Autor: Anthony Ojeda

Getting Started with Python Data Analysis. Learn to use powerful Python libraries for effective data processing and analysis

Anthony Ojeda, Phuong Vo.T.H

Data analysis is the process of applying logical and analytical reasoning to study each component of data. Python is a multi-domain, high-level, programming language. It’s often used as a scripting language because of its forgiving syntax and operability with a wide variety of different eco-systems. Python has powerful standard libraries or toolkits such as Pylearn2 and Hebel, which offers a fast, reliable, cross-platform environment for data analysis.With this book, we will get you started with Python data analysis and show you what its advantages are.The book starts by introducing the principles of data analysis and supported libraries, along with NumPy basics for statistic and data processing. Next it provides an overview of the Pandas package and uses its powerful features to solve data processing problems.Moving on, the book takes you through a brief overview of the Matplotlib API and some common plotting functions for DataFrame such as plot. Next, it will teach you to manipulate the time and data structure, and load and store data in a file or database using Python packages. The book will also teach you how to apply powerful packages in Python to process raw data into pure and helpful data using examples.Finally, the book gives you a brief overview of machine learning algorithms, that is, applying data analysis results to make decisions or build helpful products, such as recommendations and predictions using scikit-learn.


Practical Data Science Cookbook. Data pre-processing, analysis and visualization using R and Python - Second Edition

Prabhanjan Narayanachar Tattar, Bhushan Purushottam Joshi, Sean Patrick Murphy, ABHIJIT DASGUPTA, ...

As increasing amounts of data are generated each year, the need to analyze and create value out of it is more important than ever. Companies that know what to do with their data and how to do it well will have a competitive advantage over companies that don’t. Because of this, there will be an increasing demand for people that possess both the analytical and technical abilities to extract valuable insights from data and create valuable solutions that put those insights to use. Starting with the basics, this book covers how to set up your numerical programming environment, introduces you to the data science pipeline, and guides you through several data projects in a step-by-step format. By sequentially working through the steps in each chapter, you will quickly familiarize yourself with the process and learn how to apply it to a variety of situations with examples using the two most popular programming languages for data analysis—R and Python.