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Nig-Nog and Other Humorous Stories
Nig Nog and Other Humorous Stories is a collection of short humorous stories that include Jimmys Brother, Sentimental Simpson, Chubb of the Slipper, and many more. There are reasons worth exploring why Edgar Wallace was so successful in his writings and amongst them were his imagination, cleverness, and humor as demonstrated in these initial short stories, especially Nig- Nog (making an in-your-face patent medicine pedlar and a burglar endearing characters, and flipping the story endings upside down with nifty consequences is the work of a genius with a sense of humor). Edgar Wallace provides a humor of another sort!
Edgar Wallaces humorous tales of British Army life, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. The stories, collected in 1905, are supposed to tell us about the every-day life of the soldiers and are supposed to be, in turns, funny, moving, or even sometimes tragic. This substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War. Although this book like the earlier Smithy and The Hun was published during the First World War, the stories it contains, unlike the other book were all written and deal with events Pre-War.
An international criminal arrives in London. Basically theres the typical foreign bad guy, Caesar Valentine, who is suspected of many shady things but Scotland Yard, or any other police department for that matter, cant pin any crimes on him so they send in an undercover operative only known as Number Six to find out enough to put Valentine away for good. The thing is nobody at Scotland Yard knows who Number Six is and neither does Charles Valentine! Along the way we meet Tray Bong Smith, a criminal low life who attracts the attention of Caesar Valentine, Stephanie, the beautiful daughter of Caesar, and Mr. Ross, a mysterious American millionaire.
On the Spot. Violence and Murder in Chicago
Set in Chicago, and written in 1931 by Edgar Wallace, On the Spot truly reflects the horror of gang life in Prohibition Chicago. Tony Perelli, the gang boss, recruits men for his gang and women for his bed with the same ruthlessness and rapidly arranges for their disposal when they become a nuisance. But Minn Lee, the half-Chinese widow, is a little too much for him, and as she gradually learns the extent of his treachery, she plans a revenge... The constant threat of death, the interaction between cops and gangsters, love gone wrong, love gone right, loss of youth, bootlegging, prostitution... its all here and beautifully handled by Edgar Wallace.
Franciszek Elmer zniknął, a jedyne co po nim zostało to napisana maszynopisem notatka z podpisem Łowca głów. Niedługo potem zostaje odnaleziona odcięta głowa Elmera. Sprawą ma zająć się młody kapitan, Mike Brixtan. Śledztwo zaczyna od wizyty u siostrzenicy ofiary, Adeli Leamington, która pracuje jako statystka w produkcjach filmowych. Wkrótce w jednym ze skryptów z którego uczy, Adela znajduje kartkę napisaną tym samym maszynopisem
Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. In this work, the spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing preparedness fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexicans across the border. They are stopped by the efforts of munitions factory heiress Patria Channing and U.S. Secret Service agent. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme and a little romance. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Highly recommended!
This unique thriller collection contains the 24 short vintage crime stories a complete series featuring Police Constable Lee of the London D Division, written by the great Edgar Wallace. P.-C. Lee is a typical Wallace character, full of wit and charm. A number of these were reprinted in Ideas in 1928-1929 and in other magazines. Nine of the P.-C. Lee stories were later included in the 1961 collection The Undisclosed Client and Other Stories. Written by prolific writer Edgar Wallace, creator of J. G. Reeder, and a dozen more characters in his dozens of books and hundreds of short stories, his publishers once claimed that a quarter of all books then read (in the 1910-1920s) in England were written by him.
There is a man in London I guess he is still in London, though I have not had news of him in months hell be useful to you, Penn, if you ever need help. And so begins this story. It is impossible not to be thrilled by Edgar Wallace. Penelope of the Polyantha is a crime novel by this pioneer of detective fiction. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. During the peak of his success during the 1920s, it was said that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. Many of his novels were made into films and TV dramas.
Penelope von der Polyantha. Roman
Cynthia und Arthur Dorban lernen auf einer Zugfahrt durch Kanada die Protagonistin Penelope Pitt kennen und bieten ihr eine Stelle als Privatsekretärin auf ihrem Landsitz in England an. Die junge Penelope würde am liebsten aus dem kanadischen Edmonton, in dem sie aufwuchs, zurück in ihre Geburtsstadt London. Ein Traum wahr zu werden. Cynthia und Arthur Dorban leben auf einem Landsitz an der Südküste Englands. Durch Zufall entdeckt Penelope das gefährliche Geheimnis des Ehepaars und entgeht um Haaresbreite einem Mordanschlag. Sie entgeht nur knapp einem Anschlag. Sie flüchtet und rettet sich auf die Jacht Polyantha, wo auf sie noch mehr Rätsel und Gefahren warten. Auf der Jacht begegnet sie ihrem Schicksal...
