Автор: Viktor Farcic
Viktor Farcic - architekt oprogramowania. Tworzył w wielu językach, również w tak klasycznych, jak Pascal, Basic i ASP. Programuje w C, C++, Perlu, Pythonie, ASP.Net, Visual Basic, C#, choć obecnie najchętniej posługuje się Scalą i JavaScriptem, a także Javą. Jest niekwestionowanym znawcą takich metodyk, jak programowanie sterowane testami, programowanie sterowane zachowaniami oraz techniki ciągłej integracji, ciągłego dostarczania i ciągłego wdrażania.
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DevOps Paradox. The truth about DevOps by the people on the front line

Viktor Farcic

DevOps promises to break down silos, uniting organizations to deliver high quality output in a cross-functional way. In reality it often results in confusion and new silos: pockets of DevOps practitioners fight the status quo, senior decision-makers demand DevOps paint jobs without committing to true change. Even a clear definition of what DevOps is remains elusive.In DevOps Paradox, top DevOps consultants, industry leaders, and founders reveal their own approaches to all aspects of DevOps implementation and operation. Surround yourself with expert DevOps advisors. Viktor Farcic draws on experts from across the industry to discuss how to introduce DevOps to chaotic organizations, align incentives between teams, and make use of the latest tools and techniques.With each expert offering their own opinions on what DevOps is and how to make it work, you will be able to form your own informed view of the importance and value of DevOps as we enter a new decade. If you want to see how real DevOps experts address the challenges and resolve the paradoxes, this book is for you.

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TDD. Programowanie w Javie sterowane testami

Viktor Farcic, Alex Garcia

Programowanie sterowane testami (ang. test-driven development — TDD) nie jest nową metodyką. Jej praktyczne zastosowanie pozwala na rozwiązanie wielu problemów związanych z procesami rozwijania i wdrażania oprogramowania. Mimo ogromnych zalet, programowanie sterowane testami nie jest zbyt popularne wśród programistów. Wynika to z tego, że techniki TDD nie są łatwe do opanowania. Choć teoretyczne podstawy wydają się logiczne i zrozumiałe, nabranie wprawy w stosowaniu TDD wymaga długiej praktyki. Książka, którą trzymasz w ręce, została napisana przez programistów dla programistów. Jej celem jest przekazanie podstaw TDD i omówienie najważniejszych praktyk związanych z tą metodyką, a przede wszystkim — nauczenie praktycznego stosowania TDD w pracy. Autorzy nie ukrywają, że nabranie biegłości w takim programowaniu wymaga sporo wysiłku, jednak korzyści płynące z metodyki TDD są znaczne: skrócenie czasu wprowadzania produktów na rynek, łatwiejsza refaktoryzacja, a także wyższa jakość tworzonych projektów. Z tą książką dogłębnie zrozumiesz metodykę TDD i uzyskasz wystarczającą pewność siebie, by z powodzeniem stosować to podejście w trakcie programowania aplikacji w Javie. Dzięki tej książce: Nauczysz się podstaw metodyki TDD Poznasz potrzebne narzędzia, platformy i środowiska wraz ze szczegółami ich konfiguracji Wykonywasz praktyczne ćwiczenia i stopniowo wdrożysz się w TDD Poznasz proces „czerwone, zielone, refaktoryzacja” Dowiesz się, jak pisać testy jednostkowe wykonywane w izolacji od reszty kodu Dowiesz się, jak tworzyć prosty i łatwy w konserwacji kod, nauczysz się refaktoryzować już istniejący Nauczysz się pracować z atrapami, stosować programowanie sterowane zachowaniami, a także udostępniać połowicznie ukończone funkcje w środowisku produkcyjnym za pomocą przełączników funkcji Programowanie sterowane testami to metodyka dla prawdziwych profesjonalistów!

