Autor: E. Phillips Oppenheim

Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo

E. Phillips Oppenheim

At half-past eleven oclockMr. Billingham was a man of regular habitshe quitted the promenade, crossed the Place in front of the Casino, and selected a table outside the Café de Paris. He selected it simply because it happened to be the nearest empty one and without even a glance at his neighbours. It was nevertheless, without a doubt, by the direction of that mysterious influence called fate that he should have chosen that particular chair and ordered his champagne cocktail with that clear and pleasant directness of speech which caused the two people at the adjacent table to turn and focus their attention upon him.


Mr. Laxworthys Adventures

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The man was awaiting the service of his dinner in the magnificent buffet of the Gare de Lyon. He sat at a table laid for three, on the right-hand side of the entrance and close to the window. From below came the turmoil of the trains. In appearance he was of somewhat less than medium height, of unathletic, almost frail, physique. His head was thrust a little forward, as though he were afflicted with a chronic stoop. He wore steel-rimmed spectacles with the air of one who has taken to them too late in life to have escaped the constant habit of peering, which had given to his neck an almost storklike appearance.


Mr. Marxs Secret

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another adventure Oppenheim thriller written in 1899. When Phillip Morton is eight years old, his father is pushed off the edge of a slate quarry. A servant from the local castle is suspected. Ten years later, by chance, Phillip meets the lord of the local castle, the scholar and adventurer Ravenor. On a whim, Ravenor offers to pay for Phillips further education if Phillip will befriend his wayward nephew. Phillip meets Mr. Marx, Lord Ravenors secretary, and is both attracted and repelled by him. Mysterious pasts, lonely castle, family secrets, evil adventurers, dissolute youths, disguises and madness... a little of everything, including lovely ladies. The hero Philip Morton doesnt know who to trust. Very enjoyable and escapist as many characters live in extreme luxury.


Mr. Mirakel

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Mr. Mirakel is the last novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim in 1943. Marquis Roderigo de Cordovina is leaving his Portuguese estates in Lisbon because he is being pressured to join the German military and command a mechanical battalion. He meets Miss Anne Strangeways in the seaplane terminal. The two board an airboat for London. Shortly thereafter, they meet again at the home of Princess Rosina Di Gomez who is the niece of the Portuguese Ambassador. At this point the plot changes to encompass the arrival of Mr. Mirakel, a mysterious, wealthy, well-connected personage who insinuates himself in the company. Thereafter, the book becomes a strange fantasy about a remote land of tropical perfection where war, and rumors of war, are unknown!


Murder at Monte Carlo

E. Phillips Oppenheim

One of many great works by E. Phillips Oppenheim, who styled himself as the prince of storytellers, and is credited with creating the rogue male genre of adventure thrillers and was one of the earliest writers of spy fiction from the late 19th and early 20th Century England. The hero in this one is Roger Sloane, a well-off American bon vivant who decides to blow the whistle on a gang of transplanted American gangsters who have abandoned New York and set up a sophisticated crime syndicate on the French Riviera and in Monaco. Robbery, murder, secret hideouts, fast cars, and beautiful women all figure in this tale of roaring 20s. Roger meets a wild and beautiful child of the hills, Jeannine, who reappears as the protege of his Aunt, and the belle of the casino.


Mysteries of the Riviera

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This connected series of stories chronicle the adventures of a young American graduate of Harvard college, M. Edmund Martin and the retired British soldier, Colonel Green on the Cote dAzur in the period just to World War 1. The two meet at a casino, and manage to avoid many of the classic traps which await the idle wealthy of the time. Seemingly inadvertently, they foil crooks, rescue maidens, recover stolen jewels, help young lovers, assist spies against Germany, and foil the plans of German agents attempting to consolidate their power. British author E. Phillips Oppenheim achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning international espionage and intrigue. Many of his more than 100 novels are still read today.


Mysterious Mr. Sabin

E. Phillips Oppenheim

When Lord Wolfenden saw, in the supper-room of the Milan Restaurant, a beautiful woman and became acquainted with her by saving the life of her elderly companion, the mysterious Mr. Sabin, as they leave the restaurant, he little knew the web of intrigue into which he was entering. Twists and turns galore, enjoyable descriptions about the upper-crust and by-gone days. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and this is one of the best of his many good and exciting books. It was largely the success of his first spy novel, Mysterious Mr. Sabin, that enabled Oppenheim to relinquish control over the family business and devote himself to a full-time writing career.


Nicholas Goade, Detective

E. Phillips Oppenheim

E. Phillips Oppenheim was a popular 20th century writer best known for penning suspenseful thriller novels like The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown. Many of his more than 100 novels are still read today. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. Nicholas Goade, Detective is a collection of short mysteries about a Scotland Yard detective on holiday. As he travels across England with his dog in his old car, he keeps stumbling across little mysteries. Its a cross between a classic police procedural and a 1930s update of Sherlock Holmes, with Goade solving odd cases through a combination of careful detective work, leaps of intuition, and his ability to understand and communicate with people.