Planetoid 127 and The Sweizer Pump
Edgar Wallace enjoyed writing science fiction. Planetoid 127, first published in 1929 but reprinted as late 1962, is a short story about an Earth scientist who communicates via wireless with his counterpart on a duplicate Earth orbiting unseen because it is on the opposite side of the Sun. The idea of a mirror Earth or mirror Universe later became a standard subgenre within science fiction. The story also bears similarities to Rudyard Kiplings hard science fiction story Wireless. As we see the first of the two stories, Planetoid 127, is science fiction whilst the second, The Sweizer Pump, is a crime story. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme.
Magazyn jubilerski firmy Gilderheim przyjmuje właśnie wielką dostawę diamentów. Ponieważ światło w oknach pomieszczenia pali się dłużej niż zazwyczaj w sobotnie popołudnie, do drzwi magazynu puka policjant. Właściciel uspokaja stróża prawa. Mężczyźni wdają się w pogawędkę i po skończonej pracy razem oddalają się do swoich domów. Właśnie wtedy do budynku wkrada się złodziejski duet. Pierwszy ze wspólników przeciera szlak, chwilę później do gry wkracza jego kompan. Obaj są zdziwieni, gdy okazuje się, że w akcji uczestniczy jeszcze ktoś trzeci... Wymarzona lektura dla miłośników dreszczowców i klasycznych kryminałów.
Edgar Wallace był angielskim pisarzem, autorem tomu poezji i licznych, bardzo poczytnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych. Mimo trudnego dzieciństwa i braku wykształcenia oraz licznych niepowodzeń ciężką pracą i ciekawymi pomysłami osiągnął olbrzymią popularność. Zostawił po sobie prawie 170 powieści, cieszących się wielkim uznaniem w Polsce okresu międzywojennego, później objętych zapisem cenzury, a następnie wielokrotnie wznawianych. Wiele z nich odwoływało się do kilkuletniego pobytu w Afryce Południowej.
As a prophecy of modern warfare, this book, written before the Great War, is distinctly remarkable, as well as having the genuine Edgar Wallace sense of thrilling narrative. The centre of the plot is the invasion of Britain in 1909. It could be a crime story, as it opens in the mean streets of working class Deptford in the opening years of the 20th century, and includes criminals petty and not so petty. It is also a war story, and includes a balloon air raid over London; and finally the love story of Private Selby and his dream girl, the Brown Lady, also known as O.C. An interesting small novel which changes rather abruptly from a crime novel to a military drama and finally an early alternative history-meller describing a conflict.
Są przestępstwa, za które żadna kara nie jest adekwatna, przestępstwa, których pisane prawo nie może zatrzeć. Tak swoje działania uzasadnia Rada Sprawiedliwych spotkanie wielkich i beznamiętnych intelektów, ludzi obojętnych na światową opinię. Wykorzystując swój spryt i przebiegłość nieustannie walczą oni przeciwko potężnym organizacjom podziemia, przeciwko dawnym mistrzom nikczemności i równie przebiegłym umysłom. Dla tych, którzy łamią ich niepisane prawa wyrok jest tylko jeden
J. G. Reeder is a shabby little man with red hair and weak eyes. However, his extraordinary mind is rapier sharp. Red Aces is the fourth and last of Edgar Wallaces JG Reeder books, featuring the diffident sleuth with the furled umbrella in three novelette-length adventures. Here are three thrilling episodes torn from his casebook: Red Aces about a man who gambles high and lives in fear; Kennedy the Con Man, reveals the impeccable mask stripped from a fiend, and finally The Case of Jo Attymer, a thoroughly intriguing mystery involving murder on Londons Thames. This is vintage Wallace, with no great depths but a good deal of humor and plenty of engaging goings-on along Wallaces beloved Thames.
Opowieść Edgara Wallace'a Romans z włamywaczem zanurzona jest w atmosferze tajemnicy i przygody, a prowadzi czytelnika przez labirynt zdrad, niebezpieczeństw i niespodzianek. Jest w tej historii wszystko: dżentelmen włamywacz, skorumpowani policjanci, piękne kobiety oraz mroczne sekrety szejków marokańskich. Rzecz dzieje się w Londynie, w zamkach angielskich lordów oraz na afrykańskich pustyniach. Jak na kryminał przystało, zagadka zostaje rozwikłana dopiero na końcowych kartach książki. W międzyczasie poznajemy paletę różnorodnych postaci, połączonych misterną siecią emocji i interesów. Przez całą książkę toczy się walka o rozwikłanie przeszłości głównych bohaterów oraz zrozumienie ich prawdziwych motywacji i celów. Tytułowy włamywacz słynny jest z serii włamań, których jednak nikt nie potrafi mu udowodnić. Prowadzi to do napiętej gry z organami ścigania, ale niekoniecznie wszyscy policjanci stoją po dobrej stronie mocy. W miarę jak akcja się rozwija, czytelnik zostaje wciągnięty w wir intryg i zagadek, próbując zgłębić tajemnice tożsamości oraz intencje włamywacza. Namiętność do pieniędzy plecie się z uczuciem do kobiety, a pełna zwrotów oraz zaskakujących momentów akcja trzyma nas w napięciu aż do samego zakończenia.
