Автор: Sreenivas Voruganti
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Software-Defined Networking (SDN) with OpenStack. Click here to enter text

Sreenivas Voruganti, Sriram Subramanian

Networking is one the pillars of OpenStack and OpenStack Networking are designed to support programmability and Software-Defined Networks. OpenStack Networking has been evolving from simple APIs and functionality in Quantum to more complex capabilities in Neutron.Armed with the basic knowledge, this book will help the readers to explore popular SDN technologies, namely, OpenDaylight (ODL), OpenContrail, Open Network Operating System (ONOS) and Open Virtual Network (OVN). The first couple of chapters will provide an overview of OpenStack Networking and SDN in general. Thereafter a set of chapters are devoted to OpenDaylight (ODL), OpenContrail and their integration with OpenStack Networking. The book then introduces you to Open Network Operating System (ONOS) which is fast becoming a carrier grade SDN platform. We will conclude the book with overview of upcoming SDN projects within OpenStack namely OVN and Dragonflow.By the end of the book, the readers will be familiar with SDN technologies and know how they can be leveraged in an OpenStack based cloud.