Автор: Narayan Prusty
Eлектронна книга

Advanced Blockchain Development. Build highly secure, decentralized applications and conduct secure transactions

Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger with applications in industries such as finance, government, and media. This Learning Path is your guide to building blockchain networks using Ethereum, JavaScript, and Solidity. You will get started by understanding the technical foundations of blockchain technology, including distributed systems, cryptography and how this digital ledger keeps data secure. Further into the chapters, you’ll gain insights into developing applications using Ethereum and Hyperledger. As you build on your knowledge of Ether security, mining, smart contracts, and Solidity, you’ll learn how to create robust and secure applications that run exactly as programmed without being affected by fraud, censorship, or third-party interference. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll explore how blockchain solutions can be implemented in applications such as IoT apps, in addition to its use in currencies. This Learning Path also highlights how you can increase blockchain scalability, and discusses the future scope of this fascinating and powerful technology. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be equipped with the skills you need to tackle pain points encountered in the blockchain life cycle and confidently design and deploy decentralized applications.

Eлектронна книга

Blockchain Developer's Guide. Develop smart applications with Blockchain technologies - Ethereum, JavaScript, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda

Brenn Hill, Samanyu Chopra, Paul Valencourt, Narayan Prusty

Blockchain applications provide a single-shared ledger to eliminate trust issues involving multiple stakeholders. It is the main technical innovation of Bitcoin, where it serves as the public ledger for Bitcoin transactions.Blockchain Developer's Guide takes you through the electrifying world of blockchain technology. It begins with the basic design of a blockchain and elaborates concepts, such as Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), tokens, smart contracts, and other related terminologies. You will then explore the components of Ethereum, such as Ether tokens, transactions, and smart contracts that you need to build simple DApps.Blockchain Developer's Guide also explains why you must specifically use Solidity for Ethereum-based projects and lets you explore different blockchains with easy-to-follow examples. You will learn a wide range of concepts - beginning with cryptography in cryptocurrencies and including ether security, mining, and smart contracts. You will learn how to use web sockets and various API services for Ethereum. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to build efficient decentralized applications.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• Blockchain Quick Reference by Brenn Hill, Samanyu Chopra, Paul Valencourt• Building Blockchain Projects by Narayan Prusty

Eлектронна книга

Blockchain for Enterprise. Build scalable blockchain applications with privacy, interoperability, and permissioned features

Narayan Prusty

The increasing growth in blockchain use is enormous, and it is changing the way business is done. Many leading organizations are already exploring the potential of blockchain. With this book, you will learn to build end-to-end enterprise-level decentralized applications and scale them across your organization to meet your company's needs. This book will help you understand what DApps are and how the blockchain ecosystem works, via real-world examples. This extensive end-to-end book covers every blockchain aspect for business and for developers. You will master process flows and incorporate them into your own enterprise. You will learn how to use J.P. Morgan’s Quorum to build blockchain-based applications. You will also learn how to write applications that can help communicate enterprise blockchain solutions. You will learn how to write smart contracts that run without censorship and third-party interference.Once you've grasped what a blockchain is and have learned about Quorum, you will jump into building real-world practical blockchain applications for sectors such as payment and money transfer, healthcare, cloud computing, supply chain management, and much more.

Eлектронна книга

Building Blockchain Projects. Building decentralized Blockchain applications with Ethereum and Solidity

Narayan Prusty

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that maintains a continuously growing list of data records that are secured from tampering and revision. Every user is allowed to connectto the network, send new transactions to it, verify transactions, and create new blocks,making it permission-less.This book will teach you what blockchain is, how it maintains data integrity, and how to create real-world blockchain projects using Ethereum. With interesting real-worldprojects, you will learn how to write smart contracts which run exactly as programmedwithout any chance of fraud, censorship, or third-party interference, and build end-to-eapplications for blockchain.You will learn about concepts such as cryptography in cryptocurrencies, ether security, mining, smart contracts, solidity, and more. You will also learn about web sockets, various API services for Ethereum, and much more.The blockchain is the main technical innovation of bitcoin, where it serves as the public ledger for bitcoin transactions.

