Author: Anthony Dahanne

Instant Spring for Android Starter. Leverage Spring for Android to create RESTful and OAuth Android apps

Anthony Dahanne

The possibility to connect to remote web services is a key feature for most Android apps. REST (Representational State Transfer) is the most popular architecture to provide web services to mobile devices and others. OAuth has recently become the web's favorite way to authenticate and authorize users and apps, thanks to its capability to re-use popular web platforms accounts (Google, Facebook, Twitter). Spring for Android is an extension of the Spring Framework that aims to simplify the development of native Android applications.Instant Spring for Android Starterr is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises, which will help you take advantage of the abstractions offered by Spring for Android with regard to REST (RestTemplate) and OAuth (OAuthTemplate). It will also introduce you to the bases of those architectures and the associated tooling.This book gets you started using Spring for Android, first letting you know how to set up your workspace to include those libraries in your projects (with the Eclipse IDE and also with the popular building tool Maven) and then providing some clear and real life examples of RESTful and OAUth backed Android applications.After introducing the technology, we'll discover the different Message Converters provided (to consume JSON, XML, and Atom web services) and the main HTTP verbs to interact with RESTful webservices: GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE. We'll also mention how to support HTTP Basic Auth, Gzip compression, and finally put in practice the OAuth workflow with a concrete example relying on the Google OAuth service provider to authenticate and authorize an app and users.You will learn everything you need to consume RESTful web services, authenticate your users, and interact with their social platforms profiles from your Android app.