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- Художня література
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Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
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Ігрові посібники
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- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
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Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, an extremely popular fictional character, and other beloved fictional characters. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. His love for mythology was a constant source of inspiration for his fiction, and it has been speculated that these classical influences accounted in some part for his success as a popular writer. Jericos Garrison Finish is one of his great novels.
Carrick Dunmore seemed to be nothing more than a happy-go-lucky cowboy whose main pastimes were drinking and sleeping. He wasnt the kind of man who could challenge Jim Tankerton, the outlaw chief whose cruel violence terrorized the countryside. But Dunmore had a few tricks to outwit old Jim... One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.
Larramees Ranch is another great and entertaining Max Brand novel! This is quite a change of pace for Max Brand. His hero Tom Holden is a bookish young man with a bad leg, no money, and no experience with firearms. When he sets out to make his fortune, he has no real prospects but through a series of bluffs he outwits a killer, faces down a town bully, makes a considerable bundle of money for himself. Then he announces he will marry Alexa Larrame, the beautiful blue-eyed daughter of the wealthiest rancher around even though hed never even met her! But now he has a lot more than just a rash promise to live up to. He is being accused of committing several robberies and murders in a town where the strong make the laws and enforce them with bullets!
First published in 1932, Lucky Larribee is another great read by Max Brand. Alfred Larribee likes drinking, not working. He likes gambling, too. Maybe thats what drives him to risk his easy-going life for Sky Blue, the horse of a lifetime. When he first goes after this wild and magnificent animal, he knows about the back shooters. But no one tells him about the Indians... they play for keeps. How safe is this bet? Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brands remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest western authors of all time. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was.
Marbleface is a an ex-prize fighter who becomes a fugitive after a failed robbery attempt lands him on the wrong side of the law. Hed almost been middleweight champion of the world, but then his heart went bad. So he trains himself to complete nerve control he takes up poker as a living he gets trapped into an escapade from which his victims daughter rescues him. With a bum ticker, Marbleface believes his days are numbered and sets out to reform, landing himself in the town of Piegun where he becomes the towns hero. He stays honest and eventually finds himself well again and able to settle down with the girl he loves.
The Montana Kid, El Keed south of the border, slips a marriage noose to join Mateo Rubriz, prince of Mexican outlaws, in a wild cross-border raid. The target: a gold and emerald crown stolen by the governor of Duraya from the church under his protection. In Duraya, Montana and Rubriz have no problem getting into the governors fort, even finding the crown. Its the getting out that nearly undoes them!
Hometown Cowboy was an easy introduction into the Rocky Mountain Riders. Sexy cowboy, a heroine whos a dreamer and rescues animals, chocolate, a darling little pig, family struggles and mending broken relationships. Hometown Cowboy was a tempting introduction to the Rocky Mountain Riders.
Max Brand is generally regarded as the author of superior westerns like his Destry Rides Again, but Brand also wrote the Dr. Kildare series and numerous detective stories as well. Never before published in book form, this 1937 police procedural by veteran Brand introduces New York police detectives Campbell and ORourke. The pair investigate the apparent suicide of a philanthropist David Barry who was about to be accused of bribery and corruption prior to his death. Angus Campbell and Patrick ORourke can get the cuffs on the killer, therell be endless face-offs in which the five suspects hurl accusations at each other and reveal how many of them were popping in and out of the crowded murder scene on the fatal night.
After ten years of wandering, during which he has lived the life of a gambler and learned the ways of devious men, Tom Keene returns home, only to find his father alone and dying. Old John Keenes sole legacy to his son is a Bible, so with his fathers passing, Tom renounces his selfish, worthless past and sets out to preach to others that the greatest happiness is born of trust in one another. But Tom Keenes good intentions are about to cost him more than he knows... Tom is jailed for a crime he did not commit, beaten and bullied until he changes again, this time into a cunning, calculating man whose sole purpose now is to be avenged for the wrongs done to him. Once released, he chases the trail of the desperado that double-crossed him.
