Електронні книги
Бізнес та економіка
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- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
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- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
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- Малий бізнес
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Для дітей
Для молоді
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Електронна преса
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Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
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- Художня література
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- Okultyzm i magia
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- Подорожі
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- Поезія
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- Історичний роман
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- Роман-репортаж
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- Трилер, жах
- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Шкільні підручники
Науково-популярна та академічна
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- Торгівля. Світова економіка
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- Науково-популярна
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- Психологія
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Ігрові посібники
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
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- Дорожній кодекс. Водійські права
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- Загальне, компендіум
- Академічні підручники
- Інше
- Закон про будівництво і житло
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- Фінансове право
- Господарське право
- Господарське та комерційне право
- Кримінальний закон
- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
- Міжнародне право
- Міжнародне та іноземне право
- Закон про охорону здоров'я
- Закон про освіту
- Податкове право
- Трудове право та законодавство про соціальне забезпечення
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- Кодекс про шлюб і сім'ю
- Аграрне право
- Соціальне право, трудове право
- Законодавство Євросоюзу
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Путівники та подорожі
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- Філософія життя
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- Переконання та НЛП
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- Психологія душі та розуму
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- Сексуальність
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- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бізнес та економіка
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- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
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- Переконання та НЛП
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- Порадники
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- Лідерство
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Для дітей
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Енциклопедії, словники
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Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
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- Художня література
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Путівники та подорожі
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- Переконання та НЛП
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Спорт, фітнес, дієти
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Тестування програмного забезпечення
Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
A collection of 23 stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life the Sanders stories was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. However, he was well aware that the irrepressible spirit of Kiplings famous rankers would live on, and he wrote his own tales of ordinary British soldiers. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War.
Further collection of 24 war-time short stories about Smithy, the soldier and his comrades Nobby and Spud in the British army before WWI. This is the second anthology in Wallaces Smithy series in which the famous character T. B. Smith makes his appearance. Also Smithys pal Nobby Clark has now emerged very much as the main character in these, usually humorous stories of pre world war one British army life. These stories are more clearly set in the Boer war. While the first Smithy volume was quite a test of patience, this volume at least has some well-done humor, mostly derived from the zany characterizations of the soldiers.
This collection of stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life the Sanders stories was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. He was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. However, he was well aware that the irrepressible spirit of Kiplings famous rankers would live on, and he wrote his own tales of ordinary British soldiers. Edgar Wallaces Smithy stories enter the First World War, not much mud and bullets or the horror of the trenches, instead its Nobbys schemes and delightfully silly comic description of life with the Kaiser.
Between 1904 and 1918 Edgar Wallace wrote a large number of mostly humorous sketches about life in the British Army relating the escapades and adventures of privates Smith (Smithy), Nobby Clark, Spud Murphy and their comrades-in-arms. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War. Edgar Wallace published three more collections about Smithy and Nobby and many, many more uncollected stories about them in magazines and newspapers.
The novel of Edgar Wallaces famous play told by Robert Curtis. Smoky Cell:... At ten oclock that night the guards outside the prison walls were doubled and among them they had enough machine-guns to play havoc with a battalion. The warden of the prison had announced that he was taking no chances. Ben Guinney, he had said, might have escaped from Canyon City prison without his due dose of high-power juice, but he wasnt going to jump this dump. Rumors of an attempt at rescue had reached him and his reputation as warden was at stake...
Jedna z wielu bardzo poczytnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych angielskiego pisarza Edgara Wallace'a.
Milioner Comstock Bell znienacka pojawia się w Londynie i bierze pospieszny ślub ze świeżo poznaną kobietą. Tuż po ceremonii para podobno wyruszyła w podróż poślubną, ale tej samej nocy ktoś widział młodą mężatkę w rezydencji męża - była samotna i nie wydawała się szczęśliwa. Okazuje się, że Bell jest zamieszany w działalność szajki fałszerzy pieniędzy, zaś jego zniknięcie ma związek z dawną historią z czasów studenckich. Powieść dla miłośników kryminałów retro.
Powieść sensacyjno-kryminalna. Jedna ze 170 publikacji Wallacea. Fabuła powieści ukazuje światek fałszerzy. Czy można uciec przed konsekwencjami swoich czynów? W ślad za przestępcami rusza pościg...
