Autor: B.M. Harwani

Android na tablecie. Receptury

B.M. Harwani

Najlepsze przepisy dla programistów platformy Android! Android swoją karierę rozpoczął od telefonów. Nie minęło wiele czasu, gdy pojawiły się pierwsze tablety pracujące w tym systemie. Dzisiaj ich wybór i możliwości przyprawiają o zawrót głowy. Deweloper musi obecnie wziąć pod uwagę wiele konfiguracji sprzętowych — różne rozdzielczości ekranu i różnorodność osprzętu wymagają dbałości o detale i przetestowania aplikacji w kilku środowiskach. Jak sobie z tym poradzić? Jak tworzyć rozwiązania działające na różnych tabletach oraz jak wykorzystać potencjał Androida? Na te i wiele innych pytań odpowie ta rewelacyjna książka, należąca do cieszącej się uznaniem serii „Receptury”. Szczególny nacisk położono w niej na tablety pracujące pod kontrolą systemu Android w wersji 4.2.2. Dowiesz się, jak przygotować środowisko pracy, wyświetlać powiadomienia oraz tworzyć animacje. Ponadto zapoznasz się z możliwościami sprzętowej akceleracji grafiki 2D, przechwytywania dźwięku oraz materiałów wideo. A potem opanujesz korzystanie z formatu JSON w celu przechowywania informacji oraz obsługiwanie małych ekranów. Ostatni rozdział książki poświęcony został analizie i śledzeniu sposobu wykorzystania Twojej aplikacji — dzięki temu przekonasz się, do jakich zakątków świata dotarło Twoje dzieło. Książka ta musi znaleźć się na półce każdego autora aplikacji dla Androida — ogromna baza gotowych do użycia fragmentów kodu ułatwi Ci pracę! Dzięki tej książce: stworzysz urządzenie AVD sprawdzisz możliwości OpenGL wykorzystasz łączność bezprzewodową odkryjesz tajniki standardu NFC Obowiązkowa lektura każdego programisty!


Core Data iOS Essentials. Knowing Core Data gives you the option of creating data-driven iOS apps, and this book is the perfect way to learn as it takes you through the process of creating an actual app with hands-on instructions

Core Data is the essential ingredient in data driven iOS apps. It's used for storing, retrieving, and manipulating application data in databases, XML, and binary formats. It's an essential component for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad apps.Core Data Essentials provides a clear, readable guide to the most useful aspects of Core Data. Built around a realistic example app, the book showcases the most important aspects of Core Data development in the context of a complete, functioning app written in Objective C.The book starts with a tour of how the app works. Then you'll see how to easily display data using the Table View. You'll learn how to develop an appropriate data model that fits the needs of your app, then implement that model as updatable data objects. You'll see how to update data and build relationships between objects and learn how Core Data can work with search, and how to provide your users with friendly data editing features.


Practical C Programming. Solutions for modern C developers to create efficient and well-structured programs

B. M. Harwani

Used in everything from microcontrollers to operating systems, C is a popular programming language among developers because of its flexibility and versatility. This book helps you get hands-on with various tasks, covering the fundamental as well as complex C programming concepts that are essential for making real-life applications.You’ll start with recipes for arrays, strings, user-defined functions, and pre-processing directives. Once you’re familiar with the basic features, you’ll gradually move on to learning pointers, file handling, concurrency, networking, and inter-process communication (IPC). The book then illustrates how to carry out searching and arrange data using different sorting techniques, before demonstrating the implementation of data structures such as stacks and queues. Later, you’ll learn interesting programming features such as using graphics for drawing and animation, and the application of general-purpose utilities. Finally, the book will take you through advanced concepts such as low-level programming, embedded software, IoT, and security in coding, as well as techniques for improving code performance.By the end of this book, you'll have a clear understanding of C programming, and have the skills you need to develop robust apps.


Python GUI Programming - A Complete Reference Guide. Develop responsive and powerful GUI applications with PyQt and Tkinter

A responsive graphical user interface (GUI) helps you interact with your application, improves user experience, and enhances the efficiency of your applications. With Python, you’ll have access to elaborate GUI frameworks that you can use to build interactive GUIs that stand apart from the rest.This Learning Path begins by introducing you to Tkinter and PyQt, before guiding you through the application development process. As you expand your GUI by adding more widgets, you'll work with networks, databases, and graphical libraries that enhance its functionality. You'll also learn how to connect to external databases and network resources, test your code, and maximize performance using asynchronous programming. In later chapters, you'll understand how to use the cross-platform features of Tkinter and Qt5 to maintain compatibility across platforms. You’ll be able to mimic the platform-native look and feel, and build executables for deployment across popular computing platforms.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll have the skills and confidence to design and build high-end GUI applications that can solve real-world problems.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:Python GUI Programming with Tkinter by Alan D. MooreQt5 Python GUI Programming Cookbook by B. M. Harwani


Qt5 Python GUI Programming Cookbook. Building responsive and powerful cross-platform applications with PyQt

B. M. Harwani

PyQt is one of the best cross-platform interface toolkits currently available; it's stable, mature, and completely native. If you want control over all aspects of UI elements, PyQt is what you need. This book will guide you through every concept necessary to create fully functional GUI applications using PyQt, with only a few lines of code.As you expand your GUI using more widgets, you will cover networks, databases, and graphical libraries that greatly enhance its functionality. Next, the book guides you in using Qt Designer to design user interfaces and implementing and testing dialogs, events, the clipboard, and drag and drop functionality to customize your GUI. You will learn a variety of topics, such as look and feel customization, GUI animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. Lastly, the book takes you through how Qt5 can help you to create cross-platform apps that are compatible with Android and iOS. You will be able to develop functional and appealing software using PyQt through interesting and fun recipes that will expand your knowledge of GUIs