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Biggers third book in the Charlie Chan series involves the detective in a case that spans decades and continents, culminating in the city of San Francisco. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past. The plot links a present day murder with another murder some year previously, combined with a series of disappearances of young women. Charlie Chan is still trying to leave San Francisco after a vacation that turned into a job of detection. Once again hes kept from leaving by a case: the murder of Sir Frederick Bruce, ex-head of the Criminal Investigation Unit at Scotland Yard. Despite his retirement, Sir Frederick cant resist pursuing certain unsolved cases to their end. His end comes before his success, and its Charlie Chans fate to carry on. How Charlie gets involved is a part of the deliciously complex plot that the reader can look forward to.
The fifth of the Earl Derr Biggers Charlie Chan books books involves the Honolulu detective in a case of murder that stretches around the world, as members of a tour group are dying, one by one. Charlies old friend Chief Inspector Duff from Scotland Yard comes to his rescue in this book. Duff is investigating the murder of Hugh Morris Drake, a sweet old man strangled in Londons famous and exclusive hotel, Broomes. Drake is with a tour group encircling the globe. While Duffs ship is docked in Honolulu, the detective is shot and wounded by his quarry; though he survives, he is unable to continue with the cruise, and Chan takes his place on the ship to San Francisco, where finally the mystery is solved.
Earl Derr Biggers (18841933), amerykański pisarz, zyskał uznanie jako autor powieści detektywistycznych. Chińska papuga należy do jednej z jego serii powieściowych, w której Biggers wykreował postać detektywa chińskiego pochodzenia Charliego Chana. Charakterystyczny styl pracy śledczego oraz metodyczne podejście do rozwiązywania zagadek kryminalnych zaskarbiły i detektywowi, i autorowi sympatię czytelników. Biggers studiował na Uniwersytecie Harvarda. Zanim został pisarzem, pracował jako dziennikarz i krytyk teatralny.
Mimo upływu lat Aleksander Eden wciąż pamięta, jak w wieku siedemnastu lat pobierał w Honolulu nauki tańca od uroczej dziewczyny imieniem Alicja. Była to córka milionera, czego dowodził sznur błyszczących pereł na jej szyi. Ścieżki tych dwojga rozeszły się na lata, by przeciąć się ponownie, gdy oboje są już więcej niż dojrzałymi ludźmi. Aleksander prowadzi dobrze prosperującą firmę jubilerską, zaś Alicja po śmierci męża popadła w tarapaty finansowe. Mężczyzna pomaga swojej dawnej miłości sprzedać sznur pereł. Zakupem jest zainteresowany ekscentryczny milioner - kosztowności trzeba jednak dostarczyć na pustynię w Kalifornii. Aleksander wysyła w tę misję swojego syna Boba. Towarzyszy mu przybyły z Honolulu chiński policjant Charlie Chan. To druga powieść z serii kryminałów o charakterystycznym detektywie. Książka była dwukrotnie ekranizowana - w 1927 i 1934 r. - jednak obie wersje uważane są za stracone.
Dom bez klucza to pierwsza powieść E.D. Biggersa z cyklu o Charliem Chanie. Detektyw Chan musi rozwiązać zagadkę tajemniczego morderstwa Dana Winterslipa, niepokornego bostończyka mieszkającego na Hawajach. Tuż po jego śmierci na jaw wychodzą mroczne tajemnice z jego przeszłości, które rzucają złe światło na ród Winterslipów, będących ostoją bostońskiego konserwatyzmu. W rozwiązaniu zagadki Chanowi pomaga John Quincy, purytanin najczystszej wody.