Tajemnica samotnego domu oraz inne opowiadania
W ponurym domu nad rzeką doszło do tajemniczego zabójstwa. Zamożny właściciel budynku został zamordowany starym, afrykańskim mieczem, a w kieszeni ofiary znaleziono klucz od pokoju, w którym... ktoś uwięził jego sekretarkę. Czy trop prowadzący policję do dawnych zdarzeń z Afryki jest właściwy? Czy detektyw Minter o przydomku ,,Super" rozwiąże zagadkę zbrodni i złapie sprytnego przestępcę? ,,Tajemnica Samotnego Domu" to zbiór zawierający mini powieść i trzy krótkie, bardzo wciągające opowiadania kryminalne, wszystkie utwory łączy postać głównego bohatera, superintendenta Mintera. Zwraca uwagę misternie zbudowaną fabułą, egzotycznym wątkiem afrykańskim i pomysłowością inspektora Mintera. Książka przypadnie do gustu miłośnikom kryminałów z dawnych lat, którzy cenią sobie dystans bohaterów wobec siebie i ich przepełnione inteligentną ironią wypowiedzi.
Sokrates Smith to były policjant i pracownik Scotland Yardu, który posiada nie tylko niezwykłe imię, ale także nieprzeciętne zdolności detektywistyczne. Na zaproszenie emerytowanego kolegi z pracy, Johna Mandlea, przyjeżdża do jego willi wraz z młodszym bratem Lexingtonem. Na miejscu każdy z braci znajduje zajęcie Sokrates próbuje dowiedzieć się, dlaczego gospodarz żyje w nieustannym strachu o swoje życie, a Lexington dotrzymuje towarzystwa uroczej pasierbicy Mandlea, Molly. Już pierwszej nocy bracia dostrzegają tajemnicze sygnały nadawane alfabetem Morsea, wyznaczające spotkanie pod tytułowymi trzema dębami. Na miejscu schadzki znajdują zwłoki. Wkrótce okazuje się, że morderstwo to dopiero początek zawiłej tajemnicy, którą muszą odkryć.
Przy zwłokach milionera Thorntona Lyne'a ktoś rozrzucił żółte narcyzy. Detektyw Tarling próbuje ustalić, kto stoi za zabójstwem i co oznaczają charakterystyczne kwiaty. Cień podejrzenia pada na dwoje pracowników Leye'a - Odettę Rider, która odrzuciła zaloty szefa i odeszła z firmy, oraz Millburgha, który prawdopodobnie dopuścił się defraudacji pieniędzy w przedsiębiorstwie. Śledczy wydaje się stronniczy, ewidentnie stara się uniewinnić kobietę. Czy słusznie? W 2014 r. na podstawie książki powstał francuski film "Le mystere des jonquilles".
Emil Louba od lat wodzi na zatracenie mieszkańców Malty. W prowadzonym przez niego domu publicznym niejeden już zostawił majątek, stracił twarz lub wplątał się w szemrane interesy. Nieprawy biznesmen ma wielu wrogów, którzy coraz mocniej domagają się, by opuścił miasto. Należy do nich kapitan Hurley Brown, dowodzący miejscową jednostką wojskową. Gdy jeden z jego podopiecznych, młody obiecujący oficer, popełnia samobójstwo tuż po rozmowie z Loubą, konflikt między żołnierzami a pracownikami przybytku rozkoszy przybiera na sile. Odpowiednia lektura dla Gratka dla miłośników powieści kryminalno-sensacyjnych Earla Derr Biggersa.
Strzał w eleganckiej posiadłości. Pan domu, sir James Tynewood, w kałuży krwi. Tajemniczy mężczyzna z pistoletem. Nieuczciwe przywłaszczenie drogocennego diamentu. Prywatna detektyw Marjorie Stedman ma ręce pełne roboty! Idealna lektura dla czytelników lubiących odgadywać rozwiązanie zagadki kryminalnej. W 1960 r. powieść doczekała się ekranizacji. Reżyserem filmu pt. "The Man Who Was Nobody" był Montgomery Tully.
October Jones to zbuntowana młoda kobieta, po śmierci ojca oddana na wychowanie wujowi. Zgodnie z testamentem w dniu 21. urodzin powinna wyjść za mąż - tylko wówczas jej opiekun dostanie swoją część spadku. Krnąbrna dziewczyna, postawiona pod ścianą, wygarnia swojemu narzeczonemu, że wszyscy faceci są nic nie warci i równie dobrze mogłaby wyjść za przypadkowego włóczęgę. Urażony mężczyzna postanawia zemścić się na wybrance - niefrasobliwe słowa dziewczyny staną się rzeczywistością. W 1936 r. powieść została zekranizowana jako komedia kryminalna "Strangers on Honeymoon" w reżyserii Alberta de Courville'a.
The book consists of 10 short stories about Tam a brilliant Scottish pilot, a thriller novel fan, socialist and cigar addict. The stories of Tam the pilot are not mysteries. Tams dialogue is written phonetically and he is great fun and saves the rather silly pre-Biggles stories from being too ridiculous to be enjoyable. The characters are broad, the situations light, but the stories are exciting and fun. Tam is a real person, and all the adventures set forth have actually happened, though names and places are necessarily fictitious. These are some of the earliest examples of air pulp, which exploded in popularity a decade after this books publication, following Linderbergs famous flight, and the release of Wellmans Wings.