This great book by Max Brand tells the story of honest, hard working Phil Slader, the son of a notorious murdering outlaw, who had sworn not to follow the footsteps of his father, a feared and hated gunman. Phil was adopted by the man who put a bullet in his fathers heart. Watched and expected every day to explode into the lawless ways of his father, young Phil patiently waits to come of age to leave the servitude of his fathers killer and find the truth of his death. Could he keep that oath now that Doc Macgruder, his dads killer, was out gunning for him? How could he get his just revenge and still keep the respect of his fellow men? Find the answer in Max Brands action-filled story of adventure and heroism.
Max Brand, Max Brand, Max Brand
No matter what name Frederick Schiller Faust was writing under, its sure to be a tightly written action packed book and Outlaws Code is no exception. Lawrence Grey is called El Diablo the devil though hes fair-haired and has a boyish grin. But no jail can hold him, and some swear that he is the fastest gun alive. Yet everyone has Grey pegged as a goner when he agrees to ride to Mexico to track down Johnny Ray, a man who has been missing for fifteen years. Theres a reward of $50,000 for Grey, dead or alive, offered by those who want to keep Ray from surfacing. Three men have already disappeared while looking for Johnny Ray. But the grinning blond El Diablo knows no fear and fears no enemy. He rides on...
Max Brand (18921944), war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und gilt als einer der wichtigsten und bekanntesten Western-Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zu Max Brands Klassikern gehört auch der hier vorliegende Roman Pepillo (1927). Der ebenso spannende wie actionreiche Western handelt von einer mörderischen Bande von Viehdieben, die ausgerechnet einen ehemaligen Sheriff ausraubt. Der Sheriff schwört auf Rache und setzt Kitchin auf die Bande an Kitchin ist der taffste und abgebrühteste Kerl weit und breit. Und der Sheriff und Kitchin begegnen sich nicht zum ersten Mal: Jahre zuvor hat der Sheriff Kitchin gejagt und hinter Gittern gebracht.
This collection includes three short novels from one of the top three Western novelists of all time Max Brand (Frederick Faust). The stories here are character studies of outlaws, the lives they lead and the lies and myths that spring up about them. The title novel, Peter Blue, is an excellent character study. Blue, wounded in a gunfight, has lost the use of his gun hand and is desperately trying to learn to shoot with his left hand before his enemies realize how vulnerable he is. In the meantime, being hold up in one place, he, too, learns the values of a normal, fulfilling life until one of the gunmen he beat in the past comes to even the score. Now, Blue, with so much more to live for, is unable to defend himself. Or is he?
Loafer was a big dog who looked like a buffalo wolf; he was gray against one background and pale yellow against another; like a buffalo wolf, he had a great leonine body covered with a loose hide which humped in a wave above his shoulders at every lurch of his gallop. Strangers always said Wolf! when they saw him, and no one said Good dog! except his master.
Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. This is one of his work. Three men, each traveling alone, head for the town of Loomis, where they will meet in a violent confrontation that will leave one of them dead by morning. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.
Riders of the Silences was written under the pseudonym of John Frederick. The story is a Western saga based in part on Arthurian legends. Pierre le Rouge, the bastard child of Martin Ryder and his red-haired mistress, was sent off as an infant to be raised by Canadian friars. When his father sends for him after being wounded by the legendary gunman McGurk, Pierre races eight hundred miles to Martins side, determined to avenge his fathers attack. This Western from prolific author Max Brand is a classic revenge story that is sure to please readers who are hankering for a solid dose of action-packed adventure.
The name Max Brand is synonymous with great adventure and quality. Good men gone bad fill the pages of this Western trio, with stories of outlaws, horse thieves and a rowdy ranch hand who turns to stage robbery. This book contains three short novelettes: The Nighthawk Trail, Vamps Bandit and the title story, Rifle Pass. In Rifle Pass, ageing Sheriff Thomas Weller has one major problem: his son Dick Weller. Dick cannot seem to apply himself to anything. In a desperate attempt to have Dicks courage tested, the sheriff deputizes his son and charges him with the capture of Harry Sanford. Rifle Pass is another outstanding collection that demands your attention!