Just as in Biggers first Charlie Chan mystery, The House Without a Key, that romantic link between the Hawaii of a different era and the city of San Francisco is explored and holds the key to the mystery. Henry Drew has cheated young Winthrop out of a partnership in a Hunan mine. Other shady deeds abound in the past of this rich and outwardly respectable old man. Despite his antagonism to Drew, Winthrop accepts the old mans invitation to a birthday dinner, mainly to be near the young woman he loves, companion to Mrs. Drew. Unfortunately Winthrop finds old Drew dead in a pool of blood by the dining room table, and he himself is the likeliest suspect. Or could the murderer be Dr. Parker, illicit admirer of Mrs. Drew? And why are there fifty candles on the birthday cake, when old Drew was pushing seventy?
Earl Derr Biggers, Robert Welles Ritchie
Inside the Lines is a drama that developed during the First World War. The story about a business woman who came to New York to visit her department store. She meets an officer in the British signal corps. He escorts her to Paris and advises to quickly complete his business and return to America before the start of the war. But our heroine does the opposite and is in difficult circumstances.
In this last written adventure, the plot unfolds with an intriguing scenario. Wealthy and hospitible Dudley Ward gathers together Charlie Chan along with Ellens three later husbands to his large house on Lake Tahoe. After hearing his former wife, Ellen Landini, may have been pregnant when she left him, Dudley Ward is determined to find his son. There are four ex-husbands, including Ward, all of them angry with Landini, who is about to marry a fifth husband, also present, with his sister, at this bizarre gathering. Landini herself arrives on the scene to complete the madness, and is promptly murdered. Her servants, entourage and husbands all come under suspicion. Keeper of the Keys was the final book written by Earl Derr Biggers before his passing a year later.
The basic plot of this book is built around the reputation the Lloyds of London insurance firm had for ensuring all manner of unlikely propositions. Lord Harrowby is advised to marry a wealthy heiress. Luckily he meets Cynthia. She is rich, beautiful and willing to marry him. But, since he comes from a family of gamblers, he goes to Lloyds of London and takes an insurance policy to ensure his bride makes to the alter. Lloyds sends a handsome young man to make sure nothing stops the wedding. But, handsome young man meets beautiful young woman and falls in love, only to discover she is the bride to be. What follows is a comic novel of improbable dimensions, by the world-famous creator of Chinese detective Charlie Chan!
One of the most thrilling novel ever, this is a medley of mystery, farce and intrigue an especially fine example of the American mystery play and one of the outstanding dramatic successes of modern times. A hotel closed for the winter, a snowy night, our hero and a key begin this delightful mystery. As we soon learn, our hero looking only for solitude, isnt the only one with a key. Other colorful characters arrive one by one... men and women with stories of love, loss, and flight... none of them telling the truth. Before the week is out, there will be gunfire, bribery, fights in the snow, and hidden truths unmasked. Biggers descriptions and snappy writing style promises a wonderful read.
Contents of the collection: Moonlight at the crossroads Selling Miss Minerva The heart of the loaf Possessions The dollar chasers Idle hands The girl who paid dividends A letter to Australia Nina and the blemish Broadway Brocade. Earl Biggers was a master of stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and caste always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or scholars and illiterates. Of course, you can compare forever, but the fact that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a strong statement about humanity with all the history that is in the collection.Earl Biggers was a master in stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and castes has always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or verified and illiterate. Of course, the comparison can last forever, but the fact is that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a powerful statement about humanity with every history that is in the collection.
Geoffrey West falls in love at first sight with a girl in a hotel breakfasting with her father. Theyre all Americans, but the scene is London on the eve of the Great War. Both Geoffrey and his ladylove Marian are reading the personals (The Agony Column) of the Daily Mail. Later that day he has an idea to place an ad to catch her attention, and vows to send her a letter each day for a week to win her heart. Each letter becomes more interesting than the previous because West finds himself entangled in a murder mystery with new twists each day. To say more about what transpires would spoil the fun. The lightness of the story contrasts interestingly with the grim mood of England as Germany mobilizes.
