Автор: Ivan Idris

Ivan Idris jest programistą, twórcą hurtowni danych i analitykiem biznesu. Słynie ze schludnego kodu i z interesującego sposobu pisania.

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NumPy Beginner's Guide. An action packed guide using real world examples of the easy to use, high performance, free open source NumPy mathematical library. - Second Edition

Ivan Idris

NumPy is an extension to, and the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. In today's world of science and technology, it is all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy is on the top of the list.NumPy Beginner's Guide will teach you about NumPy, a leading scientific computing library. NumPy replaces a lot of the functionality of Matlab and Mathematica, but in contrast to those products, is free and open source.Write readable, efficient, and fast code, which is as close to the language of mathematics as is currently possible with the cutting edge open source NumPy software library. Learn all the ins and outs of NumPy that requires you to know basic Python only. Save thousands of dollars on expensive software, while keeping all the flexibility and power of your favourite programming language.You will learn about installing and using NumPy and related concepts. At the end of the book we will explore some related scientific computing projects. This book will give you a solid foundation in NumPy arrays and universal functions. Through examples, you will also learn about plotting with Matplotlib and the related SciPy project. NumPy Beginner's Guide will help you be productive with NumPy and have you writing clean and fast code in no time at all.

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NumPy Cookbook. If you’re a Python developer with basic NumPy skills, the 70+ recipes in this brilliant cookbook will boost your skills in no time. Learn to raise productivity levels and code faster and cleaner with the open source mathematical library

Ivan Idris, NumPy

Today's world of science and technology is all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy is on the top of the list. NumPy will give you both speed and high productivity.NumPy Cookbook will teach you all about NumPy, a leading scientific computing library. NumPy replaces a lot of the functionality of Matlab and Mathematica, but in contrast to those products, it is free and open source.Numpy Cookbook will teach you to write readable, efficient, and fast code that is as close to the language of Mathematics as much as possible with the cutting edge open source NumPy software library.You will learn about installing and using NumPy and related concepts. At the end of the book, we will explore related scientific computing projects.This book will give you a solid foundation in NumPy arrays and universal functions. You will also learn about plotting with Matplotlib and the related SciPy project through examples.NumPy Cookbook will help you to be productive with NumPy and write clean and fast code.

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Python Data Analysis Cookbook. Clean, scrape, analyze, and visualize data with the power of Python!

Ivan Idris

Data analysis is a rapidly evolving field and Python is a multi-paradigm programming language suitable for object-oriented application development and functional design patterns. As Python offers a range of tools and libraries for all purposes, it has slowly evolved as the primary language for data science, including topics on: data analysis, visualization, and machine learning.Python Data Analysis Cookbook focuses on reproducibility and creating production-ready systems. You will start with recipes that set the foundation for data analysis with libraries such as matplotlib, NumPy, and pandas. You will learn to create visualizations by choosing color maps and palettes then dive into statistical data analysis using distribution algorithms and correlations. You’ll then help you find your way around different data and numerical problems, get to grips with Spark and HDFS, and then set up migration scripts for web mining.In this book, you will dive deeper into recipes on spectral analysis, smoothing, and bootstrapping methods. Moving on, you will learn to rank stocks and check market efficiency, then work with metrics and clusters. You will achieve parallelism to improve system performance by using multiple threads and speeding up your code.By the end of the book, you will be capable of handling various data analysis techniques in Python and devising solutions for problem scenarios.

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Python Data Analysis. Data manipulation and complex data analysis with Python - Second Edition

Armando Fandango, Ivan Idris

Data analysis techniques generate useful insights from small and large volumes of data. Python, with its strong set of libraries, has become a popular platform to conduct various data analysis and predictive modeling tasks. With this book, you will learn how to process and manipulate data with Python for complex analysis and modeling. We learn data manipulations such as aggregating, concatenating, appending, cleaning, and handling missing values, with NumPy and Pandas. The book covers how to store and retrieve data from various data sources such as SQL and NoSQL, CSV fies, and HDF5. We learn how to visualize data using visualization libraries, along with advanced topics such as signal processing, time series, textual data analysis, machine learning, and social media analysis.The book covers a plethora of Python modules, such as matplotlib, statsmodels, scikit-learn, and NLTK. It also covers using Python with external environments such as R, Fortran, C/C++, and Boost libraries.