Rodeo Ranch has earned its name from the rodeo that the wealthy, aged Ramon Alvarez sponsors there. An attempt has been made on Alvarezs life, and Alvarez believes his would-be killer is a member of a secret league bent on his destruction. He approaches Duds Kobbe, winner of the rodeos shooting competition, and offers him a job as a personal bodyguard, promising a fabulous reward for doing the job. The only catch is that, while employed, Kobbe cannot leave the Alvarez estate. What Kobbe doesnt realize is that he will be just as much a target as Alvarez. It is a short novel of murder and redemption, presents some intriguing plotting as a wealthy and fearful landowner hires a gunslinger as a bodyguard, with unexpected results.
His name was famous throughout the wild Old West. From Tombstone to Sonora hed won the respect of every law-abiding citizen-and the hatred of every bushwhacking bandit. While Bill Gregg stole Ronicky Doones best mare, Doone thanked him with a bullet in the leg. When he discovered that Bill was desperately searching for a girl whose name he didnt know, Ronicys interest was captured. Helping him track the girl down was no real challenge for Ronicky, but rescuing her from the evil New Yorker who held her prisoners might be another matter. But Ronicky Doone never backed down from a challenge! This is the first of a trilogy involving the adventure-seeking, straight-shooting cowboy. Another great read by Max Brand.
He was the toughest cowpuncher in the Wild West, the surest shot who ever lived. Where Ronicky Doone went, trouble was sure to follow. So Doone wasnt surprised when he rode into Twin Springs and found himself in the middle of a deadly war between two rival families. The stakes are high - honor, revenge, and rich ranch land. Though the townsmen favor the Jenkinses, Ronicky is drawn to the Bennetts - and especially the beautiful Elsie Bennett. As the struggle builds up in violence and shifting alliances, only Ronicky has the power to restore the peace. This is the third of a trilogy involving the adventure-seeking, straight-shooting cowboy.
Western Hero, Ronicky Doone, Provides His Own Brand of Justice. Ronicky Doone overhears Jack Moons gang plotting the murder of ex-member Hugh Dawn. While Ronicky doesnt know Hugh Dawn or Jack Moon, he is always ready for adventure. With the aid of his trusty, well-trained horse, Lou, he outraces Moons gang and races off to warn Hugh and they flee along with Hughs daughter, Jerry. Great read with Max Brands leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger than life. They come to life as people we wish we knew personally.
Another great tale by Frederick Schiller Faust who was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand! The Kid was a lawmans worst nightmare. A fearsome gun-for-hire, he was a legend written in blood and carved in the tombstones of the men he killed. But this time he was facing an old enemy from his twisted past a man who had survived his bullet and lived for vengeance. This story filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Brand is a masterful story teller, slowly revealing his main characters unique idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses that make them both human and admirable.
Rival police detectives Angus Campbell and Patrick ORourke find themselves working together to locate the millionaire who disappeared while under their protection on a train bound for Chicago. Manhattan millionaire John Cobb has been receiving threatening letters, and so leaves for Chicago, hoping that by hopping the night-train hell escape from his anonymous ill-wisher. Assigned as guards, Campbell and ORourke go along. When, after signing his $15 million will over to his cousin, Cobb disappears from his Pullman, Campbell and ORourke must check the train for their missing charge. Hes not on the train, though, and not in Buffalo, so they scour Chicago - and, as it happens, mean old Cobb has enemies galore from some slick deals hes pulled.
If you enjoy a fast moving Western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, youll like "The Seven Mile House" by Max Brand. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brands remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest Western authors of all time. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was. Brands action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain readers throughout the world. Brand penned over 200 full-length Westerns in his career, including "Destry Rides Again" and Montana Rides Again".