Автор: Edvaldo Alessandro Cardoso
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Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 Cookbook. Over 60 recipes for the administration and management of Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1


Microsoft System Center 2012 is a comprehensive IT infrastructure, virtualization, and cloud management platform. With System Center 2012, you can more easily and efficiently manage your applications and services across multiple hypervisors as well as across public and private cloud infrastructures to deliver flexible and cost-effective IT services for your business.This cookbook covers architecture design and planning and is full of deployment tips, techniques, and solutions designed to show users how to improve VMM 2012 in a real world scenario. It will guide you to create, deploy, and manage your own Private Cloud with a mix of Hypervisors: Hyper-V, Vmware ESXi, and Citrix XenServer. It also includes the VMM 2012 SP1 features.This book is a cookbook that covers architecture design, planning and is full of deployment tips, techniques and solutions designed to show users how to improve VMM 2012 in a real world scenario. It will guide you to create, deploy and manage your own Private Cloud with a mix of Hypervisors : Hyper-V, Vmware ESXi and Citrix XenServer.

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Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012. Poradnik praktyczny

Edvaldo Alessandro Cardoso

Microsoft System Center 2012 jest wszechstronną platformą wirtualizacji, chmury i zarządzania infrastrukturą IT. Poprzez System Center 2012 możesz dużo łatwiej i wydajniej zarządzać swoimi aplikacjami i usługami w obrębie kilku różnych hiperwizorów oraz infrastruktur chmur publicznych i prywatnych w celu dostarczenia elastycznych i oszczędnych usług IT dla Twojego biznesu. Treść niniejszej książki obejmuje projekt architektury i planowanie, a przy tym zawiera wiele różnych porad, technik i rozwiązań wdrożeniowych, które pokażą Ci, w jaki sposób możesz usprawnić VMM 2012 w praktycznych scenariuszach. Poprowadzi Cię ona przez etapy tworzenia, wdrażania i zarządzania Twoją chmurą prywatną, zbudowaną w oparciu o różne hiperwizory: Hyper-V, VMware ESXi oraz Citrix XenServer. Uwzględnia ona także funkcje zawarte w VMM 2012 SP1. Dla kogo jest ta książka? Książka ta przeznaczona jest dla projektantów rozwiązań, konsultantów technicznych, administratorów, a także dla każdego innego miłośnika wirtualizacji, który musi korzystać na co dzień z Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012. Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się - Korzystać z architektury VMM oraz planować praktyczne wdrożenia - Wykorzystywać wirtualizację sieci, bramy czy magazynu, dławienie zasobów oraz opcje dostępności - Wdrażać system Operations Manager i integrować z VMM - Integrować z VMM kontroler SC App Controller w celu zarządzania chmurami prywatnymi i publicznymi (Azure) - Wdrażać klastry poprzez VMM Bare Metal - Tworzyć i wdrażać z szablonów maszyny wirtualne - Wdrażać wysoko dostępny serwer zarządzania VMM - Zarządzać Hyper-V, VMware oraz Citrix z poziomu VMM - Aktualizować SCVMM 2008 R2 do SCVMM 2012 SP1

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Eлектронна книга

System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager Cookbook. Design, configure, and manage an efficient virtual infrastructure with VMM in System Center 2016 - Third Edition


Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2016 is part of the System Center suite to configure and manage datacenters and offers a unified management experience on-premises and Azure cloud.This book will be your best companion for day-to-day virtualization needs within your organization, as it takes you through a series of recipes to simplify and plan a highly scalable and available virtual infrastructure. You will learn the deployment tips, techniques, and solutions designed to show users how to improve VMM 2016 in a real-world scenario. The chapters are divided in a way that will allow you to implement the VMM 2016 and additional solutions required to effectively manage and monitor your fabrics and clouds. We will cover the most important new features in VMM 2016 across networking, storage, and compute, including brand new Guarded Fabric, Shielded VMs and Storage Spaces Direct. The recipes in the book provide step-by-step instructions giving you the simplest way to dive into VMM fabric concepts, private cloud, and integration with external solutions such as VMware, Operations Manager, and the Windows Azure Pack.By the end of this book, you will be armed with the knowledge you require to start designing and implementing virtual infrastructures in VMM 2016.

Eлектронна книга

System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager Cookbook. Design, configure, and manage an efficient virtual infrastructure with VMM in System Center 2016 - Third Edition


Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2016 is part of the System Center suite to configure and manage datacenters and offers a unified management experience on-premises and Azure cloud.This book will be your best companion for day-to-day virtualization needs within your organization, as it takes you through a series of recipes to simplify and plan a highly scalable and available virtual infrastructure. You will learn the deployment tips, techniques, and solutions designed to show users how to improve VMM 2016 in a real-world scenario. The chapters are divided in a way that will allow you to implement the VMM 2016 and additional solutions required to effectively manage and monitor your fabrics and clouds. We will cover the most important new features in VMM 2016 across networking, storage, and compute, including brand new Guarded Fabric, Shielded VMs and Storage Spaces Direct. The recipes in the book provide step-by-step instructions giving you the simplest way to dive into VMM fabric concepts, private cloud, and integration with external solutions such as VMware, Operations Manager, and the Windows Azure Pack.By the end of this book, you will be armed with the knowledge you require to start designing and implementing virtual infrastructures in VMM 2016.