Author: Benjamin Jakobus

Bootstrap 4 dla zaawansowanych. Jak pisać znakomite aplikacje internetowe. Wydanie II

Benjamin Jakobus, Jason Marah

Opanuj Bootstrapa, żeby tworzyć zindywidualizowane i responsywne aplikacje webowe! Bootstrap jest coraz popularniejszym frameworkiem CSS i JavaScriptu, służącym do szybkiego i bezproblemowego tworzenia responsywnych interfejsów WWW. W sierpniu 2011 roku został zaprezentowany światu w jako projekt open source, a dzisiaj jest marką powszechnie znaną wśród projektantów front-endów aplikacji. Bootstrap jest prosty w użyciu, kompatybilny z różnymi przeglądarkami i umożliwia tworzenie interfejsów mobilnych. Zalety te są doceniane przez rosnące grono użytkowników na całym świecie. Mimo tej popularności dość trudno znaleźć dobry materiał do nauki zaawansowanych opcji dostępnych w najnowszej, czwartej wersji Bootstrapa. To książka przeznaczona dla developerów, którzy chcą pisać kompletne, przyjemne w użytkowaniu i doskonałe jakościowo strony za pomocą Bootstrapa 4. Opisano tu różnorakie podejścia do tworzenia stron od podstaw. Dowiesz się, jak budować właściwy układ strony, stosować różne komponenty nawigacyjne Bootstrapa, korzystać z formularzy i stylizować różnego typu treści. Zrozumiesz budowę wtyczki w Bootstrapie, nauczysz się pisać własne komponenty i rozszerzać Bootstrapa za pomocą jQuery. W książce przedstawiono także klasy pomocnicze Bootstrapa, dzięki którym proces tworzenia strony przebiega sprawniej. Nie zabrakło również szczegółowych instrukcji dotyczących optymalizacji strony i jej integrowania z zewnętrznymi frameworkami. W tej książce między innymi: wprowadzenie do Bootstrapa 4 i jego najużyteczniejszych elementów tworzenie od podstaw układu strony korzystanie z wtyczek i bibliotek oraz tworzenie własnych wtyczek klasy pomocnicze Bootstrapa 4, ich implementacja i możliwości wykorzystania tworzenie zaawansowanych interfejsów za pomocą akordeonów, rozwijanych list i grup list Bootstrap 4 dla projektanta: responsywność, jakość, styl!


Bootstrap 4 - Responsive Web Design. A step-by-step practical course enabling you to nail Bootstrap and make your web designs responsive

Silvio Moreto, Matt Lambert, Benjamin Jakobus, Jason Marah

Bootstrap framework's ease-of-use (along with its cross-browser compatibility, support for mobile user interfaces, and responsive web design capabilities) makes it an essential building block for any modern web application. With the first module, plunge into the Bootstrap frontend framework with the help of examples that will illustrate the use of each element and component in a proper way. You will get a better understanding of what is happening and where you want to reach. Also, you will gain confidence with the framework and develop some very common examples using Bootstrap. All these examples are explained step by step and in depth. The second module is a comprehensive tutorial; we'll teach you everything that you need to know to start building websites with Bootstrap 4 in a practical way. You'll learn about build tools such as Node, Grunt, and many others. You'll also discover the principles of mobile-first design in order to ensure that your pages can fit any screen size and meet responsive requirements. Learn Bootstrap's grid system and base CSS to ensure that your designs are robust and that your development process is speedy and efficient. Right from the first chapter of the third module, you'll delve into building a customized Bootstrap website from scratch. Get to grips with Bootstrap's key features and quickly discover the various ways in which Bootstrap can help you develop web interfaces. Once you reach the final pages of this book, you should have mastered the framework's ins and outs, and should be building highly customizable and optimized web interfaces. The course will enable you to rapidly build elegant, powerful, and responsive interfaces for professional-level web pages using Bootstrap 4.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Bootstrap by Example – by Silvio Moreto? Learning Bootstrap 4, Second Edition – by Matt Lambert ? Mastering Bootstrap 4 – by Benjamin Jakobus and Jason Marah


Mastering Bootstrap 4. Learn how to build beautiful and highly customizable web interfaces by leveraging the power of Bootstrap 4

Jason Marah, Benjamin Jakobus

Bootstrap 4 is a free CSS and JavaScript framework that allows developers to rapidly build responsive web-interfaces. Right from the first chapter, dive into building a customized Bootstrap website from scratch. Get to grips with Bootstrap’s key features and quickly discover the various ways in which Bootstrap can help you develop web-interfaces. Then take walk through the fundamental features, such as its grid system, helper classes, and responsive utilities. When you have mastered these, you will discover how to structure page layouts, use forms, style different types of content and utilize Bootstrap’s various navigation components. Among other things, you will also tour the anatomy of a Bootstrap plugin, creating your own custom components and extending Bootstrap using jQuery. Finally, you will discover how to optimize your website and integrate it with third-party frameworks.By the end of this book, you will have a thorough knowledge of the framework’s ins and outs, and be able to build highly customizable and optimized web interfaces.


Mastering Bootstrap 4. Master the latest version of Bootstrap 4 to build highly customized responsive web apps - Second Edition

Benjamin Jakobus

Bootstrap 4 is a free CSS and JavaScript framework that allows developers to rapidly build responsive web interfaces. This book will help you use and adapt Bootstrap to produce enticing websites that fit your needs. You will build a customized Bootstrap website from scratch, using various approaches to customize the framework with increasing levels of skill. You will get to grips with Bootstrap's key features and quickly discover various ways in which Bootstrap can help you develop web interfaces. Then take a walk through the fundamental features, such as its grid system, global styles, helper classes, and responsive utilities. When you have mastered these, you will discover how to structure page layouts, utilize Bootstrap's various navigation components, use forms, and style different types of content. Among other things, you will also tour the anatomy of a Bootstrap plugin, create your own custom components, and extend Bootstrap using jQuery. You will also understand what utility classes Bootstrap 4 has to offer, and how you can use them effectively to speed up the development of your website. Finally, you will discover how to optimize your website and integrate it with third-party frameworks.By the end of this book, you will have a thorough knowledge of the framework's ins and outs, and will be able to build highly customizable and optimized web interfaces.