Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Computer in the office
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Multimedia trainings
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Social policy
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Reports, analyses
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Health and Safety
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Home and garden
- E-business
- Finances
- Personal finance
- Business
- Photography
- Computer science
- HR & Payroll
- Computers, Excel
- Accounts
- Culture and literature
- Scientific and academic
- Environmental protection
- Opinion-forming
- Education
- Taxes
- Travelling
- Psychology
- Religion
- Agriculture
- Book and press market
- Transport and Spedition
- Healthand beauty
Computer science
- Office applications
- Data bases
- Bioinformatics
- IT business
- Digital Lifestyle
- Electronics
- Digital photography
- Computer graphics
- Games
- Hacking
- Hardware
- IT w ekonomii
- Scientific software package
- School textbooks
- Computer basics
- Programming
- Mobile programming
- Internet servers
- Computer networks
- Start-up
- Operational systems
- Artificial intelligence
- Technology for children
- Webmastering
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Narrative poetry
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
School textbooks
Popular science and academic
- Archeology
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Cinema studies
- Philology
- Polish philology
- Philosophy
- Finanse i bankowość
- Geography
- Economy
- Trade. World economy
- History and archeology
- History of art and architecture
- Cultural studies
- Linguistics
- Literary studies
- Logistics
- Maths
- Medicine
- Humanities
- Pedagogy
- Educational aids
- Popular science
- Other
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Theatre studies
- Theology
- Economic theories and teachings
- Transport i spedycja
- Physical education
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Game guides
Professional and specialist guides
- Health and Safety
- History
- Road Code. Driving license
- Law studies
- Healthcare
- General. Compendium of knowledge
- Academic textbooks
- Other
- Construction and local law
- Civil law
- Financial law
- Economic law
- Economic and trade law
- Criminal law
- Criminal law. Criminal offenses. Criminology
- International law
- International law
- Health care law
- Educational law
- Tax law
- Labor and social security law
- Public, constitutional and administrative law
- Family and Guardianship Code
- agricultural law
- Social law, labour law
- European Union law
- Industry
- Agricultural and environmental
- Dictionaries and encyclopedia
- Public procurement
- Management
Tourist guides and travel
- Africa
- Albums
- Southern America
- North and Central America
- Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
- Austria
- Asia
- Balkans
- Middle East
- Bulgary
- China
- Croatia
- The Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Egipt
- Estonia
- Europe
- France
- Mountains
- Greece
- Spain
- Holand
- Iceland
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Mini travel guides
- Germany
- Norway
- Active travelling
- Poland
- Portugal
- Other
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
- Russia
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- World
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Hungary
- Great Britain
- Italy
- Philosophy of life
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
Computer science
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Popular science and academic
Professional and specialist guides
Tourist guides and travel
- Philosophy of life
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Data bases
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
For children
Microsoft Office
Development tools
Personal growth
Computer networks
Operational systems
Software testing
Mobile devices
Web development
We współczesnym świecie, pełnym pośpiechu i rywalizacji, wydajność programu jest równie istotna dla klientów, jak oferowane przez niego funkcje. Ten praktyczny podręcznik wyjaśnia podstawowe zasady podnoszenia wydajności, które pomagają w optymalizacji kodu C++. Uczy, jak dostosowywać poprawny kod C++ tak, aby działał on szybciej i zużywał mniej zasobów na każdym komputerze, począwszy od zegarka, poprzez telefon, stację roboczą, superkomputer, aż po globalną sieć serwerów. Autor Kurt Guntheroth prezentuje szereg przykładów demonstrujących, w jaki sposób można, stopniowo wdrażając przedstawione zasady, osiągnąć kod spełniający wymagania klientów dotyczące reaktywności i przepustowości. O przydatności porad zamieszczonych w tej książce będzie się można przekonać, gdy kolega z zespołu zawoła: Zaczęło działać niesamowicie szybko. Kto coś naprawił? Dowiedz się jak: Wyznaczać kandydatów do optymalizacji przy użyciu programu profilującego oraz czasomierzy programowych Przeprowadzać powtarzalne eksperymenty w celu mierzenia wydajności zmodyfikowanych wersji kodu Optymalizować użycie zmiennych dynamicznych Podnieść wydajność kosztownych pętli i funkcji Przyspieszyć działanie funkcji przetwarzających ciągi Rozpoznawać efektywne algorytmy i wzorce optymalizacyjne Identyfikować mocne i słabe strony klas kontenerów w C++ Analizować wyszukiwanie i sortowanie z perspektywy optymalizatora W efektywny sposób używać funkcji przesyłania strumieniowego we/wy w języku C++ W wydajny sposób stosować w kodzie C++ funkcje równoległe bazujące na wątkach Cenne źródło praktycznych porad aktualnych, trafnych i osadzonych w rzeczywistości. Solidne kompendium wiedzy o nowym obliczu języka C++. Jerry Tan Starszy programista, The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation Kurt Guntheroth, programista z ponad 35-letnim doświadczeniem, od ćwierćwiecza zajmuje się opracowywaniem wydajnego kodu C++. Rozwija programy dla platform Windows, Linux oraz systemów wbudowanych. Kurt mieszka w Seattle w stanie Waszyngton.
Dale Green, Kurt Guntheroth, Shaun Ross Mitchell
C++ is the backbone of many games, GUI-based applications, and operating systems. Learning C++ effectively is more than a matter of simply reading through theory, as the real challenge is understanding the fundamentals in depth and being able to use them in the real world. If you're looking to learn C++ programming efficiently, this Workshop is a comprehensive guide that covers all the core features of C++ and how to apply them. It will help you take the next big step toward writing efficient, reliable C++ programs.The C++ Workshop begins by explaining the basic structure of a C++ application, showing you how to write and run your first program to understand data types, operators, variables and the flow of control structures. You'll also see how to make smarter decisions when it comes to using storage space by declaring dynamic variables during program runtime.Moving ahead, you'll use object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques such as inheritance, polymorphism, and class hierarchies to make your code structure organized and efficient. Finally, you'll use the C++ standard library?s built-in functions and templates to speed up different programming tasks.By the end of this C++ book, you will have the knowledge and skills to confidently tackle your own ambitious projects and advance your career as a C++ developer.