Author: Alexander Makarov

Tworzenie aplikacji z Yii. Receptury

Alexander Makarov

Poznaj najlepsze przepisy dla Yii! PHP to jeden z języków programowania najczęściej wybieranych do tworzenia stron internetowych i aplikacji webowych. Yii to platforma MVC napisana w języku PHP, która sprawi, że Twój kod będzie bardziej przejrzysty, a osiągnięcie założonych celów - znacznie prostsze. Jeżeli połączysz potencjał PHP ze wsparciem Yii, otrzymasz kombajn, który pozwoli Ci w okamgnieniu poradzić sobie z dowolnym problemem. Książka ta należy do cenionej przez programistów serii „Receptury”. Znajdziesz w niej najczęściej spotykane problemy wraz z ich najlepszymi rozwiązaniami. W trakcie lektury dowiesz się, jak skonfigurować reguły URL, przekazywać wiadomości pomiędzy żądaniami oraz stosować widoki częściowe. Ponadto poznasz najlepsze przepisy na wykorzystanie technologii AJAX oraz biblioteki jQuery wspólnie ze szkieletem Yii. Jeżeli stoisz przed problemem zabezpieczenia aplikacji przed spamem i chciałbyś wykorzystać mechanizm CAPTCHA, to znajdziesz tu szczegółową instrukcję, jak to zrobić. Co jeszcze odkryjesz w tej książce? Najlepsze porady dotyczące wydajności, współpracy z bazą i bezpieczeństwa. Jest to lektura obowiązkowa dla każdego programisty chcącego wykorzystać możliwości Yii w swojej aplikacji! Dzięki tej książce: zabezpieczysz formularz przy użyciu CAPTCHA wyciśniesz siódme poty ze szkieletu Yii zwiększysz bezpieczeństwo Twojej aplikacji zbudujesz działającą aplikację szybko i bez problemów Poznaj możliwości szkieletu Yii!


Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook. Over 80 recipes to help you master using the Yii PHP framework

Alexander Makarov, Qiang Xue (Project)

When Alex told me he was about to write a Yii cookbook about a year ago, I was wondering how original it would be, considering the fact that there was already an online user-contributed cookbook (aka. Yii wiki). It turned out Alex produced a book that is not only full of wisdom about how to use Yii effectively, but also presented in such a systematic way that it can be taken as an essential companion book to the definitive guide to Yii. In fact, Alex has successfully intrigued the interest of every member in the Yii developer team when he asked for review and comments on his newly finished book chapters.As the founder and the lead developer of the Yii framework, I feel this book is a must-read for every Yii programmer. While this book does not describe directly the rules set by Yii, it shows how to program with Yii from a practical perspective. People who are driven by tight project schedules will find this book very handy as it gives ready-to-use solutions to many problems they may face in their projects; people who are already familiar with Yii will also find this book very informative as most problem solutions given in the book can be considered as officially recommended because they have undergone thorough review of every Yii developer team member. Alex, through this book and his active participation in the Yii project, proved himself to be a great programmer as well as a good writer.Qiang XueLead developer of the Yii frameworkYii framework is a rapidly growing PHP5 MVC framework often referred to as Rails for PHP. It has become a solid base for many exciting web applications such as and Russia Today's and can be a good base for your developments. Yii is an object-oriented, high-performance, component-based PHP web application framework. Yii is pronounced as Yee and is an acronym for Yes It Is!.Familiar with Yii and want to exploit it to its full potential, but do not know how to go about it? Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook will show you how to use Yii efficiently. You will learn about implementing shortcuts using core features, creating your own reusable code base, using test-driven development, and many more topics that will escalate your knowledge in no time at all!Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook will help you learn more about Yii framework and application development practices in general with demonstrations of shortcuts and information about dangerous things you should not do.Grouped in 13 chapters, the recipes will assist you to write your applications exploiting Yii core functionality to its full potential. The chapters are generally independent of each other and you can start reading from the chapter you need most, whether it is AJAX and jQuery, Database, Active Record and Model Tricks or Extending Yii. The most interesting topics include Yii application deployment, a guide to writing your own extensions, advanced error handling, debugging and logging, application security, and performance tuning.Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook will help you utilize Yii functionalities completely and efficiently.


Yii Application Development Cookbook. This book is the perfect way to add the capabilities of Yii to your PHP5 development skills. Dealing with practical solutions through real-life recipes and screenshots, it enables you to write applications more efficiently. - Second Edition

Alexander Makarov, Yii

The Yii framework is a rapidly growing PHP5 MVC framework often referred to as Rails for PHP. It has already become a solid base for many exciting web applications such as and can be a good base for your developments, too. This book will help you to learn Yii quickly and in more depth for use in for your developments.Yii Application Development Cookbook will show you how to use Yii efficiently. You will learn about taking shortcuts using core features, creating your own reusable code base, using test driven development, and many more topics that will give you a lot of experience in a moderate amount of time.The second edition fixes all errata found in the first edition and also features new recipes on the client side, HTTP caching, and using Composer with Yii.The chapters of the book are generally independent and since this book's goal is to enhance a practical approach to Yii development, you can start reading from the chapter you need most, be it Ajax and jQuery, Database, Active Record, and Model Tricks, or Extending Yii.Yii Application Development Cookbook will help you to learn more about the Yii framework and application development practices in general, showing shortcuts and dangerous things you shouldn't do.With all the recipes grouped in 13 chapters, you will write your applications more efficiently using shortcuts and using Yii core functionality in a good way. The most interesting topics are; Yii application deployment, a guide to writing your own extensions, advanced error handling, debugging and logging, application security, performance tuning, and much more.Yii Application Development Cookbook will help you to learn more about the Yii framework and application development practices in general. You will write your applications more efficiently using shortcuts and using Yii core functionality in a good way.