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The setting is Nigeria a century ago, and British District Commissioner R.G. Sanders oversees the tribes. He discovers that Bosambo has been acting as chief without approval, but is so impressed with his skills Sanders allows him to remain in place, but Sanders heads to England to marry and unrest follows. The classic Commissioner Sanders stories about Africa by Edgar Wallace. This is the second collection in the series, following Sanders of the River. Wallace served in Africa and he gets the background right. Both books were written in the same year, when world powers were vying for colonial honor. Great humor, lots left to the readers imagination, but delightful stories about individuals and their interactions with Commissioner Sanders, British authority figure.
Dr. Beechington knew how difficult it was to live in genteel poverty. He was determined his daughter Mary should marry a wealthy man but Mary wasnt so sure. Should she obey her father or follow her heart? Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. The Price a Woman Pays is a story packed with great fun and Wallace keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did, and it highlights Wallaces unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.
The Prison-Breakers and Other Stories
A collection of short stories from the British Mysteries master Edgar Wallace, directly from the Golden Era of the genre. This includes the following The Prison-Breakers, Findings Are Keepings, The Jewel Box, The Undisclosed Client, Via Madeira, The Complete Criminal, Red Beard, Bulfox Asleep. Have a lot of fun! Edgar Wallace was a British novelist, playwright, and journalist who produced popular detective and suspense stories and was in his time the king of the modern thriller. Wallaces literary output 175 books, 24 plays, and countless articles and review sketches have undermined his reputation as a fresh and original writer. In England, in the 1920s, Wallace was said to be the second biggest seller after the Bible.
In 1919-1920 Edgar Wallace wrote a series of ten short stories featuring the investigative reporter York Symon for publication in the British monthly The Novel Magazine. In 1928 the series was reprinted in Pearsons Weekly. In the following year Edgar Wallace collected nine of the stories in a book entitled The Reporter. The Reporter is a detective story about a police reporter named Wise Symon and his tricks of the trade. A collection presents 9 short stories that include The Writings of Maconochie Hoe, The Crime of Gai Joi, The Safe Deposit at the Social Club, and the two connected stories The Case of Crook Beresford and The Last Throw of Crook Beresford. The stories are fast-paced and well written but definitely a product of their time and place!
Perhaps Edgar Wallaces best-known book, originally published under the title The Gaunt Stranger in 1925. Inspector Wemburys day turns from bad to worse when a legendary assassin who was supposed dead in Australia returns to London seeking vengeance for the murder of his sister. Scotland Yard know the Ringer had left his sister in the care of unscrupulous lawyer Maurice Meister and that she was later found drowned, so they warn Meister that the Ringer is in London. Who is the Ringer? It will be a clever reader who can spot him before the very end of the story. An exiting page tuner full of intrigue and mystery, The Ringer is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction.
During 1907 Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) travelled to the Congo Free State, to report on atrocities committed against the Congolese under King Leopold II of Belgium and the Belgian rubber companies, in which up to 15 million Congolese were killed. Isabel Thorne of the Weekly Tale-Teller penny magazine, invited Wallace to serialize stories inspired by his experiences. These were published as his first collection Sanders of the River (1911), a best seller. This volume, grouped with the Sanders Africa books of Wallace does not contain the usual Sanders-short stories, but is a novel, Sanders is only a minor character on the edge of the proceedings. Small-time crooks go to Africa to find a diamond river, but before and after this journey, they constantly get in their own way, with sometimes fatal consequences...
Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. Wallace was a very prolific writer despite his sudden death at age 56. In total Wallace is credited with over 170 novels, almost 1,000 short stories, and 18 stage plays. Wallaces works have been turned into well over 100 films. This traditional mystery features a girl with an unusual name, some mysterious tramps, gangsters and villainous members of British upper class. The Road to London is a story packed with intrigue, treachery, assassinations, and machinations, and it highlights Wallaces unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. Highly recommended!