Terror Keep is a 1927 Edgar Wallace thriller featuring perhaps the most memorable of all Wallaces heroes, Mr. J. G. Reeder. Reeder is at pains to point out that he is not a detective, which is technically true. He is not a policeman, and has no power to arrest suspects. He works as an investigator of banking crime, particularly forgery. He is nonetheless the terror of the criminal classes. This time detective and his attractive secretary, Margaret Belman, almost suffered the wrath of John Flack, an unusual villain who pairs maniacal insanity with genius. Detective and criminal are well matched and the reader is kept in the dark about the outcome of this deadly duel for a long time. Terror Keep is an exceptionally effective and thoroughly entertaining thriller.
Carfew was an erratic genius, with a horror of anything that had the appearance of discipline, order, or conventional method. So it was with some luck that there was a train disaster while he was working in the newspaper office of The Megaphone. He was dispatched to the scene and came back triumphant: The Spaniard is a fake! shouted Carfew. He had forgotten all about the railway accident. Shortly thereafter, so would his editor. The Admirable Carfew is a collection of loosely linked short stories. The slowly developing fortunes of a young entrepreneur, trying his hand at various deals, from stock dealing to theatre ownership and just managing to scrap through.
The hero, the discharged Army Captain Reginald Hex, was the prototype for Anthony Newland, whose adventures were related several years later in The Brigand (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1927). The first two Hex stories were revised and published as Anthony Newland stories in that collection under the titles Buried Treasure and A Contribution to Charity. The stories are adventurous and well written but definitely a product of their time and place. Edgar Wallace was a British author who is best known for creating King Kong. Wallace was a very prolific writer despite his sudden death at age 56. In total Wallace is credited with over 170 novels, almost 1,000 short stories, and 18 stage plays. Wallaces works have been turned into well over 100 films.
The hapless Heine is trying very hard to be a good German spy in Great Britain during WWI but luck and circumstance are not with him. Every adventure turns out poorly for our dear spy. This collection of stories of Edgar Wallace about Heine was published during WWI and should be taken lightly by readers some may see it as a piece of anti-German propaganda, with Heine as a bit of a hopeless idiot. But the stories are also entertaining and should be read as such. Although these stories of German spy Heine are all linked and follow on from each other it is still very much a short story collection rather than a novel.
Conventional ideas of beauty are typically associate it with goodness and kindness. However, appearances can be deceptive. A classic mystery crime novel involving the evil deeds of one Jean Briggerland, a woman with all the outward angelic qualities imaginable but possessing an unspeakable evil nature, so lovely that none can see her guilt even in connection with the most blatant crimes! Jean uses her criminal connection to climb to the heights of wealth and power, but lawyer Jack Glover may be the first to catch her in the act. Everyone is blinded by her charm and beauty, except for Jack, who knows the crimes she has committed. Can Jack Glover stop her? Like almost all of Wallaces novels, it was an immediate bestseller.
Over a period of time, men disappear, and later their heads are found. Meanwhile a young actress in a small part in a film on location, is disturbed by the actions of the owner of the place where they are filming. A detective comes to investigate, and finds many puzzling things going on. Several of the characters are suspicious, in one way or another, and as the plot unfolds, it grips you. Edgar Wallaces The Avenger is a perfectly fine example of what a page-turning thriller looked like, early in the last century. What Edgar Wallace has over modern writers is the willingness to insert a girl-snatching, sapient orangutan in his plot. Surely the seeds for his King-Kong screenplay can be found here.
Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. The Big Four is a story packed with intrigue, treachery, assassinations, and machinations, and it highlights Wallaces unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. Wallace was an extremely prolific writer who wrote over 175 novels, plus numerous plays, essays and journalistic articles. During the peak of his success during the 1920s, it was said that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. Many of his novels were made into films and TV dramas.
Fashionable Londoner James Morlake is a gentleman with many secrets and several particularly valuable skills like terrorizing bankers across the city. His Moorish servant Mahmet has some secrets to hide as well, particularly when his employer gives him the odd task to perform in the dead of night in dark London. A collection of short stories from Edgar Wallace featuring a private detective who tracks down blackmailers. When you do reach the end you will anxiously await a follow on. Black grabs you immediately, then takes you on a high speed international trip at race pace.
Several employees on a noblemans estate show up at a former abbey, reputed to be haunted, to search for a hidden treasure. However, a mysterious hooded figure begins killing off those who may have figured out where the treasure is hidden. Who the Black Abbott is, what his purpose is and how he is connected with the mystery of the treasure these are the elements of the story. Theres a malevolent ghost, buried treasure, the elixir of life, a crooked lawyer, a tangled romance, a scheming young woman, another young woman facing a fate much worse than death, an atmosphere of breathless excitement and non-stop Edgar Wallace thrills.