Nobodys Man

E. Phillips Oppenheim

It is strange to find Mr. Phillips Oppenheim choosing as his hero an earnest politician with a love for social reform. Nobodys Man starts out as a standard whodunit murder mystery then makes an abrupt lane-change into British politics of the mid-1920s. Brigadier general Andrew Tallente, late of Parliament, is implicated in the death of his male secretary, the son of a classmate at Eton. Seems the younger man may have not only been having an affair with the heros American wife, but had stolen incriminating political documents. A political coup of sorts develops as the opposing party invites Tallente to lead them. Enter the lovely heiress-next-door, who becomes the heros champion, and perhaps, new flame.


One Little Thread of Life

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866 1946), an English novelist, was a major and successful writer of genre fiction, particularly thrillers. Among his books are The Betrayal, The Avenger, The Double Life of Mr. Alfred Burton, The Devils Paw, and The Evil Shepherd. Many of Oppenheims works appeared as newspaper or magazine serials before they were published in book form. The serial versions of his novels were often syndicated for publication in periodicals in the USA and other English-speaking countries. One Little Thread of Life made its first appearance in 1899 in The Weekly Telegraph, Sheffield, England. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and this is one of the best of his many good and exciting books.



E. Phillips Oppenheim

The illicit gambling house in the Place Noire was raided by the police in Paris. Several of the gang were killed, one was caught and jailed, and one escaped by shambling off in the guise of a workman, accompanied by a young girl, a dwarf, and a monkey. Gilbert Hannaway, who was wounded as a bystander on the night of the raid, has been searching for the girl for five years but, one evening, he finds her. Lord Ellingham is a peer of the realm, with a successful marriage, and a cabinet position, but he flees England rather than meet with the girl. Jacques Leblun, most brilliant of French detectives, desires to end his illustrious career by landing the long sought escaped man from the raid. And what of Ambrose the dwarf and Chicot the monkey? What secrets do they hold?


Peter Ruff

E. Phillips Oppenheim

With the police hot on his tail, Peter Ruff decides to turn from a life of crime to the more lucrative life of a private investigator. With his ties to the underworld and his skill at disguise, Peter is the perfect sleuth. Along with his trusted and beautiful assistant, Violet Brown, Mr. Ruff is brilliantly successful in his new career. As his reputation for solving crime grows, he is noticed and adopted as a leader by a large conglomerate of criminals who have chosen to turn their skills to good. Unfortunately, his success also gains the enmity of many people, including his former fiancées new husband and a notorious German spy. How he outwits these two men-and others-while satisfying his taste for adventure. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


Peter Ruff and the Double Four

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is a connected collection of short stories about the leader of a secret society pledged to protect England and their German adversary. In The Double Four, Peter is called out of retirement by that organization, which, since his departure, has morphed into a sort of private diplomatic secret service. Peter acquires a title, some nice clothes, and a new archenemy, a German spy, Bernadine. Light hearted with a bit of romance along with the action and fancy pants English dialogue. This novel is an Oppenheim classic from 1919 about a high society villain: characteristic of Oppenheims typical works, with the characters living in luxury, and a very flowing and exact story.


Prodigals of Monte Carlo

E. Phillips Oppenheim

He might be almost forgotten now, but Mr. Oppenheim wrote an amazing 116 novels, including many bestsellers. Several are set amid the glamour of Monte Carlo, including this 1920s romantic thriller. The novel has an intriguing start, as handsome and charming Sir Hargrave Wendever gets a nasty shock from the doctor. Wealthy, handsome, intelligent, single, with the world at his feet suddenly he finds his world crumbling. What will he do? He decides to do some good with his money in the time he has left, and offers a penniless young woman a free holiday at his villa, with no strings attached. The reader is transported from the grey fogs of London to the sunshine of Monte Carlo, where, along with the hero and some new friends, the real adventures begin.


Recalled by the Double-Four

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Another great spy novel from the british author E. Phillips Oppenheim who achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning international espionage and intrigue. This one is a connected collection of short stories about the leader of a secret society pledged to protect England and their German adversary. This novel is an Oppenheim classic from 1919 about a high society villain: characteristic of Oppenheims typical works, with the characters living in luxury, and a very flowing and exact story. Story is set just prior to WWI and is interesting on several levels. Oppenheim builds on the English mentality before WWI and how many of the English just did not believe in a threat from Germany.


Simple Peter Cradd

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Edward Phillips Oppenheim is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. This novel is one of E. Phillips Oppenheims best works and opens with a fantastic description of the boring life of Mr. Peter Cradd, leather merchant, husband, father, slave to his family, stoic self denier, and all-around put upon man in the bowler hat. He is barely able to pay his bills, has a wife who seems him only as a wallet, and two children whose most favorable opinion of him is disappointment. He answers a letter from a lawyer, and finds out that he has inherited a fortune. What he does with it, where he moves, how he educates himself, and whom he loves form the rest of the story?


