Автор: Abhinav Singh
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Improving your Penetration Testing Skills. Strengthen your defense against web attacks with Kali Linux and Metasploit

Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez, Juned Ahmed Ansari, Daniel Teixeira, Abhinav Singh

Penetration testing (or ethical hacking) is a legal and foolproof way to identify vulnerabilities in your system. With thorough penetration testing, you can secure your system against the majority of threats.This Learning Path starts with an in-depth explanation of what hacking and penetration testing are. You’ll gain a deep understanding of classical SQL and command injection flaws, and discover ways to exploit these flaws to secure your system. You'll also learn how to create and customize payloads to evade antivirus software and bypass an organization's defenses. Whether it’s exploiting server vulnerabilities and attacking client systems, or compromising mobile phones and installing backdoors, this Learning Path will guide you through all this and more to strengthen your defense against online attacks.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll have the knowledge and skills you need to invade a system and identify all its vulnerabilities.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt books:• Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Third Edition by Juned Ahmed Ansari and Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez• Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook - Third Edition by Abhinav Singh , Monika Agarwal, et al.

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Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook. Evade antiviruses, bypass firewalls, and exploit complex environments with the most widely used penetration testing framework - Third Edition

Daniel Teixeira, Abhinav Singh, Nipun Jaswal, Monika Agarwal

Metasploit is the world's leading penetration testing tool and helps security and IT professionals find, exploit, and validate vulnerabilities. Metasploit allows penetration testing automation, password auditing, web application scanning, social engineering, post exploitation, evidence collection, and reporting. Metasploit's integration with InsightVM (or Nexpose), Nessus, OpenVas, and other vulnerability scanners provides a validation solution that simplifies vulnerability prioritization and remediation reporting. Teams can collaborate in Metasploit and present their findings in consolidated reports.In this book, you will go through great recipes that will allow you to start using Metasploit effectively. With an ever increasing level of complexity, and covering everything from the fundamentals to more advanced features in Metasploit, this book is not just for beginners but also for professionals keen to master this awesome tool.You will begin by building your lab environment, setting up Metasploit, and learning how to perform intelligence gathering, threat modeling, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, and post exploitation—all inside Metasploit. You will learn how to create and customize payloads to evade anti-virus software and bypass an organization's defenses, exploit server vulnerabilities, attack client systems, compromise mobile phones, automate post exploitation, install backdoors, run keyloggers, highjack webcams, port public exploits to the framework, create your own modules, and much more.

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Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to master the most widely used penetration testing framework with this book and

Abhinav Singh

Metasploit® software helps security and IT professionals identify security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations, and manage expert-driven security assessments. Capabilities include smart exploitation, password auditing, web application scanning, and social engineering. Teams can collaborate in Metasploit and present their findings in consolidated reports. The goal of the software is to provide a clear understanding of the critical vulnerabilities in any environment and to manage those risks.Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook targets both professionals and beginners to the framework. The chapters of the book are logically arranged with an increasing level of complexity and cover Metasploit aspects ranging from pre-exploitation to the post-exploitation phase thoroughly. The recipe structure of the book provides a good mix of both theoretical understanding and practical implementation. This book will help readers in thinking from a hacker's perspective to dig out the flaws in target networks and also to leverage the powers of Metasploit to compromise them. It will take your penetration skills to the next level.The book starts with the basics such as gathering information about your target and gradually covers advanced topics like building your own framework scripts and modules. The book goes deep into operating systems-based penetration testing techniques and moves ahead with client-based exploitation methodologies. In the post- exploitation phase, it covers meterpreter, antivirus bypass, ruby wonders, exploit building, porting exploits to framework, and third party tools like armitage, and SET. Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook is the required guide to penetration testing and exploitation.

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Metasploit. Receptury pentestera. Wydanie II

Monika Agarwal, Abhinav Singh

Najlepsze przepisy na bezpieczeństwo Twoich danych! Jeżeli Twój system przechowuje i przetwarza poufne informacje — dane osobowe, numery kart kredytowych, wiadomości e-mail, dane finansowe lub coś równie ważnego — jest łakomym kąskiem dla cyberprzestępców. Jeżeli wizja kradzieży Twoich danych spędza Ci sen z powiek i zastanawiasz się, jak najlepiej sprawdzić stan bezpieczeństwa Twojego systemu, to odpowiedź jest jedna — zaatakuj go sam! Testy penetracyjne to najskuteczniejsza metoda weryfikacji bezpieczeństwa. Metasploit to narzędzie używane przez profesjonalistów do prowadzenia testów penetracyjnych. Jeżeli chcesz poznać najlepsze przepisy na jego wykorzystanie, to trafiłeś na doskonałą książkę! Zawiera ona ponad 80 receptur omawiających najbardziej skuteczne techniki testowania. W trakcie lektury dowiesz się, jak sprawnie skonfigurować Metasploit, ominąć ochronę antywirusową oraz skanować porty w systemach. Ponadto nauczysz się prowadzić testy penetracyjne sieci bezprzewodowych, korzystać z exploitów oraz używać modułów pomocniczych. Od dawna wiadomo, że najsłabszym ogniwem w systemie bezpieczeństwa jest człowiek, dlatego warto zaznajomić się z rozdziałem omawiającym pakiet narzędzi socjotechnicznych — Social Engineer-Toolkit. Książka ta jest obowiązkową pozycją na półce każdego pentestera! Dzięki tej książce: zainstalujesz i skonfigurujesz narzędzie Metasploit wykorzystasz język Ruby do budowy skryptów przeprowadzisz testy penetracyjne sieci VoIP poznasz pakiet narzędzi socjotechnicznych skutecznie zweryfikujesz bezpieczeństwo systemu informatycznego Testy penetracyjne — zadbaj o bezpieczeństwo Twojego systemu!