Автор: Tom Laszewski
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Cloud Native Architectures. Design high-availability and cost-effective applications for the cloud

Tom Laszewski, Kamal Arora, Erik Farr, Piyum Zonooz

Cloud computing has proven to be the most revolutionary IT development since virtualization. Cloud native architectures give you the benefit of more flexibility over legacy systems. To harness this, businesses need to refresh their development models and architectures when they find they don’t port to the cloud. Cloud Native Architectures demonstrates three essential components of deploying modern cloud native architectures: organizational transformation, deployment modernization, and cloud native architecture patterns.This book starts with a quick introduction to cloud native architectures that are used as a base to define and explain what cloud native architecture is and is not. You will learn what a cloud adoption framework looks like and develop cloud native architectures using microservices and serverless computing as design principles. You’ll then explore the major pillars of cloud native design including scalability, cost optimization, security, and ways to achieve operational excellence. In the concluding chapters, you will also learn about various public cloud architectures ranging from AWS and Azure to the Google Cloud Platform.By the end of this book, you will have learned the techniques to adopt cloud native architectures that meet your business requirements. You will also understand the future trends and expectations of cloud providers.

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Oracle Information Integration, Migration, and Consolidation. The definitive guide to information integration and migration in a heterogeneous world

Prakash Nauduri, Tom Laszewski, Jason Williamson

The book covers data migration, data consolidation, and data integration, the three scenarios that are typically part of the information integration life cycle. Organizations typically find themselves migrating data to Oracle and either later, or at the same time, consolidating multiple database instances into a single global instance for a department, or even an entire company. The business savings and technical benefits of data consolidation cannot be overlooked, and this book will help you to use Oracle's technology to achieve these goals.This highly practical and business-applicable book will teach you to be successful with the latest Oracle data and application integration, migration, information life-cycle management, and consolidation products and technologies.In this book, you will gain hands-on advice about data consolidation, integration, and migration using tools and best practices. Along the way you will leverage products like Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle GoldenGate, and SQL Developer, as well as Data Hubs and 11gR2 Database.The book covers everything from the early background of information integration and the impact of SOA, to products like Oracle GoldenGate and Oracle Data Integrator. By the end you'll have a clear idea of where information and application integration is headed and how to plan your own projects.

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