince, princess and the end of the Russian Revolution that is taking place around them and involves the smuggling out of a familys hereditary jewels. They attempt to flee, which appears to be successful, at least at first. Loosely based on the Romanovs reign in Russia.


The Passionate Quest

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Passionate Quest is the story of Rosina, Philip and Matthew, who work in rural England in the glass factory owned by Rosinas uncle. All three dream of a different life: Rosina wants to be an actress, Philip a poet, and Matthew hopes for a career in high finance. They all go off to London in the passionate quest for their dreams. This 1927 novel by Edward Phillips Oppenheim where problems arise in a family business. Oppenheim inherited a leather company from his father and ran it for 20 years before he became a full time author. The business of leather features in a number of his novels. He was acutely aware of class behavior and distinctions. An enjoyable read!


The Pawns Count

E. Phillips Oppenheim

E. Phillips Oppenheim was a British writer known for his thriller novels. He is credited with writing over 100 novels including suspense, international intrigue, romance, parables, and comedies. His protagonists are known for their love of luxury, gourmet meals, and their enjoyment of criminal activities. The Pawns Count is a novel during World War I and intrigue. German, Japanese, British and Americans play roles in this novel. A chemist, Sandy Graham, has discovered a new powerful explosive, but he lets it slip in a London restaurant that he has made the discovery. So it should come as no surprise, really, when he goes to the lavatory to clean up and never comes back out. Several highly cultured spies from different governments set out to find him and the formula. Read this rather short book to find the answers.


The Peer and the Woman

E. Phillips Oppenheim

If you have a fondness for mystery you should find this novel to be an entertaining read. Lord Alceston, the Earl of Harrowdean, statesman, philanthropist, nobleman, is murdered in his own study on the night of a great ball given at his home. On the same night a mysterious woman is murdered in the slums of East London. The valet disappears. Thus begins a moody and dramatic tale of love, jealousy, and revenge. This is the second published novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim and deals with a rigid Victorian moral code which is hard to comprehend today. Oppenheim dictated many of his later novels, but the careful writing, lengthy descriptions, and close observation of characters are beautifully expressed in this early work.


The Postmaster of Market Deignton

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This early work from the prince of storytellers E. Phillips Oppenheim published as a novel in 1897. Mr. Norman Scott is a young, hardworking, distinguished physician with a busy practice in London. He is called to visit a patient, Mr. Humphrey Deignton, who suffers from gout and who is murdered later. Dr. Scott is suspected. Two years later, we meet Mr. John Martin, postmaster and chemist in Market Deignton. A lonely, bitter, impoverished man. He is living near the home of Lady Deignton, seeking revenge upon the person who killed Lord Deignton, and ruined his name and career. There are lots of unexpected turns and twists to the adventure of poor John and the local color of the setting is extremely charming.


The Profiteers

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A novel of crime and conscience by Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), the self-styled prince of storytellers. The Profiteers was written about the stock market post-World War I and pre-1929 crash. The tale of the Bechtel family dynasty is a classic American business story. It begins with Warren A. Bechtel, who led a consortium that constructed the Hoover Dam. From that auspicious start, the family and its eponymous company would go on to build the world, from the construction of airports in Hong Kong and Doha, to pipelines and tunnels in Alaska and Europe, to mining and energy operations around the globe. Like all stories of empire building, the rise of Bechtel presents a complex and riveting narrative. In The Profiteers, Sally Denton, exposes Bechtels secret world and one of the biggest business and political stories of our time.


The Seven Conundrums

E. Phillips Oppenheim

British author E. Phillips Oppenheim achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning, mystery, international espionage and intrigue. Many of his novels have been adapted for the screen. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and The Seven Conundrums is one of the best of his many good and exciting books. His plotting is as smooth as silk, with the virtue of creating believable characters of genuine sophistication and wit. Readers of Mr. Oppenheims novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship. Highly recommended!