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Eлектронна книга

Python Data Analysis. Perform data collection, data processing, wrangling, visualization, and model building using Python - Third Edition

Avinash Navlani, Armando Fandango, Ivan Idris

Data analysis enables you to generate value from small and big data by discovering new patterns and trends, and Python is one of the most popular tools for analyzing a wide variety of data. With this book, you’ll get up and running using Python for data analysis by exploring the different phases and methodologies used in data analysis and learning how to use modern libraries from the Python ecosystem to create efficient data pipelines.Starting with the essential statistical and data analysis fundamentals using Python, you’ll perform complex data analysis and modeling, data manipulation, data cleaning, and data visualization using easy-to-follow examples. You’ll then understand how to conduct time series analysis and signal processing using ARMA models. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with smart processing and data analytics using machine learning algorithms such as regression, classification, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and clustering. In the concluding chapters, you’ll work on real-world examples to analyze textual and image data using natural language processing (NLP) and image analytics techniques, respectively. Finally, the book will demonstrate parallel computing using Dask.By the end of this data analysis book, you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to prepare data for analysis and create meaningful data visualizations for forecasting values from data.

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Python: End-to-end Data Analysis. Leverage the power of Python to clean, scrape, analyze, and visualize your data

Ivan Idris, Luiz Felipe Martins, Martin Czygan, Phuong Vo.T.H, ...

Data analysis is the process of applying logical and analytical reasoning to study each component of data present in the system. Python is a multi-domain, high-level, programming language that offers a range of tools and libraries suitable for all purposes, it has slowly evolved as one of the primary languages for data science. Have you ever imagined becoming an expert at effectively approaching data analysis problems, solving them, and extracting all of the available information from your data? If yes, look no further, this is the course you need!In this course, we will get you started with Python data analysis by introducing the basics of data analysis and supported Python libraries such as matplotlib, NumPy, and pandas. Create visualizations by choosing color maps, different shapes, sizes, and palettes then delve into statistical data analysis using distribution algorithms and correlations. You’ll then find your way around different data and numerical problems, get to grips with Spark and HDFS, and set up migration scripts for web mining. You’ll be able to quickly and accurately perform hands-on sorting, reduction, and subsequent analysis, and fully appreciate how data analysis methods can support business decision-making. Finally, you will delve into advanced techniques such as performing regression, quantifying cause and effect using Bayesian methods, and discovering how to use Python’s tools for supervised machine learning.The course provides you with highly practical content explaining data analysis with Python, from the following Packt books:1. Getting Started with Python Data Analysis.2. Python Data Analysis Cookbook.3. Mastering Python Data Analysis.By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge you need to analyze your data with varying complexity levels, and turn it into actionable insights.

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Python i praca z danymi. Przetwarzanie, analiza, modelowanie i wizualizacja. Wydanie III

Avinash Navlani, Armando Fandango, Ivan Idris

Analiza danych sprawia, że dzięki ich dużym i mniejszym kolekcjom uzyskujemy wartościową wiedzę, która pozwala na podejmowanie najlepszych decyzji. Dzieje się to poprzez odkrywanie wzorców lub trendów. Obecnie Python udostępnia przeznaczone specjalnie do tego celu narzędzia i biblioteki. Możemy więc łatwo korzystać z wyrafinowanych technik wydobywania wiedzy z danych. Aby jednak osiągnąć zamierzone efekty, trzeba dobrze poznać zarówno metodologię analizy danych, jak i zasady pracy ze służącymi do tego narzędziami. Dzięki tej książce zdobędziesz wszystkie potrzebne informacje i umiejętności, aby skutecznie używać Pythona do analizy danych. Omówiono tu niezbędne podstawy statystyki i zasady analizy danych. Wyczerpująco przedstawiono zaawansowane zagadnienia dotyczące przygotowania, przetwarzania i modelowania danych, a także ich wizualizacji. W zrozumiały sposób wyjaśniono takie procesy jak inteligentne przetwarzanie i analizowanie danych za pomocą algorytmów uczenia maszynowego: regresji, klasyfikacji, analizy głównych składowych czy analizy skupień. Nie zabrakło praktycznych przykładów przetwarzania języka naturalnego i analizy obrazów. Ciekawym zagadnieniem jest również wykonywanie obliczeń równoległych za pomocą biblioteki Dask. W książce między innymi: podstawy analizy danych i korzystanie z bibliotek NumPy i pandas praca z danymi w różnych formatach interaktywna wizualizacja z bibliotekami Matplotlib, seaborn i Bokeh inżynieria cech, analiza szeregów czasowych i przetwarzanie sygnałów zaawansowana analiza danych tekstowych i obrazów Python: wydobywaj z danych wiedzę o wielkiej wartości!