The death of Hollywood actress Shelah Fane in her Waikiki beach house brings Charlie Chan of the Honolulu police to seek the identity of the killer. The story behind her murder is linked with the three-year-old murder of another Hollywood actor and also connected with an enigmatic psychic named Tarneverro. Through the confusion of alibis, false clues, and bizarre characters, Chan moves with the utmost calm until the classic gathering of suspects climax, when his form of justice hits with shattering force. This is the fourth of Earl Derr Biggers books in the Charlie Chan series. It is also the first book in which we meet Chans family. Well, his wife and four of his eleven children to be specific. Where the other seven kids have gone is never mentioned.
Earl Derr Biggers second Charlie Chan novel took the detective to the California desert where he uncovers the reason for the mysterious disappearance of a millionaire. Biggers was always a great romance writer who simply incorporated mystery into his books to propel the story forward. The story concerns a valuable string of pearls which is purchased by a wealthy and eccentric financier. Charlie Chan embarks on an incognito journey across the desert to find the answer to a question a question posed by a dead parrot who spoke in Chinese. Chan goes undercover to solve a complex triple intrigue of fake identity, kidnapping and murder. Charlies first trip to the mainland is a sparkling adventure full of mystery and old-fashioned romance.
The Complete Charlie Chan Series. MultiBook
Charlie Chen the hero of the detective series, owned by the pen of the American writer Earl D. Biggers. Biggers wrote about two dozen action stories and plays, but he has been preserved in the memory of many generations of readers primarily as the creator of the image of this handsome inspector, the immense thickness of a Chinese living in Honolulu, where he now has to deal with purely Chinese dexterity. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: The House Without a Key, The Chinese Parrot, Behind That Curtain, The Black Camel, Charlie Chan Carries On, Keeper of the Keys.
No sooner had Bob from the Silver Star ranch reached Italy than a telegram arrived asking for $1,000. A pretty woman was behind it, but that wasnt all. This early work by Earl Derr Biggers was originally published in 1916. The Ebony Stick is one of Biggers shorter stories, published after his death. The son of Robert J. and Emma E. (Derr) Biggers, Earl Derr Biggers was born in Warren, Ohio, and graduated from Harvard University in 1907. While on holiday in Hawaii, Biggers heard tales of a real-life Chinese detective operating in Honolulu, named Chang Apana. This inspired him to create his most enduring legacy in the character of super-sleuth Charlie Chan. Many of his plays and novels were made into movies.
Charlie Chan, the first Chinese detective in literature, is modeled after Chang Apana, a real-life police detective in Honolulu. A family originally from Boston, the Winterslips, has some members living in Hawaii. You can almost feel the gentle trade winds of Hawaii during the 1920s in this classic novel by Earl Derr Biggers. One of the wealthy Winterslips living in Hawaii is murdered. A younger member of the family, John Quincy Winterslip, has been sent to Boston to check up on his Aunt Minerva and persuade her to return to Boston. He arrives in Honolulu and gets involved in the investigation and is determined to see it through to the end, before he returns to the mainland. Romantic and full of atmosphere, this is a most enjoyable read that was our first introduction to Charlie Chan.
W ekskluzywnym wieżowcu niespełna trzydziestoletniego milionera Bary'ego Kirka spotykają się sir Fryderyk Bruce - dymisjonowany detektyw Scotland Yardu oraz Charlie Chan - sierżant policji z Honolulu. Gdy na dwudziestym pierwszym piętrze apartamentowca odbywa się huczne przyjęcie, piętro niżej ktoś morduje Bruce'a. Chan rozpoczyna śledztwo, z którego wynika, że detektyw przybył do San Francisco w związku z prowadzoną przez siebie przed laty sprawą. W 1932 r. na podstawie książki został nakręcony amerykański kryminał "Charlie Chan's Chance", zaś w 1973 r. w ramach serii Teatr Sensacji "Kobra" zrealizowano w Polsce spektakl telewizyjny, w którym zagrali . Karol Strasburger i Kalina Jędrusik.