The Secret House by Edgar Wallace is a mystery set about 1920 in England. Scandalous periodical The Gossips Corner is run by a supposed blackmailer whose identity has baffled the police. Inspector T.B. Smith of Scotland Yard, a singularly acute Assistant Commissioner, has got a lot to sort out. Introduced as an eccentric, though there is little evidence provided for this assertion, the characterless Smith tangles with dodgy doctors, dangerous criminals and a missing millionaire, as well as the traps and puzzles of the mysterious house, in a frankly barmy plot. A delicious mystery with twists and turns that intrigue, slowly unveiling the Victorian era characters as the indomitable Scotland Yard detective overcomes the evil protagonists.
The Companions of the Ace High are a group of aviators, each of whom has his own reason to hate Germans. The groups founder, Dexter, whose wife was driven mad when a German submarine attacked a liner on which she was travelling, dedicates himself to the destruction of Germany. He uses his wealth to establish a base of operations in the small republic of San Romino on the northern border of Italy. From this base the Companions of the Ace High pursue and kill Germans, their spies and sympathizers. Another breathtaking work by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice.
A mystery novel classic by Edgar Wallace with so many twists and turns it becomes utterly baffling by the end. Superintendent Wills investigates the murder of a man found floating in the River Thames, it appears the victim was a archeology Oxford professor, murdered over three small fragments of an ancient text, working on the deciphering of some very rare tablets which if they fall into the wrong hands could cause major problems for one Asian country. He had previously been studying an archeological artefact known as the Kytang Wafers, and this is now missing. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!
Edgar Wallace, The Square Emerald, originally published in 1926 and made in England. The plot involves a young gentleman, secretary to a notable politician, convicted wrongly of forging a check, now released after serving his term in prison, a group of rather sinister society ladies with their sinister butler Druze, who were involved in the check and other activities, and a beautiful young woman detective from Scotland Yard, also from a stylish society background. A female sleuth is one step ahead of everyone, including the reader, and generally has jolly good fun solving the case. A mysteriously complicated plot make this Edgar Wallace book great fun with the twists coming thick and fast.
The Squeaker is a piece of early crime writing by author Edgar Wallace, first published in 1927. This novel is a traditional mystery, featuring some crooks and some policemen, a mysterious villain, a lovely girl and a plot with many twists. It is the thrilling story of a group of London jewel thieves and the company they keep. The title character is an omnipotent fence who has cornered the diamond-smuggling racket. The fence travels in polite society under the guise of a wealthy philanthropist. A Scotland Yard detective pretends to be an ex-convict in order to infiltrate the Squeakers gang and to track down the stolen gems. An entertaining tale of mystery and intrigue in Londons underworld, this volume constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime fiction.
This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1932. Wallace was an extremely prolific writer who wrote over 175 novels, plus numerous plays, essays and journalistic articles. During the peak of his success during the 1920s, it was said that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. In England, in the 1920s, Wallace was said to be the second biggest seller after the Bible. Many of his novels were made into films and TV dramas. The Steward is a collection of short stories that include The left Pass, The Little Baroness, Solo and the Lady, and many more. The stories are fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read and definitely a product of their time and place.
This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. One is left gasping with suspense as the many clues are unraveled only to be followed by others still more stubborn. A beautiful woman has spent twenty cruel years in prison, for a suspected murder. Her daughter learns of the relationship after a chance visit at the jail. The true facts are known only after the discovery of nefarious plots to kill the daughter, visits to the home of royalty, and enforced stays at a so-called home for mental cases. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1925. The Strange Countess is a mystery novel by this prolific author of detective fiction.
The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman
Larry Loman is a member of the Criminal Investigation Department of New Scotland Yard. While on a special assignment in Asia he contracts a form of malaria that causes him to suffer character-changing bouts of amnesia for up to eight hours at a stretch. When Larry is assigned to deal with the Crime Trust, a syndicate which has gathered just about every crook in England into one organization, his periodic blackouts result in all sorts of unforeseen complications. However, he eventually breaks the Trust, and his disease goes into remission. The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman is an enjoyable mystery short story by Edgar Wallace with some surprising twists, well written and great to read.