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Test-Driven Java Development. Invoke TDD principles for end-to-end application development - Second Edition

Alex Garcia, Viktor Farcic

Test-driven development (TDD) is a development approach that relies on a test-first procedure that emphasizes writing a test before writing the necessary code, and then refactoring the code to optimize it.The value of performing TDD with Java, one of the longest established programming languages, is to improve the productivity of programmers and the maintainability and performance of code, and develop a deeper understanding of the language and how to employ it effectively.Starting with the basics of TDD and understanding why its adoption is beneficial, this book will take you from the first steps of TDD with Java until you are confident enough to embrace the practice in your day-to-day routine.You'll be guided through setting up tools, frameworks, and the environment you need, and we will dive right into hands-on exercises with the goal of mastering one practice, tool, or framework at a time. You'll learn about the Red-Green-Refactor procedure, how to write unit tests, and how to use them as executable documentation.With this book, you'll also discover how to design simple and easily maintainable code, work with mocks, utilize behavior-driven development, refactor old legacy code, and release a half-finished feature to production with feature toggles.You will finish this book with a deep understanding of the test-driven development methodology and the confidence to apply it to application programming with Java.

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The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm. The next level of building reliable and scalable software unleashed

Viktor Farcic

Viktor Farcic's latest book, The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, takes you deeper into one of the major subjects of his international best seller, The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, and shows you how to successfully integrate Docker Swarm into your DevOps toolset.Viktor shares with you his expert knowledge in all aspects of building, testing, deploying, and monitoring services inside Docker Swarm clusters. You'll go through all the tools required for running a cluster. You'll travel through the whole process with clusters running locally on a laptop. Once you're confident with that outcome, Viktor shows you how to translate your experience to different hosting providers like AWS, Azure, and DigitalOcean. Viktor has updated his DevOps 2.0 framework in this book to use the latest and greatest features and techniques introduced in Docker. We'll go through many practices and even more tools. While there will be a lot of theory, this is a hands-on book. You won't be able to complete it by reading it on the metro on your way to work. You'll have to read this book while in front of the computer and get your hands dirty.

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The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit. Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit and The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to explore two new programs, self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker. The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit: Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book in the series looks at Docker, the tool designed to make it easier in the creation and running of applications using containers. In this latest entry, Viktor combines theory with a hands-on approach to guide you through the process of creating self-adaptive and self-healing systems. Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide-range of emerging topics, including what exactly self-adaptive and self-healing systems are, how to choose a solution for metrics storage and query, the creation of cluster-wide alerts and what a successful self-sufficient system blueprint looks like. Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.

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The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit. Kubernetes: Deploying and managing highly-available and fault-tolerant applications at scale

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, and The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit: Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the DevOps Toolkit as he takes you on a journey to explore the features of Kubernetes.The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes is a book in the series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book in the series looks at Kubernetes, the tool designed to, among other roles, make it easier in the creation and deployment of highly available and fault-tolerant applications at scale, with zero downtime.Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide range of emerging topics, including what exactly Kubernetes is, how to use both first and third-party add-ons for projects, and how to get the skills to be able to call yourself a “Kubernetes ninja.” Work with Viktor and dive into the creation and exploration of Kubernetes with a series of hands-on guides.

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The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit. Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes: Continuously deploying applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes cluster

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to continuously deploying applications with Jenkins into a Kubernetes cluster.The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuously Deploying Applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes Cluster is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book guides readers through the process of building, testing, and deploying applications through fully automated pipelines.Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide-range of emerging topics, including an exploration of continuous delivery and deployment in Kubernetes using Jenkins. It also shows readers how to perform continuous integration inside these clusters, and discusses the distribution of Kubernetes applications, as well as installing and setting up Jenkins.Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.

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The DevOps 2.5 Toolkit. Monitoring, Logging, and Auto-Scaling Kubernetes: Making Resilient, Self-Adaptive, And Autonomous Kubernetes Clusters

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, and The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to monitoring, logging, and autoscaling Kubernetes.The DevOps 2.5 Toolkit: Monitoring, Logging, and Auto-Scaling Kubernetes: Making Resilient, Self-Adaptive, And Autonomous Kubernetes Clusters is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book helps readers develop the necessary skillsets needed to be able to operate Kubernetes clusters, with a focus on metrics gathering and alerting with the goal of making clusters and applications inside them autonomous through self-healing and self-adaptation.Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Kubernetes.