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Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
Poornachandra Sarang, Matjaz B. Juric, Benny Mathew, Poornachandra G Sarang, ...
Web services provide the basic technical platform required for application interoperability. They do not, however, provide higher level control, such as which web services need to be invoked, which operations should be called and in what sequence. Nor do they provide ways to describe the semantics of interfaces, the workflows, or e-business processes. BPEL is the missing link to assemble and integrate web services into a real business process BPEL4WS standardizes process automation between web services. This applies both within the enterprise, where BPEL4WS is used to integrate previously isolated systems, and between enterprises, where BPEL4WS enables easier and more effective integration with business partners. In providing a standard descriptive structure BPEL4WS enables enterprises to define their business processes during the design phase. Wider business benefits can flow from this through business process optimization, reengineering, and the selection of most appropriate processes . Supported by major vendorsó including BEA, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, SAP, Sun, and othersó BPEL4WS is becoming the accepted standard for business process management.This book provides detailed coverage of BPEL4WS, its syntax, and where, and how, it is used. It begins with an overview of web services, showing both the foundation of, and need for, BPEL. The web services orchestration stack is explained, including standards such as WS-Security, WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction, WS-Addressing, and others. The BPEL language itself is explained in detail, with Code snippets and complete examples illustrating both its syntax and typical construction. Having covered BPEL itself, the book then goes on to show BPEL is used in context. by providing an overview of major BPEL4WS servers. It covers the Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 in detail, and shows how to write BPEL4WS solutions using these servers.
Matjaz B. Juric, Marcel Krizevnik, Matjaz B Juric
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL, aka WS-BPEL) has become the de-facto standard for orchestrating services in SOA composite applications. BPEL reduces the gap between business requirements and applications and allows for better alignment between business processes and underlying IT architecture. BPEL is for SOA what SQL is for databases. Therefore learning BPEL is essential for the successful adoption of SOA or the development of composite applications. Although BPEL looks simple at first sight, it hides its large potential and has many interesting and advanced features. If you can get familiar with these features - you can maximize the value of SOA.This book provides a comprehensive and detailed coverage of BPEL, one of the centerpieces of SOA. It covers basic and advanced features of BPEL 2.0 and provides several real-world examples. In addition to BPEL specification the book provides comprehensive coverage of BPEL support in Oracle SOA Suite 11g, including security, transactions, human workflow, process monitoring, automatic generation of BPEL from process models, dynamic processes, and more.This book starts with an introduction to BPEL, its role with regard to SOA and the process-oriented approach to SOA. The authors give short descriptions of the most important SOA platforms and BPEL servers—the run time environments for the execution of business processes specified in BPEL—and compare BPEL to other business process languages. The book will then move on to explain core concepts such as invoking services, synchronous and asynchronous processes, partner links, role of WSDL, variables, flows, and more.Moving ahead you will become familiar with fault handling, transaction management and compensation handling, scopes, events and event handlers, concurrent activities and links. The authors also discuss the business process lifecycle, correlation of messages, dynamic partner links, abstract business processes and mapping from BPMN to BPEL.The book presents in detail, how to use BPEL with Oracle SOA Suite 11g PS2. It explains the development of BPEL and SCA assemblies, and demonstrates different approaches with some practical examples. It addresses security, transaction handling, and human workflow. Then, the book addresses entity variables, notification services, fault management framework, and business events in BPEL. It provides exhaustive coverage of monitoring BPEL processes and developing dashboards with Oracle BAM. It explains how to use BPEL processes with Oracle Service Bus and Oracle Service Registry. Using examples, the book also demonstrates how to transform business process models in BPMN (using Business Modeler) to BPEL, how to achieve round-tripping using BPA Suite and BPM Suite, and how to use Oracle Enterprise Repository to govern BPEL processes. The book also covers the complete BPM lifecycle from modeling through implementation, execution, monitoring, and optimization and presents advanced, real-world examples.