The Stretelli Case and Other Mystery Stories
This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1930. The Stretelli Case and Other Mystery Stories is a collection of short stories, some also published in other collections of Wallaces works. This volume includes: Code No. 2, Red Beard, The Man Who Killed Himself, The Mediaeval Mind, and many more. This is a nice collection of eleven short stories loosely classified as mysteries; while thriller elements are certainly present in most of them, the stories, with one exception, are indeed mysteries of one sort or another. Several stories feature detectives per se; most of them have people under pressure who must decipher baffling situations in order to correct deformations in the social structure.
Here is Edgar Wallaces famous stage-play as told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense that thrilled theatre-goers. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task of copying out Wallaces dictations, this task he accomplished at such a speed that he was known as the fastest secretary in England. After Wallaces death, he completed some of Wallaces unfinished manuscripts and turned several plays and film scripts into novels in the style of Wallace as well as writing several original novels.
Clay Shelton is an outstanding forger and has been capable of cheating on an entire country. One day is finally arrested, convicted of the assassination for killing a policeman and sentenced to death. His execution is performed and the case is closed. Or this is what everyone thinks, until the judge who sentenced Shelton, his prosecutor and executioner are brutally murdered by the Terrible People, an mysterious secret organization. The next name on their list is the one of Arnold Betcher Long, the private eye who had caught the infamous forger. However, Long is all but an easy target... This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1926. The Terrible People is a classic mystery novel by this pioneer of the detective genre.
A dangerous gang of criminals is imprisoned after a daring robbery, although the ringleader who masterminded the crime disappears with the loot. Finally released after ten years behind bars, they are out for vengeance on the man who betrayed them, and the trail leads to a lonely house haunted by organ music and the specter of a hooded figure who prowls its dark corridors. But the police are on their tail also wanting to find out who was behind the robbery. Another breathtaking novel by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, King of the Modern Thriller.
The master mystery-story teller presents a collection of short stories that include The Terror and many more. A group of criminals carry out a daring robbery of an armored van. Two of the criminals are betrayed by the mastermind of the operation. After ten years in prison they come out and search for the man behind the crimes who betrayed them. This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. One is left gasping with suspense as the many clues are unraveled only to be followed by others still more stubborn. Edgar Wallace provides a thrill of another sort!
Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a publishing phenomenon in his day, his name being synonymous with the word thriller, a genre some would credit him with inventing. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. The Thief in the Night is an enjoyable easy going, fast moving mystery novella, set in England during the 1928s. Diamond plaques are being stolen from wealthy girls and poison pen letters are being delivered Inspector Jack Danton is puzzled... Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces thrillers there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.
If you like a villain to be a proper villain then Oberzhon is the genuine article. What a villain! What an adventure! There are crimes for which no punishment is adequate, offences that the written law cannot efface. When conventional justice fails The Three Just Men employ their great intellect and cunning. They use their own methods, carry out their own verdicts which the police were unable or unwilling to carry out. There can be no compromise. Each of the ten chapters in this book recounts a separate episode in the careers of two of the trio who call themselves the Three Just Men. The third member of the trio remains in the background. The mission that the Three Just Men have undertaken is to mete out punishment to evil-doers whom the law has failed to reach.
Ex police officer Socrates Smith and his brother Lexington, who is also an amateur sleuth, are invited to spend a weekend at Peter Mandles country home. Shortly after they arrive the brothers notice many precautions taken against intruders, a message flashed in Morse code, and someone skulking across the lawn. Come three oaks, it spells in Morse code. Early next morning the brothers take a stroll, and there, tied to an oak branch, is a body with a purple mark where the bullet struck. A nicely convoluted mystery with plenty of incident, murder, forced marriage, kidnapping and so on from the master of mystery Edgar Wallace.
Inspector Tillizinni is back, this time involved in the quest to locate an ancient tomb of the Great Emperor the first Emperor of the Chinese, who died two centuries before the birth of Christ and its world-changing secret. The Society of Joyful Intention the most bloodthirsty organization the world has known. It concerns Tillizinni also, for Scotland Yard placed him on his mettle, set him a challenging task, which threatened at one time to bring ruin to the greatest detective in Europe. The story just moves from one scene to another with a very tenuous narrative thread keeping the reader turning the pages. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!