Sinners Beware

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another collection of interlinked short stories about the good life in Monte Carlo and Beausoleil after the first World War. Ten stories about Peter Hames, the former Inspector on the New York police department that got tossed off the force when he tried to stop an innocent man being railroaded by a corrupt police force. Disillusioned, but after inheriting a million dollars, he moves to France to become a painter. But the detective instincts never left and he gets involved in various adventures. Oppenheim follows three characters through adventures wherein they solve crimes, thwart criminals, and are duped by professionals.


Sir Adam Disappeared

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Scotland Yard unearths the mysterious disappearance of a wealthy, eccentric banker, the reason for a dead man in his bank, and the vanishing of the banks funds. The background shifts from the bank to the club, and the missing millionaires known habits give necessary leads to the unscrambling of the mystery. Oppenheim continues to hold up his end. An enjoyable read! E. Phillips Oppenheim was a British author who wrote nearly 150 novels during his career. He styled himself as the prince of storytellers, and is credited with creating the rogue male genre of adventure thrillers and was one of the earliest writers of spy fiction.


Slanes Long Shots

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A collection of unconnected but all featuring the same protagonist, gentlemen amateur detective Slane. Sir Jasper Slane, wealthy clubman, and amateur detective, is always willing to help his fellow aristocrats in need. With the able assistance of Inspector Stimpson of Scotland Yard, he solves thefts, rescues kidnapped victims, foils blackmailers, and helps to restore fortunes. Because of his upper class morality, Slane is perhaps more diffident than some other Oppenheim heroes, but, in the end, he succumbs to the attractions of women. Much of Oppenheims work possesses a unique escapist charm, featuring protagonists who delight in Epicurean meals, surroundings of intense luxury, and the relaxed pursuit of criminal practice, on either side of the law.



E. Phillips Oppenheim

Czy warto narażać własną wolność, by chronić przypadkowo poznaną kobietę? Odpowiedź wydaje się prosta. Ale kiedy przeciwko logicznym argumentom staje kobiecy czar, wszystko się komplikuje. Jak bardzo? Poznaj historię Herberta Raysona, który pewnej nocy wraca do swojego mieszkania i zastaje w nim nieznajomą. Kobieta przeszukuje jego biurko, ale to dopiero początek serii tajemniczych zdarzeń. Autor "Spiskowców" w swoim kraju uważany jest za "księcia storytellingu". Nic dziwnego, bo jego książki czyta się na jednym oddechu. Wciągające historie, szybka akcja i zaskakujący finał to gwarancja dobrze spędzonego wieczoru. Idealny zamiennik dla oczu zmęczonych oglądaniem kolejnego serialu.


Stolen Idols

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A young adventurer steals two complimentary idols of Buddha from a Chinese temple, one of which is supposed to have a debasing and malevolent effect upon its owners. One of the idols represents the Body, and all of the corruption and evil of Mankind, the other represents the Soul, and all that is good. The Ballastons are a spendthrift aristocratic family threatened with the loss of their ancestral home due to large debts. The son steals these idols, ends up with just the naughty one, and in the process crosses swords with Wu Ling, a wily Chinese merchant who later manages to become English. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and this is one of the best of his many good and exciting books.


The Adventures of Mr. Joseph P. Gray

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Joseph P. Cray is an American manufacturer who has just completed a year serving coffee to the troops in France during World War 1. He is motivated by good will, and also to escape his American second wife who is the head of a temperance organization. With sybaritic glee, he returns to London, dons civilian garb, and enjoys his first cocktail. He is soon joined by his daughter, the beautiful Lady Sara Sittingbourne, who lives in London. Together the two seek adventure in the form of crimes foiled, jewels recovered, spies uncovered, and plots smashed. Edward Phillips Oppenheim was an English novelist, in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers.


The Amazing Judgment

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is a very early novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim from 1897. The wealthy and bored Lord Hildyard, Marquis of Esholt, is on a yachting tour with a group of friends, including his kept lover, Pauline Owston. When Hildyard spies an apparently uninhabited island, he slips off the ship in search of adventure. In the middle of the night, he hears wonderful violin music and finds a young and beautiful girl, Bertha, playing in the forest. She is accompanied by a cruel and misshapen dwarf. Enchanted, Hildyard stays on the island, where he finds an old college chum, Stanley Owston, the estranged husband of the actress, who is the guardian of the girl, and the owner of the island. The adventures are continuing...


The Amazing Partnership

E. Phillips Oppenheim

E. Phillips Oppenheim wrote most famously of secret agents and duplicitous diplomats, secret treaties and international conspiracies, moonlit Riviera casinos, Swiss hotel suites, perilous yacht trips, and glamorous trans-European express trains. Known in his time as the Prince of Storytellers, Oppenheim, like the brand names of todays best seller lists, offered readers in the first half of the 20th century a steady, predictable, and entertaining supply of pop fiction. The Amazing Partnership is one of E. Phillips Oppenheims most intriguing stories. This story deals with a young man and a young woman who make an informal partnership in criminal investigation.