Author: Gerald Turkington

Hadoop Beginner's Guide. Get your mountain of data under control with Hadoop. This guide requires no prior knowledge of the software or cloud services – just a willingness to learn the basics from this practical step-by-step tutorial

Gerald Turkington, Kevin A. McGrail

Data is arriving faster than you can process it and the overall volumes keep growing at a rate that keeps you awake at night. Hadoop can help you tame the data beast. Effective use of Hadoop however requires a mixture of programming, design, and system administration skills.Hadoop Beginner's Guide removes the mystery from Hadoop, presenting Hadoop and related technologies with a focus on building working systems and getting the job done, using cloud services to do so when it makes sense. From basic concepts and initial setup through developing applications and keeping the system running as the data grows, the book gives the understanding needed to effectively use Hadoop to solve real world problems.Starting with the basics of installing and configuring Hadoop, the book explains how to develop applications, maintain the system, and how to use additional products to integrate with other systems.While learning different ways to develop applications to run on Hadoop the book also covers tools such as Hive, Sqoop, and Flume that show how Hadoop can be integrated with relational databases and log collection.In addition to examples on Hadoop clusters on Ubuntu uses of cloud services such as Amazon, EC2 and Elastic MapReduce are covered.


Hadoop: Data Processing and Modelling. Data Processing and Modelling

Tanmay Deshpande, Sandeep Karanth, Gerald Turkington

As Marc Andreessen has said “Data is eating the world,” which can be witnessed today being the age of Big Data, businesses are producing data in huge volumes every day and this rise in tide of data need to be organized and analyzed in a more secured way. With proper and effective use of Hadoop, you can build new-improved models, and based on that you will be able to make the right decisions.The first module, Hadoop beginners Guide will walk you through on understanding Hadoop with very detailed instructions and how to go about using it. Commands are explained using sections called “What just happened” for more clarity and understanding. The second module, Hadoop Real World Solutions Cookbook, 2nd edition, is an essential tutorial to effectively implement a big data warehouse in your business, where you get detailed practices on the latest technologies such as YARN and Spark.Big data has become a key basis of competition and the new waves of productivity growth. Hence, once you get familiar with the basics and implement the end-to-end big data use cases, you will start exploring the third module, Mastering Hadoop. So, now the question is if you need to broaden your Hadoop skill set to the next level after you nail the basics and the advance concepts, then this course is indispensable. When you finish this course, you will be able to tackle the real-world scenarios and become a big data expert using the tools and the knowledge based on the various step-by-step tutorials and recipes.
