Автор: Adrian Neagu
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IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Administration Cookbook. Over 100 recipes focused on advanced administration tasks to build and configure powerful databases with IBM DB2 book and

Adrian Neagu, Robert Pelletier

IBM DB2 LUW is a leading relational database system developed by IBM. DB2 LUW database software offers industry leading performance, scale, and reliability on your choice of platform on various Linux distributions, leading Unix Systems like AIX, HP-UX and Solaris and MS Windows platforms. With lots of new features, DB2 9.7 delivers one the best relational database systems in the market.IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Administration Cookbook covers all the latest features with instance creation, setup, and administration of multi-partitioned database.This practical cookbook provides step-by-step instructions to build and configure powerful databases, with scalability, safety and reliability features, using industry standard best practices.This book will walk you through all the important aspects of administration. You will learn to set up production capable environments with multi-partitioned databases and make the best use of hardware resources for maximum performance. With this guide you can master the different ways to implement strong databases with a High Availability architecture.

Eлектронна книга

Oracle 11g Anti-hacker's Cookbook. Make your Oracle database virtually impregnable to hackers using the knowledge in this book. With over 50 recipes, you’ll quickly learn protection methodologies that use industry certified techniques to secure the Oracle database server

Adrian Neagu

For almost all organizations, data security is a matter of prestige and credibility. The Oracle Database is one of the most rich in features and probably the most used Database in a variety of industries where security is essential. To ensure security of data both in transit and on the disk, Oracle has implemented the security technologies to achieve a reliable and solid system. In Oracle 11g Anti-Hacker's Cookbook, you will learn about the most important solutions that can be used for better database security.Oracle 11g Anti-hacker's Cookbook covers all the important security measures and includes various tips and tricks to protect your Oracle Database.Oracle 11g Anti-hacker's Cookbook uses real-world scenarios to show you how to secure the Oracle Database server from different perspectives and against different attack scenarios. Almost every chapter has a possible threads section, which describes the major dangers that can be confronted. The initial chapters cover how to defend the operating system, the network, the data and the users. The defense scenarios are linked and designed to prevent these attacks. The later chapters cover Oracle Vault, Oracle VPD, Oracle Labels, and Oracle Audit. Finally, in the Appendices, the book demonstrates how to perform a security assessment against the operating system and the database, and how to use a DAM tool for monitoring.