Автор: Rosemary
Eлектронна книга

Drive into Danger - With Audio Starter Level Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. 'I can drive a truck,' says Kim on her first day at work in the office. When Kim's passenger Andy finds something strange under the truck things get dangerous - very dangerous.

Eлектронна книга

Drive into Danger Starter Level Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. 'I can drive a truck,' says Kim on her first day at work in the office. When Kim's passenger Andy finds something strange under the truck things get dangerous - very dangerous.

Eлектронна книга

Lottery Winner - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. Everybody wants to win the lottery. A million pounds, perhaps five million, even ten million. How wonderful! Emma Carter buys a ticket for the lottery every week, and puts the ticket carefully in her bag. She is seventy-three years old and does not have much money. She would like to visit her son in Australia, but aeroplane tickets are very expensive. Jason Williams buys lottery tickets every week too. But he is not a very nice young man. He steals things. He hits old ladies in the street, snatches their bags and runs away . . .

Eлектронна книга

Lottery Winner Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border Everybody wants to win the lottery. A million pounds, perhaps five million, even ten million. How wonderful! Emma Carter buys a ticket for the lottery every week, and puts the ticket carefully in her bag. She is seventy-three years old and does not have much money. She would like to visit her son in Australia, but aeroplane tickets are very expensive. Jason Williams buys lottery tickets every week too. But he is not a very nice young man. He steals things. He hits old ladies in the street, snatches their bags and runs away . . .


Nie krocz za mną

Rose Mary

Podróż do Nowego Jorku jest dla RoseMary ostatnią szansą na spotkanie z ciężko chorym ojcem. Dlaczego w pięknym domu elitarnej dzielnicy Upper East Side wszyscy nieznajomi są dla niej tacy mili? Kim jest opiekująca się nią, dziwna starsza pani? I skąd się wziął czarny demon w samym środku Central Parku? Ta historia wydarzyła się naprawdę. RoseMary jest czy raczej była medium. Z dziada-pradziada odziedziczone zdolności przekazała jej mama. Grunt, to się nimi nie przejmować radzono dziewczynie. Ale czy ignorowanie duchów jest możliwe? Niniejsza historia, spisana na prośbę spowiednika, jest pierwszym na świecie tak obszernym świadectwem osoby egzorcyzmowanej z dziedzictwa okultyzmu. Znajdziesz w niej niezwykłą opowieść dziewczyny o jej rodzie do trzech pokoleń wstecz, a także komentarz eksperta, analizę kilku podobnych przypadków oraz posłowie salezjanina, który w swojej codziennej pracy spotyka się ze skutkami okultyzmu.

Eлектронна книга

Nie krocz za mną

Rose Mary

Podróż do Nowego Jorku jest dla RoseMary ostatnią szansą na spotkanie z ciężko chorym ojcem. W pięknym domu elitarnej dzielnicy Manhattan wszyscy nieznajomi są dla niej nadzwyczaj mili. Kim jest opiekująca sie nią, dziwna starsza pani? Dlaczego tak jej zależy na dziewczynie? I skąd się wziął czarny demon w samym środku Central Parku? Ta historia wydarzyła sie naprawdę. RoseMary jest czy raczej była medium. Z dziada-pradziada odziedziczone zdolności przekazała jej mama. Grunt, to sie nimi nie przejmować radzono dziewczynie. Ale czy ignorowanie duchów jest możliwe? Niniejsza historia, spisana na prośbę spowiednika, jest pierwszym na świecie tak obszernym świadectwem osoby egzorcyzmowanej z dziedzictwa okultyzmu. Znajdziesz w niej niezwykłą opowieść dziewczyny o jej rodzie do trzech pokoleń wstecz, a także komentarz eksperta, analizę kilku podobnych przypadków oraz posłowie salezjanina, który w swojej codziennej pracy spotyka sie ze skutkami okultyzmu.

Eлектронна книга

The Fifteenth Character - With Audio Starter Level Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. 'It's an interesting job,' says Sally about her work at Happy Hills. And today is a very exciting day because Zapp the famous singer is coming. Everybody is having a wonderful time. But suddenly something goes wrong - very wrong.

Eлектронна книга

The Fifteenth Character Starter Level Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. 'It's an interesting job,' says Sally about her work at Happy Hills. And today is a very exciting day because Zapp the famous singer is coming. Everybody is having a wonderful time. But suddenly something goes wrong - very wrong.

Eлектронна книга

The Piano - With Audio Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border. One day, a farmer tells a farm boy to take everything out of an old building and throw it away. 'It's all rubbish,' he says. In the middle of all the rubbish, the boy finds a beautiful old piano. He has never played before, but now, when his fingers touch the piano, he begins to play. He closes his eyes and the music comes to him - and the music moves his fingers. When he opens his eyes again, he knows that his life is changed for ever . . .

Eлектронна книга

The Piano Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Border, Rosemary

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Rosemary Border One day, a farmer tells a farm boy to take everything out of an old building and throw it away. 'It's all rubbish,' he says. In the middle of all the rubbish, the boy finds a beautiful old piano. He has never played before, but now, when his fingers touch the piano, he begins to play. He closes his eyes and the music comes to him - and the music moves his fingers. When he opens his eyes again, he knows that his life is changed for ever . . .