Eлектронна книга

JavaScript : Moving to ES2015. Keep abreast of the practical uses of modern JavaScript

Ved Antani, Simon Timms, Narayan Prusty

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, lightweight, and interpreted programming language. Mastering modern JavaScript techniques and the toolchain are essential to develop web-scale applications. This Learning Path will upgrade your skills to ES2015, and you will get to introduce yourself to popular frameworks like React and Angular 2. In the first module, you will get familiar with the language constructs and how to make code easy to organize. You will gain a concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. By the end of the module, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm.Over the course of the next module, you will explore how design patterns can help you improve and organize your JavaScript code. You’ll get to grips with creational, structural, and behavioral patterns and get a deeper look at patterns used in functional programming, as well as model view patterns and patterns to build web applications. By the end of the module, you'll be saved of a lot of trial and error and developmental headaches, and you will be on the road to becoming a JavaScript expert.In the last leg of this course, you will shift your focus to network programming concepts as you build a real-time web application with websockets. Along the way, you’ll explore how the power of JavaScript can be increased multi-fold with high performance techniques. By the end of this module, you’ll be a skilled JavaScript developer with a solid knowledge of the latest JavaScript techniques, tools, and architecture to build modern web apps.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Mastering JavaScript by Ved Antani? Mastering JavaScript Design Patterns, Second Edition by Simon Timms? Modern JavaScript Applications by Narayan Prusty

Eлектронна книга

Learn ECMAScript. Discover the latest ECMAScript features in order to write cleaner code and learn the fundamentals of JavaScript - Second Edition

Learn ECMAScript explores implementation of the latest ECMAScript features to add to your developer toolbox, helping you to progress to an advanced level. Learn to add 1 to a variable andsafely access shared memory data within multiple threads to avoid race conditions.You’ll start the book by building on your existing knowledge of JavaScript, covering performing arithmetic operations, using arrow functions and dealing with closures. Next, you will grasp the most commonly used ECMAScript skills such as reflection, proxies, and classes. Furthermore, you’ll learn modularizing the JS code base, implementing JS on the web and how the modern HTML5 + JS APIs provide power to developers on the web. Finally, you will learn the deeper parts of the language, which include making JavaScript multithreaded with dedicated and shared web workers, memory management, shared memory, and atomics. It doesn’t end here; this book is 100% compatible with ES.Next.By the end of this book, you'll have fully mastered all the features of ECMAScript!

Eлектронна книга

Modern JavaScript Applications. Keep abreast of the practical uses of modern JavaScript

Narayan Prusty

Over the years, JavaScript has become vital to the development of a wide range of applications with different architectures. But JS moves lightning fast, and it’s easy to fall behind. Modern JavaScript Applications is designed to get you exploring the latest features of JavaScript and how they can be applied to develop high-quality applications with different architectures. Begin by creating a single page application that builds on the innovative MVC approach using AngularJS, then move forward to develop an enterprise-level application with the microservices architecture using Node to build web services. After that, shift your focus to network programming concepts as you build a real-time web application with websockets. Learn to build responsive, declarative UIs with React and Bootstrap, and see how the performance of web applications can be enhanced using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Along the way, explore how the power of JavaScript can be increased multi-fold with high performance techniques. By the end of the book, you’ll be a skilled JavaScript developer with a solid knowledge of the latest JavaScript techniques, tools, and architecture to build modern web apps.

Eлектронна книга

React: Building Modern Web Applications. Building Modern Web Applications

Jonathan S Hayward, Artemij Fedosejev, Narayan Prusty, Adam Horton, ...

ReactJS has helped to transform the web as we know it. Designed by Facebook to help developers build rapid, responsive UI that can deal with data-intensive usage, it’s an essential component in any web developer’s skillset. This ReactJS course, in five connected modules, provides you with a fast, engaging and practical route into ReactJS—so you can build powerful, elegant, and modern web applications.Beginning with the Reactive Programming with JavaScript module, you will learn how to take advantage of a reactive and functional programming paradigm to rethink how you approach your JavaScript code. It’s built to help you understand the concepts, relevant and applicable for any frontend developer.You’ll then dive a little deeper into ReactJS. The second module gives you a rapid look through the fundamentals of ReactJS, showing you how to build a basic application and demonstrating how to implement the Flux architecture.In the third module you will get to grips with ES6—this will make you a more fluent JavaScript developer, giving you control over ReactJS. You can put your old JavaScript hacks aside and instead explore how to create ES6 custom iterators.In the final two modules you’ll learn how to fully master ReactJS, exploring its wider ecosystem of tools that have helped to make it one of the most important tools in web development today. Ending with insights and guidance on React Native, the tool built for today’s demand for native, intuitive user experiences and interfaces, with this course you can be confident in building dynamic and modern apps with React.