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Dick Merriwell Abroad is a book about the exciting adventures of a young guy. He did not just set off on adventures, but discovered the world from a new side. The main character is bold and persistent, since he went abroad without a doubt. This book will appeal to everyone, especially adventure hunters.
Burt L. Standish wrote another exciting story about Dick Merriwell. The story of the story develops on deck. Among the crowd on the deck were two boys who made a European tour under the guidance of Professor Zenas Gann. Dick Merriwell, younger brother of former great Yale athlete and scholar Frank Merriwella. Dick was his buddy Bradley Backhart. The guys continue their journey, revealing to the reader the beauty of the whole world.
In this story, all the main events take place on the football field. Dick on this day managed everything. He walked around one, then the other, and left another one in his path. He would have managed to score, but a collision with another player prevented him. He got injured. This book shows how you need to pass through obstacles.
Frank Merriwell is the perfect protagonist. He leads a healthy lifestyle, courageous and cheerful. Frank just radiates vital energy. Merriwell excelled at football, baseball, crew, and track at Yale while solving mysteries and righting wrongs. The book is written in a simple form, it is easy to read, thanks to all understandable slang.
The book begins with the search for the protagonist of the lost Silver Palace in Mexico. After that, he goes to Mardi Gras in New Orleans and must unravel the mystery of the queen of flowers. Many obstacles appear on his way. But they make him stronger.
Frank Merriwell, Juniors, Golden Trail
Frank Merriwell, Juniors, Golden Trail- the story is not much different from other authors stories. The plot is based on the adventures of the protagonist. Frank tries to talk about a dream that has been tormenting him for a long time. All this is not just so, the dream has a great value on the further development of the plot. Such an intriguing development of the plot doesnt let the reader get bored.
Burt L.Standish is best known as author of the Frank Merriwell stories. Frank Merriwells Alarm is one of these stories. The main characters, continuing their adventures, were in the desert. Now the obstacle is harder. After all, they were left without water. What will they do?
The main character shows that in athletics, strength and skill win, regardless of money or family; it so happened that the poorest person at the university became a demonstration of becoming an idol for all young people. This story proves that in spite of its origin or on the income of its family. You can still achieve everything in this life. The main thing to believe in it.
The story of Frank Merriwell continues. Frank is an energetic young guy. He was the best in everything: in sports, in school, he helped his friends. But now he needs help. After all, he falls into the trap and his enemies take away securities from him. Who will help him?
Burt L. Standish has always portrayed Frank as an improved hero. He has a body like Tarzans and a head like Einsteins. This book reveals another major feature of Frack his bravery. The hard way is trying to knock him off of success. But will it work out?
The story of the brave hero, Frank Merriwell, continues. The plot develops in Lake Lily Athletic Club. Club members practiced archery in the mountains. But it is not that simple. Guys again pass through an unforgettable adventure. Readers can witness another bright story.
The most important thing in life is to have true friends. So thought our hero, Frank Merriwell. It would seem like this can be a problem for one of the most popular students in the academy. However, Frank not only had a large number of friends, but also enemies. And when the enemy is among friends.. this is the worst thing ever.
Burt L. Standish again gives us the opportunity to see the world through his books. The main character sends an invitation to his comrade John to send a cruise. John, the same adventurer as Frank, did not hesitate for a second. So we are once again going through an exciting journey through the world, making new discoveries for ourselves.
Frank Merriwells Limit is probably one of the most emotional parts of Frank Merriwells stories. In this part we see the dark side of the main character. Frank is angry at the man who is intentionally trying to spoil the reputation of Frank, as well as some of his classmates. spreading rumors that they are engaged in inappropriate matters. Will Frank be able to cope with emotions?
Readers continue to witness the rise of a new star. So Frank Merriwells magical story tells how a simple boy can achieve success with his work. In this part, Frank manages to successfully deliver the play For Old Eli, which impressed everyone around him.
Burt L. Standish is the author of Frank Merriwelles stories, which has become popular around the world. The protagonist, Frank Merriwell never loses his enthusiasm and jumps headlong into new adventures. However, this time he has more serious problems on his way. The main mystery of this part: can Frank cope with the difficulties again?