Opowieść Edgara Wallace'a Romans z włamywaczem zanurzona jest w atmosferze tajemnicy i przygody, a prowadzi czytelnika przez labirynt zdrad, niebezpieczeństw i niespodzianek. Jest w tej historii wszystko: dżentelmen włamywacz, skorumpowani policjanci, piękne kobiety oraz mroczne sekrety szejków marokańskich. Rzecz dzieje się w Londynie, w zamkach angielskich lordów oraz na afrykańskich pustyniach. Jak na kryminał przystało, zagadka zostaje rozwikłana dopiero na końcowych kartach książki. W międzyczasie poznajemy paletę różnorodnych postaci, połączonych misterną siecią emocji i interesów. Przez całą książkę toczy się walka o rozwikłanie przeszłości głównych bohaterów oraz zrozumienie ich prawdziwych motywacji i celów. Tytułowy włamywacz słynny jest z serii włamań, których jednak nikt nie potrafi mu udowodnić. Prowadzi to do napiętej gry z organami ścigania, ale niekoniecznie wszyscy policjanci stoją po dobrej stronie mocy. W miarę jak akcja się rozwija, czytelnik zostaje wciągnięty w wir intryg i zagadek, próbując zgłębić tajemnice tożsamości oraz intencje włamywacza. Namiętność do pieniędzy plecie się z uczuciem do kobiety, a pełna zwrotów oraz zaskakujących momentów akcja trzyma nas w napięciu aż do samego zakończenia.
With Room 13 in 1924 Edgar Wallace introduced readers to Mr. J. G. Reeder, one of the least glamorous of all fictional detectives. Mr. J. G. Reeder is neither a police detective nor an amateur crime-fighter, nor is he a private detective. In fact he is employed by the Bank of England, and acts as a kind of consultant to Scotland Yard. This time Edgar Wallaces unassuming investigator shares the limelight with a young and vigorous ex-con called John Gray. John Gray, a moderately wealthy gentleman who was set up for having supposedly cheated riding in a horse race and sent to Dartmoor, comes out seeking vengeance on the man who sent him there and finds himself aided in his quest by the seemingly innocuous J.G. Reeder.
1936. Sanctuary Island is a crime novel by the pioneer of detective fiction Edgar Wallace (an adaption by Robert Curtis). Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peters School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part of the Medical Staff Corps stationed in South Africa. Over the rest of his life, Wallace produced some 173 books and wrote 17 plays. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence.
Like most of the later ones even though this one is called Sanders it very much stars Lieutenant Augustus Bones Tibbetts. Employing his unique style of innocent and endearing humor, Bones has written to the newspapers The Surrey Star and The Middlesex Plain Dealer inviting the Foreign Secretary to pay a visit to the African territories which they administer. It is against the regulations and his boss Hamilton is furious. While world powers vie for colonial honors, Sanders and his assistants attempt to administer an uneasy peace in a climate of ju-ju and witch doctors, and all the while Bosambo, chief of the Ochori, watches closely. Sanders should be on the must-read list of every action-adventure junkie.
The book is actually a collection of short stories that are loosely tied together by Sanders himself, his steamship and an unlikely African chief called Bosambo. In the jungles of West Africa, Commissioner Sanders is the highest representative of the British crown. The health and safety of a quarter-million natives who speak countless languages and worship untold gods are his responsibility. Whether disciplining a boy king, expelling troublesome missionaries, or fighting to contain outbreaks of sleeping sickness and beri-beri, Sanders and his lieutenants must be quick, decisive, and fair. Offering readers an action-packed glimpse into a period of history that is often overlooked.
Colonial adventures in a 6 volume collection set on the Dark Continent. Sanders and Co. return to Africa (following the events in Bones in London) to bring the old Kings country under the Union Jack and to try and find what has happened to a missionary and his daughter. It is written in a delightfully humorous style. Sandi, the King-maker among other novels by Edgar Wallace conveys the paternal attitude that Englands officials felt toward the native tribes of Africa. Part of his famous African novels (Sanders of the River series), this volume is highly recommended for those who have read and enjoyed others in the series, and it would make for a worthy addition to any collection.
One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. Wallaces Sergeant Sir Peter is a collection of stories about an aristocratic young man who becomes a Police Sergeant. Despite this conceit, this collection is much more realistic about life in Britain than many Golden Age works. The stories deal sympathetically with people who are discriminated against in British society: Indians, women, and the working poor. Wallace bluntly shows discrimination against racial minorities, and the oppression of women. He also delights in exposing the flaws of the rich and there is also an emphasis on the financial needs of workers.
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific British crime writer, journalist and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and countless articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels, more than any other author. In the 1920s, one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. Silinski is one of Edgar Wallaces more over-the-top master fiends. He could teach Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley something about stock manipulation. Silinski and a group of gangster financiers make havoc with the markets, cause devastating financial turmoil. The action becomes ever more outrageous from there.