Author: Thomas Lee

PowerShell 7 dla Profesjonalistów IT

Thomas Lee

Naucz się korzystać z wieloplatformowej wersji open source powłoki Windows PowerShell Od lat od administratorów systemów Windows oczekuje się znajomości powłoki PowerShell. Ponieważ jest to standardowe narzędzie automatyzacji firmy Microsoft, każdy administrator prędzej czy później będzie musiał nauczyć się go używać. PowerShell 7, nowa wieloplatformowa wersja open source tego narzędzia, stanowi znaczące usprawnienie względem PowerShell Core i Windows PowerShell. Zebrana razem społeczność PowerShell wzięła pod uwagę liczne opinie i opracowała narzędzie, które oferuje większą zgodność i funkcjonalność niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Zdaniem firmy Microsoft, PowerShell 7 stanowi przyszłość produktu PowerShell. PowerShell 7 dla profesjonalistów IT uczy poruszania się po programie PowerShell 7 i używania go do wielu popularnych zadań IT. Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się wykorzystywać PowerShell 7 do zarządzania siecią i usługami AD/DNS/DHCP, pracować z Azure i znacznie więcej. Autor Thomas Lee jest aktywnym członkiem społeczności PowerShell, który wykorzystując swoje profesjonalne doświadczenie i wiedzę upewnia się, że czytelnicy dobrze zrozumieją ten istotny temat. Do zilustrowania opisanych w książce pojęć wykorzystuje rzeczywiste przykłady i dostarcza przykładowy kod, który pozwala wykonać to wszystko samemu. Ta książka pokaże ci wszystko, co PowerShell ma do zaoferowania. Co istotniejsze, dowiesz się, w jaki sposób używać PowerShell 7 do osiągania własnych korzyści, a to sprawia, że PowerShell 7 dla profesjonalistów IT jest niezbędnym przewodnikiem dla wszystkich administratorów systemów Windows. - Zapoznaj się ze środowiskiem administracyjnym powłoki PowerShell 7 - Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób nowe środowisko wpływa na obsługę raportowania - Naucz się automatyzować różne zadania za pomocą PowerShell 7 - Naucz się korzystać z PowerShell 7 z pomocą rzeczywistych przykładów i przykładowego kodu O AUTORZE THOMAS LEE jest konsultantem, autorem i trenerem IT z wieloma certyfikatami Microsoft. Został odznaczony tytułem Microsoft MVP aż 17 razy. Napisał wiele książek o TCP/IP i PowerShell. Obecnie pomaga klientom w organizacji szkoleń i tworzeniu materiałów szkoleniowych. Nadal pracuje dla społeczności jako administrator grupy na forum PowerShell w witrynie Spiceworks, gdzie jest także moderatorem strony.


Windows 11 for Enterprise Administrators. Unleash the power of Windows 11 with effective techniques and strategies - Second Edition

Manuel Singer, Jeff Stokes, Steve Miles, Thomas Lee, ...

Windows 11 comes with a plethora of new security measures, customizability, and accessibility features that can help your organization run more smoothly. But, without a proper introduction to this new version of Windows, it’s easy to miss the most important improvements, along with configuration options that will make migrating to Windows 11 frictionless.Windows 11 for Enterprise Administrators helps you understand the installation process, configuration methods, deployment scenarios, and management strategies. You’ll delve into configuring Remote Server Administration Tools for remote Windows Server and Azure Active Directory management. This edition emphasizes PowerShell's role in automating administrative tasks, and its importance in Windows 11 and Windows Server management. It also provides comprehensive insights into Windows 11 updates, including Version 21H2 and 22H2, contrasting them with Windows 10, ensuring your knowledge stays current with the latest enhancements in the Windows ecosystem.By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped with Windows 11's vital technologies and potentials, enabling you to adeptly oversee and implement these attributes within your company.


