Autor: Scott Surovich

Kubernetes and Docker - An Enterprise Guide. Effectively containerize applications, integrate enterprise systems, and scale applications in your enterprise

Scott Surovich, Marc Boorshtein

Containerization has changed the DevOps game completely, with Docker and Kubernetes playing important roles in altering the flow of app creation and deployment. This book will help you acquire the knowledge and tools required to integrate Kubernetes clusters in an enterprise environment.The book begins by introducing you to Docker and Kubernetes fundamentals, including a review of basic Kubernetes objects. You’ll then get to grips with containerization and understand its core functionalities, including how to create ephemeral multinode clusters using kind. As you make progress, you’ll learn about cluster architecture, Kubernetes cluster deployment, and cluster management, and get started with application deployment. Moving on, you’ll find out how to integrate your container to a cloud platform and integrate tools including MetalLB, externalDNS, OpenID connect (OIDC), pod security policies (PSPs), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco, and Velero. Finally, you will discover how to deploy an entire platform to the cloud using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).By the end of this Kubernetes book, you will have learned how to create development clusters for testing applications and Kubernetes components, and be able to secure and audit a cluster by implementing various open-source solutions including OpenUnison, OPA, Falco, Kibana, and Velero.


Kubernetes - An Enterprise Guide. Effectively containerize applications, integrate enterprise systems, and scale applications in your enterprise - Second Edition

Marc Boorshtein, Scott Surovich

Kubernetes has taken the world by storm, becoming the standard infrastructure for DevOps teams to develop, test, and run applications. With significant updates in each chapter, this revised edition will help you acquire the knowledge and tools required to integrate Kubernetes clusters in an enterprise environment.The book introduces you to Docker and Kubernetes fundamentals, including a review of basic Kubernetes objects. You’ll get to grips with containerization and understand its core functionalities such as creating ephemeral multinode clusters using KinD. The book has replaced PodSecurityPolicies (PSP) with OPA/Gatekeeper for PSP-like enforcement. You’ll integrate your container into a cloud platform and tools including MetalLB, externalDNS, OpenID connect (OIDC), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco, and Velero. After learning to deploy your core cluster, you’ll learn how to deploy Istio and how to deploy both monolithic applications and microservices into your service mesh. Finally, you will discover how to deploy an entire GitOps platform to Kubernetes using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).


Kubernetes - An Enterprise Guide. Master containerized application deployments, integrate enterprise systems, and achieve scalability - Third Edition

Marc Boorshtein, Scott Surovich, Ed Price

Stay at the forefront of cloud-native technologies with the eagerly awaited Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide, Third Edition. Delve deep into Kubernetes and emerge with the latest insights to conquer today's dynamic enterprise challenges.This meticulously crafted edition equips you with the latest insights to skillfully navigate the twists and turns of ever-evolving cloud technology. Experience a more profound exploration of advanced Kubernetes deployments, revolutionary techniques, and expert strategies that redefine your cloud-native skill set. Discover cutting-edge topics reshaping the technological frontier like virtual clusters, container security, and secrets management. Gain an edge by mastering these critical aspects of Kubernetes and propelling your enterprise to new heights.Expertly harness Kubernetes' power for business-critical applications with insider techniques. Smoothly transition to microservices with Istio, excel at modern deployments with GitOps/CI/CD, and bolster security with OPA/Gatekeeper and KubeArmor. Integrate Kubernetes with leading tools for maximum impact in a competitive landscape. Stay ahead of the technology curve with cutting-edge strategies for innovation and growth.Redefine cloud-native excellence with this definitive guide to leveraging Kubernetes.


Kubernetes i Docker w środowisku produkcyjnym przedsiębiorstwa. Konteneryzacja i skalowanie aplikacji oraz jej integracja z systemami korporacyjnymi

Scott Surovich, Marc Boorshtein

Technologie Kubernetes i Docker szybko zdobyły zaufanie dużych firm i dziś są standardową infrastrukturą pozwalającą na tworzenie, testowanie i uruchamianie aplikacji. W porównaniu z wcześniej stosowanymi rozwiązaniami wymagają jednak zupełnie innego podejścia do budowy i wdrażania oprogramowania. Oznacza to, że jeśli korporacja chce w pełni skorzystać z potencjału Kubernetesa i Dockera, musi znaleźć osoby dysponujące wiedzą i umiejętnościami pozwalającymi na zintegrowanie klastrów Kubernetes z istniejącymi systemami organizacji. To książka przeznaczona dla osób, które chcą poszerzyć swoją wiedzę i umiejętności potrzebne do pracy z klastrami. Omówiono tu podstawy dotyczące konteneryzacji, Dockera i Kubernetesa, jednak więcej miejsca poświęcono bardziej zaawansowanym zagadnieniom, między innymi integracji kontenera z platformą chmury czy integracji z takimi narzędziami jak MetalLB, ExternalDNS i OpenID Connect (OICD). Zaprezentowano również zasady stosowania Pod Security Policy (PSP), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco i Velero, a także sposób, w jaki przebiega wdrażanie całej platformy w chmurze z użyciem mechanizmów ciągłej integracji i ciągłego wdrażania (CI/CD). Dowiesz się też, jak testować aplikacje i komponenty Kubernetes i jak implementować różne rozwiązania open source. Najciekawsze zagadnienia: Tworzenie wielowęzłowego klastra Kubernetes za pomocą KinD Implementacja narzędzi: Ingress, MetalLB i ExternalDNS Konfiguracja klastra OIDC i uwierzytelnianie w Kubernetesie Zabezpieczanie i audyty klastrów Wdrażanie platformy z użyciem projektów: Tekton, GitLab i Argo CD Kubernetes i Docker: tak działają systemy najpotężniejszych korporacji!