Windows Server 2016 Automation with PowerShell Cookbook. Powerful ways to automate and manage Windows administrative tasks - Second Edition

Thomas Lee, Ed Goad

This book showcases several ways that Windows administrators can use to automate and streamline their job. You'll start with the PowerShell and Windows Server fundamentals, where you'll become well versed with PowerShell and Windows Server features.In the next module, Core Windows Server 2016, you'll implement Nano Server, manage Windows updates, and implement troubleshooting and server inventories. You'll then move on to the Networking module, where you'll manage Windows network services and network shares.The last module covers Azure and DSC, where you will use Azure on PowerShell and DSC to easily maintain Windows servers.


Windows Server 2019 Automation with PowerShell Cookbook. Powerful ways to automate and manage Windows administrative tasks - Third Edition

Thomas Lee

Windows Server 2019 is the latest version of Microsoft’s flagship server operating system. It also comes with PowerShell Version 5.1 and offers a number of additional features that IT professionals will find useful. This book is designed to help you learn how to use PowerShell and manage the core roles, features, and services of Windows Server 2019.You will begin by creating a PowerShell Administrative Environment that features updated versions of PowerShell, the Windows Management Framework, .NET Framework, and third-party modules. Next, you will learn to use PowerShell to set up and configure Windows Server 2019 networking and understand how to manage objects in the Active Directory (AD) environment. The book will also guide you in setting up a host to utilize containers and deploying containers. Further along, you will be able to implement different mechanisms to achieve Desired State Configuration. The book will then get you up to speed with Azure infrastructure, in addition to helping you get to grips with setting up virtual machines (VMs), websites, and file share on Azure. In the concluding chapters, you will be able to deploy some powerful tools to diagnose and resolve issues with Windows Server 2019.By the end of this book, you will be equipped with a number of useful tips and tricks to automate your Windows environment with PowerShell.


Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook. Powerful ways to automate and manage Windows administrative tasks - Fourth Edition

Thomas Lee, Jeffrey Snover

With a foreword from PowerShell creator Jeffrey Snover, this heavily updated edition is designed to help you learn how to use PowerShell 7.1 effectively and manage the core roles, features, and services of Windows Server in an enterprise setting. All scripts are compatible with both Window Server 2022 and 2019.This latest edition equips you with over 100 recipes you'll need in day-to-day work, covering a wide range of fundamental and more advanced use cases. We look at how to install and configure PowerShell 7.1, along with useful new features and optimizations, and how the PowerShell compatibility solution bridges the gap to older versions of PowerShell. Topics include using PowerShell to manage networking and DHCP in Windows Server, objects in Active Directory, Hyper-V, and Azure. Debugging is crucial, so the book shows you how to use some powerful tools to diagnose and resolve issues with Windows Server.


Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook. Powerful ways to automate, manage, and administrate Windows Server 2022 using PowerShell 7.2 - Fifth Edition

Thomas Lee

The Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook is back with a new edition, featuring over 100 PowerShell recipes that will make your day-to-day work easier. This book is designed to help you learn how to install, configure and use PowerShell 7.2 effectively.To start with, we’ll look at how to install and configure PowerShell 7.2, along with useful new features and optimizations, and show you how the PowerShell compatibility solution bridges the gap to older versions of PowerShell. We’ll also be covering a wide range of fundamental and more advanced use cases, including how to create a VM and set up an Azure VPN, as well as looking at how to back up to Azure. As you progress, you’ll explore topics such as using PowerShell to manage networking and DHCP in Windows Server, objects in Active Directory, Hyper-V, and Azure. We’ll also take a closer look at WSUS, containers and see how to handle modules that are not directly compatible with PowerShell 7. Finally, you’ll also learn how to use some powerful tools to diagnose and resolve issues with Windows Server.By the end of this PowerShell book, you’ll know how to use PowerShell 7.2 to automate tasks on Windows Server 2022 with ease, helping your Windows environment to run faster and smoother.